3,869 research outputs found

    Automated and model-free bridge damage indicators with simultaneous multi-parameter modal anomaly detection

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    This paper pursues a simultaneous modal parameter anomaly detection paradigm to structural damage identification inferred from vibration-based structural health monitoring (SHM) sensors, e.g., accelerometers. System Realization Using Information Matrix (SRIM) method is performed in short duration sweeping time windows for identification of state matrices, and then, modal parameters with enhanced automation. Stable modal poles collected from stability diagrams are clustered and fed into the Gaussian distribution-based anomaly detection platform. Different anomaly thresholds are examined both on frequency and damping ratio terms taking two testbed bridge structures as application means, and simplistic Boolean Operators are performed to merge univariate anomalies. The first bridge is a reinforced concrete bridge subjected to incremental damage through a series of seismic shake table experiments conducted at the University of Nevada, Reno. The second bridge is a steel arch structure at Columbia University Morningside Campus, which reflects no damage throughout the measurements, unlike the first one. Two large-scale implementations indicate the realistic performance of automated modal analysis and anomaly recognition with minimal human intervention in terms of parameter extraction and learning supervision. Anomaly detection performance, presented in this paper, shows variation according to the designated thresholds, and hence, the information retrieval metrics being considered. The methodology is well-fitted to SHM problems which require sole data-driven, scalable, and fully autonomous perspectives

    Towards On-line Domain-Independent Big Data Learning: Novel Theories and Applications

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    Feature extraction is an extremely important pre-processing step to pattern recognition, and machine learning problems. This thesis highlights how one can best extract features from the data in an exhaustively online and purely adaptive manner. The solution to this problem is given for both labeled and unlabeled datasets, by presenting a number of novel on-line learning approaches. Specifically, the differential equation method for solving the generalized eigenvalue problem is used to derive a number of novel machine learning and feature extraction algorithms. The incremental eigen-solution method is used to derive a novel incremental extension of linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Further the proposed incremental version is combined with extreme learning machine (ELM) in which the ELM is used as a preprocessor before learning. In this first key contribution, the dynamic random expansion characteristic of ELM is combined with the proposed incremental LDA technique, and shown to offer a significant improvement in maximizing the discrimination between points in two different classes, while minimizing the distance within each class, in comparison with other standard state-of-the-art incremental and batch techniques. In the second contribution, the differential equation method for solving the generalized eigenvalue problem is used to derive a novel state-of-the-art purely incremental version of slow feature analysis (SLA) algorithm, termed the generalized eigenvalue based slow feature analysis (GENEIGSFA) technique. Further the time series expansion of echo state network (ESN) and radial basis functions (EBF) are used as a pre-processor before learning. In addition, the higher order derivatives are used as a smoothing constraint in the output signal. Finally, an online extension of the generalized eigenvalue problem, derived from James Stone’s criterion, is tested, evaluated and compared with the standard batch version of the slow feature analysis technique, to demonstrate its comparative effectiveness. In the third contribution, light-weight extensions of the statistical technique known as canonical correlation analysis (CCA) for both twinned and multiple data streams, are derived by using the same existing method of solving the generalized eigenvalue problem. Further the proposed method is enhanced by maximizing the covariance between data streams while simultaneously maximizing the rate of change of variances within each data stream. A recurrent set of connections used by ESN are used as a pre-processor between the inputs and the canonical projections in order to capture shared temporal information in two or more data streams. A solution to the problem of identifying a low dimensional manifold on a high dimensional dataspace is then presented in an incremental and adaptive manner. Finally, an online locally optimized extension of Laplacian Eigenmaps is derived termed the generalized incremental laplacian eigenmaps technique (GENILE). Apart from exploiting the benefit of the incremental nature of the proposed manifold based dimensionality reduction technique, most of the time the projections produced by this method are shown to produce a better classification accuracy in comparison with standard batch versions of these techniques - on both artificial and real datasets

    Effect of traffic dataset on various machine-learning algorithms when forecasting air quality

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    © Emerald Publishing Limited. This is the accepted manuscript version of an article which has been published in final form at https://10.1108/JEDT-10-2021-0554Purpose (limit 100 words) Road traffic emissions are generally believed to contribute immensely to air pollution, but the effect of road traffic datasets on air quality predictions has not been clearly investigated. This research investigates the effects traffic dataset have on the performance of Machine Learning (ML) predictive models in air quality prediction. Design/methodology/approach (limit 100 words) To achieve this, we have set up an experiment with the control dataset having only the Air Quality (AQ) dataset and Meteorological (Met) dataset. While the experimental dataset is made up of the AQ dataset, Met dataset and Traffic dataset. Several ML models (such as Extra Trees Regressor, eXtreme Gradient Boosting Regressor, Random Forest Regressor, K-Neighbors Regressor, and five others) were trained, tested, and compared on these individual combinations of datasets to predict the volume of PM2.5, PM10, NO2, and O3 in the atmosphere at various time of the day. Findings (limit 100 words) The result obtained showed that various ML algorithms react differently to the traffic dataset despite generally contributing to the performance improvement of all the ML algorithms considered in this study by at least 20% and an error reduction of at least 18.97%. Research limitations/implications (limit 100 words) This research is limited in terms of the study area and the result cannot be generalized outside of the UK as many conditions may not be similar elsewhere. Additionally, only the ML algorithms commonly used in literature are considered in this research. Therefore, leaving out a few other ML algorithms. Practical implications (limit 100 words) This study reinforces the belief that the traffic dataset has a significant effect on improving the performance of air pollution ML prediction models. Hence, there is an indication that ML algorithms behave differently when trained with a form traffic dataset in the development of an air quality prediction model. This implies that developers and researchers in air quality prediction need to identify the ML algorithms that behave in their best interest before implementation. Originality/value (limit 100 words) This will enable researchers to focus more on algorithms of benefit when using traffic datasets in air quality prediction.Peer reviewe

    Intelligent Feature Extraction, Data Fusion and Detection of Concrete Bridge Cracks: Current Development and Challenges

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    As a common appearance defect of concrete bridges, cracks are important indices for bridge structure health assessment. Although there has been much research on crack identification, research on the evolution mechanism of bridge cracks is still far from practical applications. In this paper, the state-of-the-art research on intelligent theories and methodologies for intelligent feature extraction, data fusion and crack detection based on data-driven approaches is comprehensively reviewed. The research is discussed from three aspects: the feature extraction level of the multimodal parameters of bridge cracks, the description level and the diagnosis level of the bridge crack damage states. We focus on previous research concerning the quantitative characterization problems of multimodal parameters of bridge cracks and their implementation in crack identification, while highlighting some of their major drawbacks. In addition, the current challenges and potential future research directions are discussed.Comment: Published at Intelligence & Robotics; Its copyright belongs to author

    Data Mining Applications to Fault Diagnosis in Power Electronic Systems: A Systematic Review

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