3 research outputs found

    A linearly computable measure of string complexity

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    AbstractWe present a measure of string complexity, called I-complexity, computable in linear time and space. It counts the number of different substrings in a given string. The least complex strings are the runs of a single symbol, the most complex are the de Bruijn strings. Although the I-complexity of a string is not the length of any minimal description of the string, it satisfies many basic properties of classical description complexity. In particular, the number of strings with I-complexity up to a given value is bounded, and most strings of each length have high I-complexity

    Sensitivity of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform to small modifications, and other problems on string compressors in Bioinformatics

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    Extensive amount of data is produced in textual form nowadays, especially in bioinformatics. Several algorithms exist to store and process this data efficiently in compressed space. In this thesis, we focus on both combinatorial and practical aspects of two of the most widely used algorithms for compressing text in bioinformatics: the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) and Lempel-Ziv compression (LZ77). In the first part, we focus on combinatorial aspects of the BWT. Given a word v, r = r(v) denotes the number of maximal equal-letter runs in BWT(v). First, we investigate the relationship between r of a word and r of its reverse. We prove that there exist words for which these two values differ by a logarithmic factor in the length of the word. In other words, although the repetitiveness in the two words is preserved, the number of runs can change by a non-constant factor. This suggests that the number of runs may not be an ideal repetitiveness measure. The second combinatorial aspect we are interested in is how small alterations in a word may affect its BWT in a relevant way. We prove that the number of runs of the BWT of a word can change (increase or decrease) by up to a logarithmic factor in the length of the word by just adding, removing, or substituting a single character. We then consider the special character usedinreallifeapplicationstomarktheendofaword.WeinvestigatetheimpactofthischaracteronwordswithrespecttotheBWT.Wecharacterizepositionsinawordwhere used in real-life applications to mark the end of a word. We investigate the impact of this character on words with respect to the BWT. We characterize positions in a word where can be inserted in order to turn it into the BWT of a terminatedwordoverthesamealphabet.Weshowthat,whetherandwhere-terminated word over the same alphabet. We show that, whether and where is allowed, depends entirely on the structure of a specific permutation of the indices of the word, which is called the standard permutation of the word. The final part of this thesis treats more applied aspects of text compressors. In bioinformatics, BWT-based compressed data structures are widely used for pattern matching. We give an algorithm based on the BWT to find Maximal Unique Matches (MUMs) of a pattern with respect to a reference text in compressed space, extending an existing tool called PHONI [Boucher et. al, DCC 2021]. Finally, we study some aspects of the Lempel-Ziv 77 (LZ77) factorization of a word. Modeling DNA short reads, we provide a bound on the compression size of the concatenation of regular samples of a word