372,716 research outputs found

    Die Baumkronenspinnen (Araneae) des Leipziger Auwaldes

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    The canopy spiders of the floodplain forest in Leipzig have become a focus of ecological studies in recent years. In 2006 we sampled 30 tree canopies in the ‘Burgaue’ nature reserve with pyrethrum knock-down fogging, recording 502 adult spiders belonging to 48 species and 11 families. Based on these data and the results of a previous fogging study, the studied spider community was dominated by forest and forest-edge species with a preference for the shrub and canopy strata as well as by spiders of the web spider feeding guild. The community structure was typical for arboreal spider communities from northern temperate forests but very different from communities in the tropics. Species richness and evenness were similar to the old growth near-primary BiaƂowieĆŒa Forest in Poland. The checklist of 96 canopy spider species of the floodplain forest of Leipzig includes 54 additions to the spider fauna of Leipzig and vicinity by recent canopy studies and eight first canopy records for Leipzig from our field work. The theridiid Dipoena torva (Thorell, 1875) was recorded for the first time in Saxony. The floodplain forest of Leipzig sustains a large and species-rich arboreal spider community and is thus a valuable habitat for a large proportion of endangered species (12%).Die Spinnen der Baumkronen des Leipziger Auwaldes wurden in den vergangenen Jahren ein Schwerpunkt ökologischer Forschung. Im Jahr 2006 untersuchten wir 30 Baumkronen im Naturschutzgebiet „Burgaue“ mithilfe der Insektizid-Baumkronenbenebelung und erhielten dabei 502 adulte Spinnen aus 48 Arten und 11 Familien. Basierend auf diesen Daten und Ergebnissen einer frĂŒheren Benebelungsstudie fanden wir, dass die untersuchte Spinnengemeinschaft von Wald- und Waldrandarten mit PrĂ€ferenz fĂŒr die Strauch- und Kronenschicht dominiert war. Auf Gildenniveau dominierten die Netzspinnen. Die Gemeinschaftsstruktur war typisch fĂŒr eine arboreale Spinnengemeinschaft der nördlichen temperaten WĂ€lder aber sehr verschieden von Gemeinschaften in den Tropen. Artenvielfalt und Evenness waren Ă€hnlich dem Urwald von BiaƂowieĆŒa in Polen. Aufgrund der Baumkronenforschungen in Leipzig beinhaltet die Baumkronen-Checkliste der 96 Spinnenarten des Leipziger Auwaldes 54 Erstnachweise fĂŒr Leipzig und Umgebung. Acht Arten wurden erstmals durch unsere neuen Feldarbeiten in Leipzig nachgewiesen, die Kugelspinne Dipoena torva (Thorell, 1875) dabei erstmals in Sachsen. Der Leipziger Auwald beherbergt eine große und artenreiche arboreale Spinnengemeinschaft und ist ein wertvolles Habitat fĂŒr einen großen Anteil gefĂ€hrdeter Arten (12 %)

    Belgrade - New Impressions

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    Questions to and Replies by Prof. Dr. Georg Meggle, Leipzig Oct 18th 200

    RoboCup 2D Soccer Simulation League: Evaluation Challenges

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    We summarise the results of RoboCup 2D Soccer Simulation League in 2016 (Leipzig), including the main competition and the evaluation round. The evaluation round held in Leipzig confirmed the strength of RoboCup-2015 champion (WrightEagle, i.e. WE2015) in the League, with only eventual finalists of 2016 competition capable of defeating WE2015. An extended, post-Leipzig, round-robin tournament which included the top 8 teams of 2016, as well as WE2015, with over 1000 games played for each pair, placed WE2015 third behind the champion team (Gliders2016) and the runner-up (HELIOS2016). This establishes WE2015 as a stable benchmark for the 2D Simulation League. We then contrast two ranking methods and suggest two options for future evaluation challenges. The first one, "The Champions Simulation League", is proposed to include 6 previous champions, directly competing against each other in a round-robin tournament, with the view to systematically trace the advancements in the League. The second proposal, "The Global Challenge", is aimed to increase the realism of the environmental conditions during the simulated games, by simulating specific features of different participating countries.Comment: 12 pages, RoboCup-2017, Nagoya, Japan, July 201

    Geroch--Kinnersley--Chitre group for Dilaton--Axion Gravity

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    Kinnersley--type representation is constructed for the four--dimensional Einstein--Maxwell--dilaton--axion system restricted to space--times possessing two non--null commuting Killing symmetries. New representation essentially uses the matrix--valued SL(2,R)SL(2,R) formulation and effectively reduces the construction of the Geroch group to the corresponding problem for the vacuum Einstein equations. An infinite hierarchy of potentials is introduced in terms of 2×22\times 2 real symmetric matrices generalizing the scalar hierarchy of Kinnersley--Chitre known for the vacuum Einstein equations.Comment: Published in ``Quantum Field Theory under the Influence of External Conditions'', M. Bordag (Ed.) (Proc. of the International Workshop, Leipzig, Germany, 18--22 September 1995), B.G. Teubner Verlagsgessellschaft, Stuttgart--Leipzig, 1996, pp. 228-23

    Quasistationary collapse to the extreme Kerr black hole

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    It is shown that the extreme Kerr black hole is the only candidate for a black hole limit of rotating fluid bodies in equilibrium.Comment: 6 pages, submitted to Annalen der Physik (Leipzig

    Gentrification through Green Regeneration? Analyzing the Interaction between Inner-City Green Space Development and Neighborhood Change in the Context of Regrowth: The Case of Lene-Voigt-Park in Leipzig, Eastern Germany

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    Green regeneration has become a common strategy for improving quality of life in disadvantaged neighborhoods in shrinking cities. The role and function of new green spaces may change, however, when cities experience new growth. Set against this context, this paper analyzes a case study, the Lene-Voigt-Park in Leipzig, which was established on a former brownfield site. Using a combination of methods which include an analysis of housing advertisements and interviews, the paper explores the changing role of the park in the context of urban regeneration after the city’s turn from shrinkage towards new growth. It discusses whether the concept of green gentrification may help to explain this role. As a result of our analysis, we argue that Lene-Voigt-Park has indeed operated as a trigger for structural, social, and symbolic upgrades in the growing city of Leipzig, but only in combination with real estate market developments, which are the main drivers of change. The concept of green gentrification does help to better understand the role of different factors—first and foremost that of green space. We also discovered some specifics of our case that may enrich the green gentrification debate. Leipzig serves as an example for a number of regrowing cities across Europe where green gentrification might represent a challenge.DFG, 414044773, Open Access Publizieren 2019 - 2020 / Technische UniversitĂ€t Berli

    Leipzig City Report

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