25 research outputs found

    Legged Self-Manipulation

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    This paper introduces self-manipulation as a new formal design methodology for legged robots with varying ground interactions... This work was supported by the ARL/GDRS RCTA project under Cooperative Agreement Number W911NF-10–2−0016. For further information, visit Kod*lab

    The Penn Jerboa: A Platform for Exploring Parallel Composition of Templates

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    We have built a 12DOF, passive-compliant legged, tailed biped actuated by four brushless DC motors. We anticipate that this machine will achieve varied modes of quasistatic and dynamic balance, enabling a broad range of locomotion tasks including sitting, standing, walking, hopping, running, turning, leaping, and more. Achieving this diversity of behavior with a single under-actuated body, requires a correspondingly diverse array of controllers, motivating our interest in compositional techniques that promote mixing and reuse of a relatively few base constituents to achieve a combinatorially growing array of available choices. Here we report on the development of one important example of such a behavioral programming method, the construction of a novel monopedal sagittal plane hopping gait through parallel composition of four decoupled 1DOF base controllers. For this example behavior, the legs are locked in phase and the body is fastened to a boom to restrict motion to the sagittal plane. The platform's locomotion is powered by the hip motor that adjusts leg touchdown angle in flight and balance in stance, along with a tail motor that adjusts body shape in flight and drives energy into the passive leg shank spring during stance. The motor control signals arise from the application in parallel of four simple, completely decoupled 1DOF feedback laws that provably stabilize in isolation four corresponding 1DOF abstract reference plants. Each of these abstract 1DOF closed loop dynamics represents some simple but crucial specific component of the locomotion task at hand. We present a partial proof of correctness for this parallel composition of template reference systems along with data from the physical platform suggesting these templates are anchored as evidenced by the correspondence of their characteristic motions with a suitably transformed image of traces from the physical platform.Comment: Technical Report to Accompany: A. De and D. Koditschek, "Parallel composition of templates for tail-energized planar hopping," in 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2015. v2: Used plain latex article, correct gap radius and specific force/torque number

    Semi-autonomous exploration of multi-floor buildings with a legged robot

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    This paper presents preliminary results of a semi-autonomous building exploration behavior using the hexapedal robot RHex. Stairwells are used in virtually all multi-floor buildings, and so in order for a mobile robot to effectively explore, map, clear, monitor, or patrol such buildings it must be able to ascend and descend stairwells. However most conventional mobile robots based on a wheeled platform are unable to traverse stairwells, motivating use of the more mobile legged machine. This semi-autonomous behavior uses a human driver to provide steering input to the robot, as would be the case in, e.g., a tele-operated building exploration mission. The gait selection and transitions between the walking and stair climbing gaits are entirely autonomous. This implementation uses an RGBD camera for stair acquisition, which offers several advantages over a previously documented detector based on a laser range finder, including significantly reduced acquisition time. The sensor package used here also allows for considerable expansion of this behavior. For example, complete automation of the building exploration task driven by a mapping algorithm and higher level planner is presently under development. For more information: Kod*la

    Core Actuation Promotes Self-Manipulability on a Direct-Drive Quadrupedal Robot

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    For direct-drive legged robots operating in unstructured environments, workspace volume and force generation are competing, scarce resources. In this paper we demonstrate that introducing geared core actuation (i.e., proximal to rather than distal from the mass center) increases workspace volume and can provide a disproportionate amount of work-producing force to the mass center without affecting leg linkage transparency. These effects are analytically quantifiable up to modest assumptions, and are demonstrated empirically on a spined quadruped performing a leap both on level ground and from an isolated foothold (an archetypal feature of unstructured terrain)

    Staged Contact Optimization: Combining Contact-Implicit and Multi-Phase Hybrid Trajectory Optimization

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    Trajectory optimization problems for legged robots are commonly formulated with fixed contact schedules. These multi-phase Hybrid Trajectory Optimization (HTO) methods result in locally optimal trajectories, but the result depends heavily upon the predefined contact mode sequence. Contact-Implicit Optimization (CIO) offers a potential solution to this issue by allowing the contact mode to be determined throughout the trajectory by the optimization solver. However, CIO suffers from long solve times and convergence issues. This work combines the benefits of these two methods into one algorithm: Staged Contact Optimization (SCO). SCO tightens constraints on contact in stages, eventually fixing them to allow robust and fast convergence to a feasible solution. Results on a planar biped and spatial quadruped demonstrate speed and optimality improvements over CIO and HTO. These properties make SCO well suited for offline trajectory generation or as an effective tool for exploring the dynamic capabilities of a robot

    Optimal Contact Force Distribution for Compliant Humanoid Robots in Whole-Body Loco-Manipulation Tasks

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    The stiffness ellipsoid, i.e. the locus of task-space forces obtained corresponding to a deformation of unit norm in different directions, has been extensively used as a powerful representation of robot interaction capabilities. The size and shape of the stiffness ellipsoid at a given end-effector posture are influenced by both joint control parameters and - for redundant manipulators - by the chosen redundancy resolution configuration. As is well known, impedance control techniques ideally provide control parameters which realize any desired shape of the Cartesian stiffness ellipsoid at the end-effector in an arbitrary non-singular configuration, so that arm geometry selection could appear secondary. This definitely contrasts with observations on how humans control their arm stiffness, who in fact appear to predominantly use arm configurations to shape the stiffness ellipsoid. To understand this discrepancy, we provide a more complete analysis of the task-space force/deformation behavior of redundant arms, which explains why arm geometry also plays a fundamental role in interaction capabilities of a torque controlled robot. We show that stiffness control of realistic robot models with bounds on joint torques can't indeed achieve arbitrary stiffness ellipsoids at any given arm configuration. We first introduce the notion of maximum allowable Cartesian force/displacement (“stiffness feasibility”) regions for a compliant robot. We show that different robot configurations modify such regions, and explore the role of different configurations in defining the performance limits of Cartesian stiffness controllers. On these bases, we design a stiffness control method that suitably exploits both joint control parameters and redundancy resolution to achieve desired task-space interaction behavior