25,507 research outputs found

    Fast secure comparison for medium-sized integers and its application in binarized neural networks

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    In 1994, Feige, Kilian, and Naor proposed a simple protocol for secure 3-way comparison of integers a and b from the range [0, 2]. Their observation is that for p=7, the Legendre symbol (x∣p) coincides with the sign of x for x=a−b∈[−2,2], thus reducing secure comparison to secure evaluation of the Legendre symbol. More recently, in 2011, Yu generalized this idea to handle secure comparisons for integers from substantially larger ranges [0, d], essentially by searching for primes for which the Legendre symbol coincides with the sign function on [−d,d]. In this paper, we present new comparison protocols based on the Legendre symbol that additionally employ some form of error correction. We relax the prime search by requiring that the Legendre symbol encodes the sign function in a noisy fashion only. Practically, we use the majority vote over a window of 2k+1 adjacent Legendre symbols, for small positive integers k. Our technique significantly increases the comparison range: e.g., for a modulus of 60 bits, d increases by a factor of 2.8 (for k=1) and 3.8 (for k=2) respectively. We give a practical method to find primes with suitable noisy encodings.We demonstrate the practical relevance of our comparison protocol by applying it in a secure neural network classifier for the MNIST dataset. Concretely, we discuss a secure multiparty computation based on the binarized multi-layer perceptron of Hubara et al., using our comparison for the second and third layers.</p

    Cryptanalysis of the Legendre PRF and generalizations

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    The Legendre PRF relies on the conjectured pseudorandomness properties of the Legendre symbol with a hidden shift. Originally proposed as a PRG by Damgård at CRYPTO 1988, it was recently suggested as an efficient PRF for multiparty computation purposes by Grassi et al. at CCS 2016. Moreover, the Legendre PRF is being considered for usage in the Ethereum 2.0 blockchain. This paper improves previous attacks on the Legendre PRF and its higher-degree variant due to Khovratovich by reducing the time complexity from O(plogp/M) to O(plog^2p/M2) Legendre symbol evaluations when M≤p√4 queries are available. The practical relevance of our improved attack is demonstrated by breaking two concrete instances of the PRF proposed by the Ethereum foundation. Furthermore, we generalize our attack in a nontrivial way to the higher-degree variant of the Legendre PRF and we point out a large class of weak keys for this construction. Lastly, we provide the first security analysis of two additional generalizations of the Legendre PRF originally proposed by Damgård in the PRG setting, namely the Jacobi PRF and the power residue PRF

    Zolotarev's proof of Gauss reciprocity and Jacobi symbols

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 11A15.We extend to the Jacobi symbol Zolotarev's idea that the Legendre symbol is the sign of a permutation, which leads to simple, strightforward proofs of many results, the proof of the Gauss Reciprocity for Jacobi symbols including

    On the complete weight enumerators of some linear codes with a few weights

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    Linear codes with a few weights have important applications in authentication codes, secret sharing, consumer electronics, etc.. The determination of the parameters such as Hamming weight distributions and complete weight enumerators of linear codes are important research topics. In this paper, we consider some classes of linear codes with a few weights and determine the complete weight enumerators from which the corresponding Hamming weight distributions are derived with help of some sums involving Legendre symbol
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