5,758 research outputs found

    Placement-Driven Technology Mapping for LUT-Based FPGAs

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    In this paper, we study the problem of placement-driven technology mapping for table-lookup based FPGA architectures to optimize circuit performance. Early work on technology mapping for FPGAs such as Chortle-d[14] and Flowmap[3] aim to optimize the depth of the mapped solution without consideration of interconnect delay. Later works such as Flowmap-d[7], Bias-Clus[4] and EdgeMap consider interconnect delays during mapping, but do not take into consideration the effects of their mapping solution on the final placement. Our work focuses on the interaction between the mapping and placement stages. First, the interconnect delay information is estimated from the placement, and used during the labeling process. A placement-based mapping solution which considers both global cell congestion and local cell congestion is then developed. Finally, a legalization step and detailed placement is performed to realize the design. We have implemented our algorithm in a LUT based FPGA technology mapping package named PDM (Placement-Driven Mapping) and tested the implementation on a set of MCNC benchmarks. We use the tool VPR[1][2] for placement and routing of the mapped netlist. Experimental results show the longest path delay on a set of large MCNC benchmarks decreased by 12.3 % on the average

    A Political Method of Evaluating the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 and the Several Gaps of Gap Analysis

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    This project can be seen as a collection of architectural explorations that originate from the concept of misunderstanding. The misunderstanding involves an unconscious transformation that can create something new and unexpected and is therefore an important element both in history and in an individual design process. Five examples of misunderstanding from the history of architecture are described in short texts. From each text a drawing is selected that becomes the starting point for a process where translation between alternating digital and analog representation techniques transform the original object, in multiple steps. For each transformation, a text follows, in which the story is reinterpreted and distorted. The last step in this process is a larger physical object that no longer resembles the original drawing, and which, by its ambiguity begins to live its own life. One theme that emerged during the process has been the relationship between architecture and figures or bodies.Detta projekt kan ses som en samling arkitektoniska betraktelser som tar sin utgÄngspunkt ur begreppet missförstÄnd. MissförstÄndet innebÀr en omedveten transformation som kan skapa nÄgot nytt och ovÀntat och Àr dÀrför ett viktigt inslag bÄde i historien och i en individuell designprocess. Fem exempel pÄ missförstÄnd ur arkitekturhistorien beskrivs i korta texter. UtifrÄn dessa vÀljs ett antal ritningar som blir utgÄngspunkt för en process dÀr översÀttningen mellan omvÀxlande digitala och analoga representationstekniker förvandlar det ursprungliga objektet i flera steg. För varje transformation följer en text dÀr berÀttelsen omtolkas och förvrids. Det sista steget i denna process Àr ett fysiskt objekt i större skala vars gestalt Àr svÄr att hÀrleda till den ursprungliga ritningen och som genom sin tvetydighet börjar leva sitt eget eget liv. Ett tema som utkristalliserat sig under processen har varit relationen mellan arkitektur och figurer eller kroppar

    A Metaheuristic Method for Fast Multi-Deck Legalization

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    Department of Electrical EngineeringIn the field of circuit design, decreasing the transistor size is getting harder and harder. Hence, improving the circuit performance also becoming difficult. For the better circuit performance, various technologies are being tired and multi-deck standard cell technology is one of them. The standard cell methodology is a fundamental structure of EDA (Electric Design Automation). Using the standard cell library, EDA tools can easily design, and optimize the physical design of chips. In order to conventional standard cell, multi-deck standard cell occupies multiple rows on the chip. This multiple occupation increases complexity of the circuit physical design for EDA tools. Thus, legalization problem has become more challenging for the multi-deck standard cells. Recently, various multi-deck legalization methods are proposed because the conventional single-deck legalization method is not effective for multi-deck legalization. A state-of-the-arts legalization method is based on quadratic programming with the linear complementary problem(LCP). However, these previous researches can only cover the double-deck case because of runtime burden. In this thesis, we propose the fast and enhanced the multi-deck standard cell legalization algorithm which can handle higher than double-deck standard cell cases. The proposed legalization method achieves the most fastest runtime result for the dominant number of benchmarks on ICCAD Contest 2017 [1] compared with Top 3 results.ope

    High performance algorithms for large scale placement problem

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    Placement is one of the most important problems in electronic design automation (EDA). An inferior placement solution will not only affect the chip’s performance but might also make it nonmanufacturable by producing excessive wirelength, which is beyond available routing resources. Although placement has been extensively investigated for several decades, it is still a very challenging problem mainly due to that design scale has been dramatically increased by order of magnitudes and the increasing trend seems unstoppable. In modern design, chips commonly integrate millions of gates that require over tens of metal routing layers. Besides, new manufacturing techniques bring out new requests leading to that multi-objectives should be optimized simultaneously during placement. Our research provides high performance algorithms for placement problem. We propose (i) a high performance global placement core engine POLAR; (ii) an efficient routability-driven placer POLAR 2.0, which is an extension of POLAR to deal with routing congestion; (iii) an ultrafast global placer POLAR 3.0, which explore parallelism on POLAR and can make full use of multi-core system; (iv) some efficient triple patterning lithography (TPL) aware detailed placement algorithms

    Custom Cell Placement Automation for Asynchronous VLSI

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    Asynchronous Very-Large-Scale-Integration (VLSI) integrated circuits have demonstrated many advantages over their synchronous counterparts, including low power consumption, elastic pipelining, robustness against manufacturing and temperature variations, etc. However, the lack of dedicated electronic design automation (EDA) tools, especially physical layout automation tools, largely limits the adoption of asynchronous circuits. Existing commercial placement tools are optimized for synchronous circuits, and require a standard cell library provided by semiconductor foundries to complete the physical design. The physical layouts of cells in this library have the same height to simplify the placement problem and the power distribution network. Although the standard cell methodology also works for asynchronous designs, the performance is inferior compared with counterparts designed using the full-custom design methodology. To tackle this challenge, we propose a gridded cell layout methodology for asynchronous circuits, in which the cell height and cell width can be any integer multiple of two grid values. The gridded cell approach combines the shape regularity of standard cells with the size flexibility of full-custom layouts. Therefore, this approach can achieve a better space utilization ratio and lower wire length for asynchronous designs. Experiments have shown that the gridded cell placement approach reduces area without impacting the routability. We have also used this placer to tape out a chip in a 65nm process technology, demonstrating that our placer generates design-rule clean results
