215 research outputs found

    Remote access computed tomography colonography

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    This thesis presents a novel framework for remote access Computed Tomography Colonography (CTC). The proposed framework consists of several integrated components: medical image data delivery, 2D image processing, 3D visualisation, and feedback provision. Medical image data sets are notoriously large and preserving the integrity of the patient data is essential. This makes real-time delivery and visualisation a key challenge. The main contribution of this work is the development of an efficient, lossless compression scheme to minimise the size of the data to be transmitted, thereby alleviating transmission time delays. The scheme utilises prior knowledge of anatomical information to divide the data into specific regions. An optimised compression method for each anatomical region is then applied. An evaluation of this compression technique shows that the proposed ‘divide and conquer’ approach significantly improves upon the level of compression achieved using more traditional global compression schemes. Another contribution of this work resides in the development of an improved volume rendering technique that provides real-time 3D visualisations of regions within CTC data sets. Unlike previous hardware acceleration methods which rely on dedicated devices, this approach employs a series of software acceleration techniques based on the characteristic properties of CTC data. A quantitative and qualitative evaluation indicates that the proposed method achieves real-time performance on a low-cost PC platform without sacrificing any image quality. Fast data delivery and real-time volume rendering represent the key features that are required for remote access CTC. These features are ultimately combined with other relevant CTC functionality to create a comprehensive, high-performance CTC framework, which makes remote access CTC feasible, even in the case of standard Web clients with low-speed data connections

    Efficient deformable filter banks

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    This article describes efficient schemes for the computation of a large number of differently scaled/oriented filtered versions of an image. We generalize the well-known steerable/scalable (“deformable”) filter bank structure by imposing X-Y separability on the basis filters. The resulting systems, designed by an iterative projections technique, achieve substantial reduction of the computational cost. To reduce the memory requirement, we adopt a multirate implementation. Due to the inner sampling rate alteration, the resulting structure is not shift invariant. We introduce a design criterion for multirate deformable structures that jointly controls the approximation error and the shift variance

    Efficient data structures for piecewise-smooth video processing

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2011.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 95-102).A number of useful image and video processing techniques, ranging from low level operations such as denoising and detail enhancement to higher level methods such as object manipulation and special effects, rely on piecewise-smooth functions computed from the input data. In this thesis, we present two computationally efficient data structures for representing piecewise-smooth visual information and demonstrate how they can dramatically simplify and accelerate a variety of video processing algorithms. We start by introducing the bilateral grid, an image representation that explicitly accounts for intensity edges. By interpreting brightness values as Euclidean coordinates, the bilateral grid enables simple expressions for edge-aware filters. Smooth functions defined on the bilateral grid are piecewise-smooth in image space. Within this framework, we derive efficient reinterpretations of a number of edge-aware filters commonly used in computational photography as operations on the bilateral grid, including the bilateral filter, edgeaware scattered data interpolation, and local histogram equalization. We also show how these techniques can be easily parallelized onto modern graphics hardware for real-time processing of high definition video. The second data structure we introduce is the video mesh, designed as a flexible central data structure for general-purpose video editing. It represents objects in a video sequence as 2.5D "paper cutouts" and allows interactive editing of moving objects and modeling of depth, which enables 3D effects and post-exposure camera control. In our representation, we assume that motion and depth are piecewise-smooth, and encode them sparsely as a set of points tracked over time. The video mesh is a triangulation over this point set and per-pixel information is obtained by interpolation. To handle occlusions and detailed object boundaries, we rely on the user to rotoscope the scene at a sparse set of frames using spline curves. We introduce an algorithm to robustly and automatically cut the mesh into local layers with proper occlusion topology, and propagate the splines to the remaining frames. Object boundaries are refined with per-pixel alpha mattes. At its core, the video mesh is a collection of texture-mapped triangles, which we can edit and render interactively using graphics hardware. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our representation with special effects such as 3D viewpoint changes, object insertion, depthof- field manipulation, and 2D to 3D video conversion.by Jiawen Chen.Ph.D

    Incremental volume rendering using hierarchical compression

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    Includes bibliographical references.The research has been based on the thesis that efficient volume rendering of datasets, contained on the Internet, can be achieved on average personal workstations. We present a new algorithm here for efficient incremental rendering of volumetric datasets. The primary goal of this algorithm is to give average workstations the ability to efficiently render volume data received over relatively low bandwidth network links in such a way that rapid user feedback is maintained. Common limitations of workstation rendering of volume data include: large memory overheads, the requirement of expensive rendering hardware, and high speed processing ability. The rendering algorithm presented here overcomes these problems by making use of the efficient Shear-Warp Factorisation method which does not require specialised graphics hardware. However the original Shear-Warp algorithm suffers from a high memory overhead and does not provide for incremental rendering which is required should rapid user feedback be maintained. Our algorithm represents the volumetric data using a hierarchical data structure which provides for the incremental classification and rendering of volume data. This exploits the multiscale nature of the octree data structure. The algorithm reduces the memory footprint of the original Shear-Warp Factorisation algorithm by a factor of more than two, while maintaining good rendering performance. These factors make our octree algorithm more suitable for implementation on average desktop workstations for the purposes of interactive exploration of volume models over a network. This dissertation covers the theory and practice of developing the octree based Shear-Warp algorithms, and then presents the results of extensive empirical testing. The results, using typical volume datasets, demonstrate the ability of the algorithm to achieve high rendering rates for both incremental rendering and standard rendering while reducing the runtime memory requirements