4,350 research outputs found

    Complete Issue 25, 2001

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    Unification of Multimedia with Techniques of Art and Vedic Aphorisms for Development of Mathematical Skills: A Study of Indian and UK School Students

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    Multimedia programs having a number of elements like Texts, spoken words, sound & music, graphics, animations and still pictures provide different stimuli in their presentations. Art is the field of education that provides a platform for rigorous investigation, representation, expression, and reflection of both scholastic content and the art form itself. The integration of art with other subjects of school curriculum can open new pathways of learning for students, particularly for those who are at risk and have special needs. Vedic Mathematics is an approach to resolve the crisis in education especially in the field of mathematics. It is not simply a collection of new computational techniques; rather, it provides an entirely different approach to mathematical computation based on pattern recognition. It has been shown that the system is applicable to up-to-date aspects of mathematics both at an elementary level as well as in more sophisticated fields. The present paper deals with the development of multimedia packages using techniques of art and Vedic aphorisms on some selected common topics of curriculum of UK and Indian elementary mathematics and the effectiveness of multimedia packages for the development of mathematical skills. The study was conducted using quasi experimental design for research in both the countries. The quantitative analysis of data revealed that the multimedia packages developed by using techniques of art and Vedic Aphorisms have significantly improved the mathematical skills of UK elementary school students

    Hindu Literacy: The Basic Concept of Education and the Literacy Patter in Upanisads

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    Literacy is the soul of education in Hindu civilization. The Upanisad is an integral part of Vedic literature, and it provides the basic concepts of education and literacy patterns. According to the Upanisad, education is about giving academic degrees to students and building excellent human character; literacy is essential in Hindu Education. Various educational methods are used in the Upanisad, with the aim of awakening all human potential. Through educational efforts to generate superior human character as a whole, intelligence and wisdom are accentuated. Upanisad learning still has relevance in the modern era, such as in the philosophy of idealism. Students must be made aware of the importance of education in life, outside of simply making a living. The spirit of the learning torch must be adopted in modern times to prevent it from losing sight of its main path, that is, to raise human excellence. Hindu literacy becomes the main foundation in the education system, which builds the machine of human intelligence and wisdom. Activating the spirit of learning and methodology in Upanisad will directly help efforts to increase literacy. Keywords: upanisad, vedānta, Hindu literac

    Shape and origin of Bhaktivedanta Swami's image of christianity : an essay

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    0. Introduction and theses. 1. Bhaktivedanta Swami's view of Christianity. 1.1. The Bible; 1.2. Jesus; 1.3. History of the church. 2. Bhaktivedanta Swami's religious socialization. 2.1. Childhood; 2.2 College; 2.3. Vaishnava-teachers. 3. Final summary and appendix (with glossary) 0. The Bengal Vaishnava Swami Abhay Caranaravinda Bhaktivedanta, briefly called Bhaktivedanta Swami, lived from 1896 to 1977. Eleven years before his death he founded the International Society for Krishna Consciousness in New York, abbreviated: ISKCON, for the most of you better known as the "Hare-Krishna movement". One may not consider Bhaktivedanta Swami as the founder of a sectarian group, today described as a "new religious movement"; his religion rather is based on a century old, genuine Hindu faith tradition. ..

    Nicholas Sims-Williams

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    The Meaning of Brahmacharya

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    Capstone project : Zometool : from 0 to the 4th dimension

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    Abstract: My capstone project was the development of a geometric construction workshop at Mckinnon Elementary School in Salinas using Zometool, a manipulative whose components are based on the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio . By building the Platonic Solids like the cube, icosahedron, and dodecahedron as well as the Archimedean solids such as the truncated cube and truncated octahedron. the students were able to begin to think componentially and see that an individual solid shape may be broken down into several smaller components with attributes of their own.Besides learning to think in two and three dimensions, this workshop also introduced my students to 4 dimensional thinking by building such structures as the hypercube (8 cubes) and the hyperdodecahedron (120 dodecahedrons) which were three dimensional projections of four dimensional objects. I have generated enough interest in this workshop that I will be continuing what I have started for the rest of this year and hopefully for many years to come