7 research outputs found

    A New Formalism, Method and Open Issues for Zero-Shot Coordination

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    In many coordination problems, independently reasoning humans are able to discover mutually compatible policies. In contrast, independently trained self-play policies are often mutually incompatible. Zero-shot coordination (ZSC) has recently been proposed as a new frontier in multi-agent reinforcement learning to address this fundamental issue. Prior work approaches the ZSC problem by assuming players can agree on a shared learning algorithm but not on labels for actions and observations, and proposes other-play as an optimal solution. However, until now, this "label-free" problem has only been informally defined. We formalize this setting as the label-free coordination (LFC) problem by defining the label-free coordination game. We show that other-play is not an optimal solution to the LFC problem as it fails to consistently break ties between incompatible maximizers of the other-play objective. We introduce an extension of the algorithm, other-play with tie-breaking, and prove that it is optimal in the LFC problem and an equilibrium in the LFC game. Since arbitrary tie-breaking is precisely what the ZSC setting aims to prevent, we conclude that the LFC problem does not reflect the aims of ZSC. To address this, we introduce an alternative informal operationalization of ZSC as a starting point for future work

    An extended study on addressing defender teamwork while accounting for uncertainty in attacker defender games using iterative Dec-MDPs

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    Multi-agent teamwork and defender-attacker security games are two areas that are currently receiving significant attention within multi-agent systems research. Unfortunately, despite the need for effective teamwork among multiple defenders, little has been done to harness the teamwork 1 research in security games. The problem that this paper seeks to solve is the coordination of decentralized defender agents in the presence of uncer-tainty while securing targets against an observing adversary. To address this problem, we offer the following novel contributions in this paper: (i) New model of security games with defender teams that coordinate under uncertainty; (ii) New algorithm based on column generation that uti-lizes Decentralized Markov Decision Processes (Dec-MDPs) to generate defender strategies that incorporate uncertainty; (iii) New techniques to handle global events (when one or more agents may leave the system) during defender execution; (iv) Heuristics that help scale up in the num-ber of targets and agents to handle real-world scenarios; (v) Exploration of the robustness of randomized pure strategies. The paper opens the door to a potentially new area combining computational game theory and multi-agent teamwork.

    Learning to communicate in a decentralized environment

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    Learning to communicate is an emerging challenge in AI research. It is known that agents interacting in decentralized, stochastic environments can benefit from exchanging information. Multiagent planning generally assumes that agents share a common means of communication; however, in building robust distributed systems it is important to address potential miscoordination resulting from misinterpretation of messages exchanged. This paper lays foundations for studying this problem, examining its properties analytically and empirically in a decision-theoretic context. We establish a formal framework for the problem, and identify a collection of necessary and sufficient properties for decision problems that allow agents to employ probabilistic updating schemes in order to learn how to interpret what others are communicating. Solving the problem optimally is often intractable, but our approach enables agents using different languages to converge upon coordination over time. Our experimental work establishes how these methods perform when applied to problems of varying complexity.