6,694 research outputs found

    Detection of injection attacks on in-vehicle network using data analytics

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    We investigate the possibility of detection of injection attacks using data analytics techniques in this thesis. The automotive industry is innovating the modern vehicles towards connectivity by interfacing them with various external entities. These entities are exposing the automobile to cyber attacks instead of ensuring its safety. Therefore it is important to consider the security aspect while developing these interfaces. Firstly, we try understand the automobile network architecture and the possible security threats associated with it. Next, we examine the various possible cyber-attacks on automobiles described in the literature. We experiment and analyze the attack scenarios by performing injection attacks on a vehicle. We collect the data during the injection attacks and apply multiple data analysis techniques. These techniques build a model based on data during normal operation. The observations from the data collected during injection attacks is fit into these techniques. The data points that do not fit the model are termed as attack points. Finally we examine and analyze the results and their accuracy in detecting injection attacks

    Novel methods for multi-view learning with applications in cyber security

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    Modern data is complex. It exists in many different forms, shapes and kinds. Vectors, graphs, histograms, sets, intervals, etc.: they each have distinct and varied structural properties. Tailoring models to the characteristics of various feature representations has been the subject of considerable research. In this thesis, we address the challenge of learning from data that is described by multiple heterogeneous feature representations. This situation arises often in cyber security contexts. Data from a computer network can be represented by a graph of user authentications, a time series of network traffic, a tree of process events, etc. Each representation provides a complementary view of the holistic state of the network, and so data of this type is referred to as multi-view data. Our motivating problem in cyber security is anomaly detection: identifying unusual observations in a joint feature space, which may not appear anomalous marginally. Our contributions include the development of novel supervised and unsupervised methods, which are applicable not only to cyber security but to multi-view data in general. We extend the generalised linear model to operate in a vector-valued reproducing kernel Hilbert space implied by an operator-valued kernel function, which can be tailored to the structural characteristics of multiple views of data. This is a highly flexible algorithm, able to predict a wide variety of response types. A distinguishing feature is the ability to simultaneously identify outlier observations with respect to the fitted model. Our proposed unsupervised learning model extends multidimensional scaling to directly map multi-view data into a shared latent space. This vector embedding captures both commonalities and disparities that exist between multiple views of the data. Throughout the thesis, we demonstrate our models using real-world cyber security datasets.Open Acces

    Machine learning based anomaly detection in release testing of 5g mobile networks

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    Abstract. The need of high-quality phone and internet connections, high-speed streaming ability and reliable traffic with no interruptions has increased because of the advancements the wireless communication world witnessed since the start of 5G (fifth generation) networks. The amount of data generated, not just every day but also, every second made most of the traditional approaches or statistical methods used previously for data manipulation and modeling inefficient and unscalable. Machine learning (ML) and especially, the deep learning (DL)-based models achieve the state-of-art results because of their ability to recognize complex patterns that even human experts are not able to recognize. Machine learning-based anomaly detection is one of the current hot topics in both research and industry because of its practical applications in almost all domains. Anomaly detection is mainly used for two purposes. The first purpose is to understand why this anomalous behavior happens and as a result, try to prevent it from happening by solving the root cause of the problem. The other purpose is to, as well, understand why this anomalous behavior happens and try to be ready for dealing with this behavior as it would be predictable behavior in that case, such as the increased traffic through the weekends or some specific hours of the day. In this work, we apply anomaly detection on a univariate time series target, the block error rate (BLER). We experiment with different statistical approaches, classic supervised machine learning models, unsupervised machine learning models, and deep learning models and benchmark the final results. The main goal is to select the best model that achieves the balance of the best performance and less resources and apply it in a multivariate time series context where we are able to test the relationship between the different time series features and their influence on each other. Through the final phase, the model selected will be used, integrated, and deployed as part of an automatic system that detects and flags anomalies in real-time. The simple proposed deep learning model outperforms the other models in terms of the accuracy related metrics. We also emphasize the acceptable performance of the statistical approach that enters the competition of the best model due to its low training time and required computational resources

    Malware in the Future? Forecasting of Analyst Detection of Cyber Events

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    There have been extensive efforts in government, academia, and industry to anticipate, forecast, and mitigate cyber attacks. A common approach is time-series forecasting of cyber attacks based on data from network telescopes, honeypots, and automated intrusion detection/prevention systems. This research has uncovered key insights such as systematicity in cyber attacks. Here, we propose an alternate perspective of this problem by performing forecasting of attacks that are analyst-detected and -verified occurrences of malware. We call these instances of malware cyber event data. Specifically, our dataset was analyst-detected incidents from a large operational Computer Security Service Provider (CSSP) for the U.S. Department of Defense, which rarely relies only on automated systems. Our data set consists of weekly counts of cyber events over approximately seven years. Since all cyber events were validated by analysts, our dataset is unlikely to have false positives which are often endemic in other sources of data. Further, the higher-quality data could be used for a number for resource allocation, estimation of security resources, and the development of effective risk-management strategies. We used a Bayesian State Space Model for forecasting and found that events one week ahead could be predicted. To quantify bursts, we used a Markov model. Our findings of systematicity in analyst-detected cyber attacks are consistent with previous work using other sources. The advanced information provided by a forecast may help with threat awareness by providing a probable value and range for future cyber events one week ahead. Other potential applications for cyber event forecasting include proactive allocation of resources and capabilities for cyber defense (e.g., analyst staffing and sensor configuration) in CSSPs. Enhanced threat awareness may improve cybersecurity.Comment: Revised version resubmitted to journa

    On high-dimensional support recovery and signal detection

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