6 research outputs found

    Learning the Abstract Motion Semantics of Verbs from Captioned Videos

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    We propose an algorithm for learning the semantics of a (motion) verb from videos depicting the action expressed by the verb, paired with sentences describing the action participants and their roles. Acknowledging that commonalities among example videos may not exist at the level of the input features, our approximation algorithm efficiently searches the space of more abstract features for a common solution. We test our algorithm by using it to learn the semantics of a sample set of verbs; results demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed framework, while identifying directions for further improvement. 1

    Effects of nonlinguistic context on language production

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    Recent usage-based approaches to linguistic theory have claimed that linguistic processing is driven by domain-general cognitive abilities which operate on a rich memory store that retains all the details of every experience with language, extracting patterns from these experiences purely on the basis of regular patterning. It has also been claimed that these mechanisms operate similarly on all levels of linguistic structure and at all stages of the human lifespan. Taken together, these claims imply the hypothesis that any dimension of experience can influence the linguistic knowledge and behavior of any language user. This dissertation tests this hypothesis. A series of experiments were conducted, each consisting of a prime phase and a test phase, using native English-speaking participants. In the prime phase, participants were exposed to combinations of linguistic structures (active and passive voice) and nonlinguistic contextual elements (colors, background music, sounds, or physical environments). The linguistic and nonlinguistic components of the experiences so created bore no semantic relationship to one another, but the pattern of cooccurrence between them was completely regular and reliable, such that, for each experimental participant, a particular syntactic voice always occurred in a particular nonlinguistic context. Participants then performed a picture description task, in which each picture was accompanied by one of the nonlinguistic contexts to which they had previously been exposed. The hypothesis was that, when describing each picture, participants should be more likely to use the syntactic voice which had previously been associated with the nonlinguistic context which accompanied the picture. This hypothesis was not supported by the data. Instead, it was found that the only consistently significant factor influencing the syntactic voice of participants' responses was the syntactic voice of their own previous responses: people were more likely to keep using whatever voice they had already been using. In addition, in every experiment, it was found that the results were most accurately characterized by an extremely simple model using only subject-specific and picture-specific baseline response rates. These results suggest that usage-based theories have been overly optimistic in asserting that regular patterns of experience alone are sufficient to explain linguistic knowledge and behavior. Instead, it is argued that more specific constraints on linguistic processing mechanisms are needed in order to provide a fullfledged, causal account of how people's experiences affect their mental representations of language

    Event structures in knowledge, pictures and text

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    This thesis proposes new techniques for mining scripts. Scripts are essential pieces of common sense knowledge that contain information about everyday scenarios (like going to a restaurant), namely the events that usually happen in a scenario (entering, sitting down, reading the menu...), their typical order (ordering happens before eating), and the participants of these events (customer, waiter, food...). Because many conventionalized scenarios are shared common sense knowledge and thus are usually not described in standard texts, we propose to elicit sequential descriptions of typical scenario instances via crowdsourcing over the internet. This approach overcomes the implicitness problem and, at the same time, is scalable to large data collections. To generalize over the input data, we need to mine event and participant paraphrases from the textual sequences. For this task we make use of the structural commonalities in the collected sequential descriptions, which yields much more accurate paraphrases than approaches that do not take structural constraints into account. We further apply the algorithm we developed for event paraphrasing to parallel standard texts for extracting sentential paraphrases and paraphrase fragments. In this case we consider the discourse structure in a text as a sequential event structure. As for event paraphrasing, the structure-aware paraphrasing approach clearly outperforms systems that do not consider discourse structure. As a multimodal application, we develop a new resource in which textual event descriptions are grounded in videos, which enables new investigations on action description semantics and a more accurate modeling of event description similarities. This grounding approach also opens up new possibilities for applying the computed script knowledge for automated event recognition in videos.Die vorliegende Dissertation schlägt neue Techniken zur Berechnung von Skripten vor. Skripte sind essentielle Teile des Allgemeinwissens, die Informationen über alltägliche Szenarien (wie im Restaurant essen) enthalten, nämlich die Ereignisse, die typischerweise in einem Szenario vorkommen (eintreten, sich setzen, die Karte lesen...), deren typische zeitliche Abfolge (man bestellt bevor man isst), und die Teilnehmer der Ereignisse (ein Gast, der Kellner, das Essen,...). Da viele konventionalisierte Szenarien implizit geteiltes Allgemeinwissen sind und üblicherweise nicht detailliert in Texten beschrieben werden, schlagen wir vor, Beschreibungen von typischen Szenario-Instanzen durch sog. “Crowdsourcing” über das Internet zu sammeln. Dieser Ansatz löst das Implizitheits-Problem und lässt sich gleichzeitig zu großen Daten-Sammlungen hochskalieren. Um über die Eingabe-Daten zu generalisieren, müssen wir in den Text-Sequenzen Paraphrasen für Ereignisse und Teilnehmer finden. Hierfür nutzen wir die strukturellen Gemeinsamkeiten dieser Sequenzen, was viel präzisere Paraphrasen-Information ergibt als Standard-Ansätze, die strukturelle Einschränkungen nicht beachten. Die Techniken, die wir für die Ereignis-Paraphrasierung entwickelt haben, wenden wir auch auf parallele Standard-Texte an, um Paraphrasen auf Satz-Ebene sowie Paraphrasen-Fragmente zu extrahieren. Hier betrachten wir die Diskurs-Struktur eines Textes als sequentielle Ereignis-Struktur. Auch hier liefert der strukturell informierte Ansatz klar bessere Ergebnisse als herkömmliche Systeme, die Diskurs-Struktur nicht in die Berechnung mit einbeziehen. Als multimodale Anwendung entwickeln wir eine neue Ressource, in der Text-Beschreibungen von Ereignissen mittels zeitlicher Synchronisierung in Videos verankert sind. Dies ermöglicht neue Ansätze für die Erforschung der Semantik von Ereignisbeschreibungen, und erlaubt außerdem die Modellierung treffenderer Ereignis-Ähnlichkeiten. Dieser Schritt der visuellen Verankerung von Text in Videos eröffnet auch neue Möglichkeiten für die Anwendung des berechneten Skript-Wissen bei der automatischen Ereigniserkennung in Videos

    Combining visual recognition and computational linguistics : linguistic knowledge for visual recognition and natural language descriptions of visual content

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    Extensive efforts are being made to improve visual recognition and semantic understanding of language. However, surprisingly little has been done to exploit the mutual benefits of combining both fields. In this thesis we show how the different fields of research can profit from each other. First, we scale recognition to 200 unseen object classes and show how to extract robust semantic relatedness from linguistic resources. Our novel approach extends zero-shot to few shot recognition and exploits unlabeled data by adopting label propagation for transfer learning. Second, we capture the high variability but low availability of composite activity videos by extracting the essential information from text descriptions. For this we recorded and annotated a corpus for fine-grained activity recognition. We show improvements in a supervised case but we are also able to recognize unseen composite activities. Third, we present a corpus of videos and aligned descriptions. We use it for grounding activity descriptions and for learning how to automatically generate natural language descriptions for a video. We show that our proposed approach is also applicable to image description and that it outperforms baselines and related work. In summary, this thesis presents a novel approach for automatic video description and shows the benefits of extracting linguistic knowledge for object and activity recognition as well as the advantage of visual recognition for understanding activity descriptions.Trotz umfangreicher Anstrengungen zur Verbesserung der die visuelle Erkennung und dem automatischen Verständnis von Sprache, ist bisher wenig getan worden, um diese beiden Forschungsbereiche zu kombinieren. In dieser Dissertation zeigen wir, wie beide voneinander profitieren können. Als erstes skalieren wir Objekterkennung zu 200 ungesehen Klassen und zeigen, wie man robust semantische Ähnlichkeiten von Sprachressourcen extrahiert. Unser neuer Ansatz kombiniert Transfer und halbüberwachten Lernverfahren und kann so Daten ohne Annotation ausnutzen und mit keinen als auch mit wenigen Trainingsbeispielen auskommen. Zweitens erfassen wir die hohe Variabilität aber geringe Verfügbarkeit von Videos mit zusammengesetzten Aktivitäten durch Extraktion der wesentlichen Informationen aus Textbeschreibungen. Wir verbessern überwachtes Training als auch die Erkennung von ungesehenen Aktivitäten. Drittens stellen wir einen parallelen Datensatz von Videos und Beschreibungen vor. Wir verwenden ihn für Grounding von Aktivitätsbeschreibungen und um die automatische Generierung natürlicher Sprache für ein Video zu erlernen. Wir zeigen, dass sich unsere Ansatz auch für Bildbeschreibung einsetzten lässt und das er bisherige Ansätze übertrifft. Zusammenfassend stellt die Dissertation einen neuen Ansatz zur automatische Videobeschreibung vor und zeigt die Vorteile von sprachbasierten Ähnlichkeitsmaßen für die Objekt- und Aktivitätserkennung als auch umgekehrt