10 research outputs found

    Cross-stitch Networks for Multi-task Learning

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    Multi-task learning in Convolutional Networks has displayed remarkable success in the field of recognition. This success can be largely attributed to learning shared representations from multiple supervisory tasks. However, existing multi-task approaches rely on enumerating multiple network architectures specific to the tasks at hand, that do not generalize. In this paper, we propose a principled approach to learn shared representations in ConvNets using multi-task learning. Specifically, we propose a new sharing unit: "cross-stitch" unit. These units combine the activations from multiple networks and can be trained end-to-end. A network with cross-stitch units can learn an optimal combination of shared and task-specific representations. Our proposed method generalizes across multiple tasks and shows dramatically improved performance over baseline methods for categories with few training examples.Comment: To appear in CVPR 2016 (Spotlight

    A matrix factorization framework for jointly analyzing multiple nonnegative data

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    Nonnegative matrix factorization based methods provide one of the simplest and most effective approaches to text mining. However, their applicability is mainly limited to analyzing a single data source. In this paper, we propose a novel joint matrix factorization framework which can jointly analyze multiple data sources by exploiting their shared and individual structures. The proposed framework is flexible to handle any arbitrary sharing configurations encountered in real world data. We derive an efficient algorithm for learning the factorization and show that its convergence is theoretically guaranteed. We demonstrate the utility and effectiveness of the proposed framework in two real-world applications–improving social media retrieval using auxiliary sources and cross-social media retrieval. Representing each social media source using their textual tags, for both applications, we show that retrieval performance exceeds the existing state-of-the-art techniques. The proposed solution provides a generic framework and can be applicable to a wider context in data mining wherever one needs to exploit mutual and individual knowledge present across multiple data sources

    An Analytical Performance Evaluation on Multiview Clustering Approaches

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    The concept of machine learning encompasses a wide variety of different approaches, one of which is called clustering. The data points are grouped together in this approach to the problem. Using a clustering method, it is feasible, given a collection of data points, to classify each data point as belonging to a specific group. This can be done if the algorithm is given the collection of data points. In theory, data points that constitute the same group ought to have attributes and characteristics that are equivalent to one another, however data points that belong to other groups ought to have properties and characteristics that are very different from one another. The generation of multiview data is made possible by recent developments in information collecting technologies. The data were collected from à variety of sources and were analysed using a variety of perspectives. The data in question are what are known as multiview data. On a single view, the conventional clustering algorithms are applied. In spite of this, real-world data are complicated and can be clustered in a variety of different ways, depending on how the data are interpreted. In practise, the real-world data are messy. In recent years, Multiview Clustering, often known as MVC, has garnered an increasing amount of attention due to its goal of utilising complimentary and consensus information derived from different points of view. On the other hand, the vast majority of the systems that are currently available only enable the single-clustering scenario, whereby only makes utilization of a single cluster to split the data. This is the case since there is only one cluster accessible. In light of this, it is absolutely necessary to carry out investigation on the multiview data format. The study work is centred on multiview clustering and how well it performs compared to these other strategies

    A review of domain adaptation without target labels

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    Domain adaptation has become a prominent problem setting in machine learning and related fields. This review asks the question: how can a classifier learn from a source domain and generalize to a target domain? We present a categorization of approaches, divided into, what we refer to as, sample-based, feature-based and inference-based methods. Sample-based methods focus on weighting individual observations during training based on their importance to the target domain. Feature-based methods revolve around on mapping, projecting and representing features such that a source classifier performs well on the target domain and inference-based methods incorporate adaptation into the parameter estimation procedure, for instance through constraints on the optimization procedure. Additionally, we review a number of conditions that allow for formulating bounds on the cross-domain generalization error. Our categorization highlights recurring ideas and raises questions important to further research.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Interactive Exploration of Multitask Dependency Networks

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    Scientists increasingly depend on machine learning algorithms to discover patterns in complex data. Two examples addressed in this dissertation are identifying how information sharing among regions of the brain develops due to learning; and, learning dependency networks of blood proteins associated with cancer. Dependency networks, or graphical models, are learned from the observed data in order to make comparisons between the sub-populations of the dataset. Rarely is there sufficient data to infer robust individual networks for each sub-population. The multiple networks must be considered simultaneously; exploding the hypothesis space of the learning problem. Exploring this complex solution space requires input from the domain scientist to refine the objective function. This dissertation introduces a framework to incorporate domain knowledge in transfer learning to facilitate the exploration of solutions. The framework is a generalization of existing algorithms for multiple network structure identification. Solutions produced with human input narrow down the variance of solutions to those that answer questions of interest to domain scientists. Patterns, such as identifying differences between networks, are learned with higher confidence using transfer learning than through the standard method of bootstrapping. Transfer learning may be the ideal method for making comparisons among dependency networks, whether looking for similarities or differences. Domain knowledge input and visualization of solutions are combined in an interactive tool that enables domain scientists to explore the space of solutions efficiently

    An Unsupervised Approach to Modelling Visual Data

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    For very large visual datasets, producing expert ground-truth data for training supervised algorithms can represent a substantial human effort. In these situations there is scope for the use of unsupervised approaches that can model collections of images and automatically summarise their content. The primary motivation for this thesis comes from the problem of labelling large visual datasets of the seafloor obtained by an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) for ecological analysis. It is expensive to label this data, as taxonomical experts for the specific region are required, whereas automatically generated summaries can be used to focus the efforts of experts, and inform decisions on additional sampling. The contributions in this thesis arise from modelling this visual data in entirely unsupervised ways to obtain comprehensive visual summaries. Firstly, popular unsupervised image feature learning approaches are adapted to work with large datasets and unsupervised clustering algorithms. Next, using Bayesian models the performance of rudimentary scene clustering is boosted by sharing clusters between multiple related datasets, such as regular photo albums or AUV surveys. These Bayesian scene clustering models are extended to simultaneously cluster sub-image segments to form unsupervised notions of “objects” within scenes. The frequency distribution of these objects within scenes is used as the scene descriptor for simultaneous scene clustering. Finally, this simultaneous clustering model is extended to make use of whole image descriptors, which encode rudimentary spatial information, as well as object frequency distributions to describe scenes. This is achieved by unifying the previously presented Bayesian clustering models, and in so doing rectifies some of their weaknesses and limitations. Hence, the final contribution of this thesis is a practical unsupervised algorithm for modelling images from the super-pixel to album levels, and is applicable to large datasets