277 research outputs found

    Monocular 3d Object Recognition

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    Object recognition is one of the fundamental tasks of computer vision. Recent advances in the field enable reliable 2D detections from a single cluttered image. However, many challenges still remain. Object detection needs timely response for real world applications. Moreover, we are genuinely interested in estimating the 3D pose and shape of an object or human for the sake of robotic manipulation and human-robot interaction. In this thesis, a suite of solutions to these challenges is presented. First, Active Deformable Part Models (ADPM) is proposed for fast part-based object detection. ADPM dramatically accelerates the detection by dynamically scheduling the part evaluations and efficiently pruning the image locations. Second, we unleash the power of marrying discriminative 2D parts with an explicit 3D geometric representation. Several methods of such scheme are proposed for recovering rich 3D information of both rigid and non-rigid objects from monocular RGB images. (1) The accurate 3D pose of an object instance is recovered from cluttered images using only the CAD model. (2) A global optimal solution for simultaneous 2D part localization, 3D pose and shape estimation is obtained by optimizing a unified convex objective function. Both appearance and geometric compatibility are jointly maximized. (3) 3D human pose estimation from an image sequence is realized via an Expectation-Maximization algorithm. The 2D joint location uncertainties are marginalized out during inference and 3D pose smoothness is enforced across frames. By bridging the gap between 2D and 3D, our methods provide an end-to-end solution to 3D object recognition from images. We demonstrate a range of interesting applications using only a single image or a monocular video, including autonomous robotic grasping with a single image, 3D object image pop-up and a monocular human MoCap system. We also show empirical start-of-art results on a number of benchmarks on 2D detection and 3D pose and shape estimation

    Vision for Social Robots: Human Perception and Pose Estimation

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    In order to extract the underlying meaning from a scene captured from the surrounding world in a single still image, social robots will need to learn the human ability to detect different objects, understand their arrangement and relationships relative both to their own parts and to each other, and infer the dynamics under which they are evolving. Furthermore, they will need to develop and hold a notion of context to allow assigning different meanings (semantics) to the same visual configuration (syntax) of a scene. The underlying thread of this Thesis is the investigation of new ways for enabling interactions between social robots and humans, by advancing the visual perception capabilities of robots when they process images and videos in which humans are the main focus of attention. First, we analyze the general problem of scene understanding, as social robots moving through the world need to be able to interpret scenes without having been assigned a specific preset goal. Throughout this line of research, i) we observe that human actions and interactions which can be visually discriminated from an image follow a very heavy-tailed distribution; ii) we develop an algorithm that can obtain a spatial understanding of a scene by only using cues arising from the effect of perspective on a picture of a person’s face; and iii) we define a novel taxonomy of errors for the task of estimating the 2D body pose of people in images to better explain the behavior of algorithms and highlight their underlying causes of error. Second, we focus on the specific task of 3D human pose and motion estimation from monocular 2D images using weakly supervised training data, as accurately predicting human pose will open up the possibility of richer interactions between humans and social robots. We show that when 3D ground-truth data is only available in small quantities, or not at all, it is possible to leverage knowledge about the physical properties of the human body, along with additional constraints related to alternative types of supervisory signals, to learn models that can regress the full 3D pose of the human body and predict its motions from monocular 2D images. Taken in its entirety, the intent of this Thesis is to highlight the importance of, and provide novel methodologies for, social robots' ability to interpret their surrounding environment, learn in a way that is robust to low data availability, and generalize previously observed behaviors to unknown situations in a similar way to humans.</p

    Real-time 3D human body pose estimation from monocular RGB input

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    Human motion capture finds extensive application in movies, games, sports and biomechanical analysis. However, existing motion capture solutions require cumbersome external and/or on-body instrumentation, or use active sensors with limits on the possible capture volume dictated by power consumption. The ubiquity and ease of deployment of RGB cameras makes monocular RGB based human motion capture an extremely useful problem to solve, which would lower the barrier-to entry for content creators to employ motion capture tools, and enable newer applications of human motion capture. This thesis demonstrates the first real-time monocular RGB based motion-capture solutions that work in general scene settings. They are based on developing neural network based approaches to address the ill-posed problem of estimating 3D human pose from a single RGB image, in combination with model based fitting. In particular, the contributions of this work make advances towards three key aspects of real-time monocular RGB based motion capture, namely speed, accuracy, and the ability to work for general scenes. New training datasets are proposed, for single-person and multi-person scenarios, which, together with the proposed transfer learning based training pipeline, allow learning based approaches to be appearance invariant. The training datasets are accompanied by evaluation benchmarks with multiple avenues of fine-grained evaluation. The evaluation benchmarks differ visually from the training datasets, so as to promote efforts towards solutions that generalize to in-the-wild scenes. The proposed task formulations for the single-person and multi-person case allow higher accuracy, and incorporate additional qualities such as occlusion robustness, that are helpful in the context of a full motion capture solution. The multi-person formulations are designed to have a nearly constant inference time regardless of the number of subjects in the scene, and combined with contributions towards fast neural network inference, enable real-time 3D pose estimation for multiple subjects. Combining the proposed learning-based approaches with a model-based kinematic skeleton fitting step provides temporally stable joint angle estimates, which can be readily employed for driving virtual characters.Menschlicher Motion Capture findet umfangreiche Anwendung in Filmen, Spielen, Sport und biomechanischen Analysen. Bestehende Motion-Capture-Lösungen erfordern jedoch umständliche externe Instrumentierung und / oder Instrumentierung am Körper, oder verwenden aktive Sensoren deren begrenztes Erfassungsvolumen durch den Stromverbrauch begrenzt wird. Die Allgegenwart und einfache Bereitstellung von RGB-Kameras macht die monokulare RGB-basierte Motion Capture zu einem äußerst nützlichen Problem. Dies würde die Eintrittsbarriere für Inhaltsersteller für die Verwendung der Motion Capture verringern und neuere Anwendungen dieser Tools zur Analyse menschlicher Bewegungen ermöglichen. Diese Arbeit zeigt die ersten monokularen RGB-basierten Motion-Capture-Lösungen in Echtzeit, die in allgemeinen Szeneneinstellungen funktionieren. Sie basieren auf der Entwicklung neuronaler netzwerkbasierter Ansätze, um das schlecht gestellte Problem der Schätzung der menschlichen 3D-Pose aus einem einzelnen RGB-Bild in Kombination mit einer modellbasierten Anpassung anzugehen. Insbesondere machen die Beiträge dieser Arbeit Fortschritte in Richtung drei Schlüsselaspekte der monokularen RGB-basierten Echtzeit-Bewegungserfassung, nämlich Geschwindigkeit, Genauigkeit und die Fähigkeit, für allgemeine Szenen zu arbeiten. Es werden neue Trainingsdatensätze für Einzel- und Mehrpersonen-Szenarien vorgeschlagen, die zusammen mit der vorgeschlagenen Trainingspipeline, die auf Transferlernen basiert, ermöglichen, dass lernbasierte Ansätze nicht von Unterschieden im Erscheinungsbild des Bildes beeinflusst werden. Die Trainingsdatensätze werden von Bewertungsbenchmarks mit mehreren Möglichkeiten einer feinkörnigen Bewertung begleitet. Die angegebenen Benchmarks unterscheiden sich visuell von den Trainingsaufzeichnungen, um die Entwicklung von Lösungen zu fördern, die sich auf verschiedene Szenen verallgemeinern lassen. Die vorgeschlagenen Aufgabenformulierungen für den Einzel- und Mehrpersonenfall ermöglichen eine höhere Genauigkeit und enthalten zusätzliche Eigenschaften wie die Robustheit der Okklusion, die im Kontext einer vollständigen Bewegungserfassungslösung hilfreich sind. Die Mehrpersonenformulierungen sind so konzipiert, dass sie unabhängig von der Anzahl der Subjekte in der Szene eine nahezu konstante Inferenzzeit haben. In Kombination mit Beiträgen zur schnellen Inferenz neuronaler Netze ermöglichen sie eine 3D-Posenschätzung in Echtzeit für mehrere Subjekte. Die Kombination der vorgeschlagenen lernbasierten Ansätze mit einem modellbasierten kinematischen Skelettanpassungsschritt liefert zeitlich stabile Gelenkwinkelschätzungen, die leicht zum Ansteuern virtueller Charaktere verwendet werden können

    VNect: Real-time 3D Human Pose Estimation with a Single RGB Camera

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    We present the first real-time method to capture the full global 3D skeletal pose of a human in a stable, temporally consistent manner using a single RGB camera. Our method combines a new convolutional neural network (CNN) based pose regressor with kinematic skeleton fitting. Our novel fully-convolutional pose formulation regresses 2D and 3D joint positions jointly in real time and does not require tightly cropped input frames. A real-time kinematic skeleton fitting method uses the CNN output to yield temporally stable 3D global pose reconstructions on the basis of a coherent kinematic skeleton. This makes our approach the first monocular RGB method usable in real-time applications such as 3D character control---thus far, the only monocular methods for such applications employed specialized RGB-D cameras. Our method's accuracy is quantitatively on par with the best offline 3D monocular RGB pose estimation methods. Our results are qualitatively comparable to, and sometimes better than, results from monocular RGB-D approaches, such as the Kinect. However, we show that our approach is more broadly applicable than RGB-D solutions, i.e. it works for outdoor scenes, community videos, and low quality commodity RGB cameras.Comment: Accepted to SIGGRAPH 201

    Revisiting Depth Layers from Occlusions

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    In this work, we consider images of a scene with a moving object captured by a static camera. As the ob-ject (human or otherwise) moves about the scene, it re-veals pairwise depth-ordering or occlusion cues. The goal of this work is to use these sparse occlusion cues along with monocular depth occlusion cues to densely segment the scene into depth layers. We cast the problem of depth-layer segmentation as a discrete labeling problem on a spatio-temporal Markov Random Field (MRF) that uses the motion occlusion cues along with monocular cues and a smooth motion prior for the moving object. We quantitatively show that depth ordering produced by the proposed combination of the depth cues from object motion and monocular occlu-sion cues are superior to using either feature independently, and using a naı̈ve combination of the features. 1