37,298 research outputs found

    EODM: On Developing Enhanced Object Detection Model using Fast Region-based Convolution Neural Networks (FRCNN)

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    In present scenario, in machine learning technology, computer vision technology and image processing have attained a massive growth. Amongst many branches of image processing and classification, Object Detection (OD) is the major research domain. In several domains such as face detection, self-driving cars, pedestrian detection, and security surveillance systems, object detection (OD) and classification have experienced a significant surge in popularity in recent years. The conventional techniques for object detection, such as background removal, Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), and Support Vector Machine (SVM), exhibit limitations such as object overlap, distortion caused by environmental factors including smoke, fog, and varying lighting conditions.Though there are several methods developed for OD, the respective field still stumbles upon many confrontations at the real-time implementations. Detecting objects from the undefined background is the major problem to be considered. Hence, machine learning techniques are incorporated for detecting the objects accurately, when the Neural Networks are effectively trained. With that note, this paper develops a new model, called Enhanced Object Detection Model using Fast Region-based Convolution Neural Networks (FRCNN). For producing appropriate results, sensitivity Measurement is carried out based on brightness, saturation, contrast, Gaussian blur, Gaussian Noise and sharpness. Following this, FRCNN is trained for OD and the results are obtained. The model evaluations are carried out based on some evaluation factors with the acquired dataset images. The obtained results are compared with CNN, YOLO. The result shows that the model exemplifies the other compared works in terms of efficiency and accuracy

    A cross-center smoothness prior for variational Bayesian brain tissue segmentation

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    Suppose one is faced with the challenge of tissue segmentation in MR images, without annotators at their center to provide labeled training data. One option is to go to another medical center for a trained classifier. Sadly, tissue classifiers do not generalize well across centers due to voxel intensity shifts caused by center-specific acquisition protocols. However, certain aspects of segmentations, such as spatial smoothness, remain relatively consistent and can be learned separately. Here we present a smoothness prior that is fit to segmentations produced at another medical center. This informative prior is presented to an unsupervised Bayesian model. The model clusters the voxel intensities, such that it produces segmentations that are similarly smooth to those of the other medical center. In addition, the unsupervised Bayesian model is extended to a semi-supervised variant, which needs no visual interpretation of clusters into tissues.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. Accepted to the International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (2019

    A Constructive, Incremental-Learning Network for Mixture Modeling and Classification

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    Gaussian ARTMAP (GAM) is a supervised-learning adaptive resonance theory (ART) network that uses Gaussian-defined receptive fields. Like other ART networks, GAM incrementally learns and constructs a representation of sufficient complexity to solve a problem it is trained on. GAM's representation is a Gaussian mixture model of the input space, with learned mappings from the mixture components to output classes. We show a close relationship between GAM and the well-known Expectation-Maximization (EM) approach to mixture-modeling. GAM outperforms an EM classification algorithm on a classification benchmark, thereby demonstrating the advantage of the ART match criterion for regulating learning, and the ARTMAP match tracking operation for incorporate environmental feedback in supervised learning situations.Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409

    A Constructive, Incremental-Learning Network for Mixture Modeling and Classification

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    Gaussian ARTMAP (GAM) is a supervised-learning adaptive resonance theory (ART) network that uses Gaussian-defined receptive fields. Like other ART networks, GAM incrementally learns and constructs a representation of sufficient complexity to solve a problem it is trained on. GAM's representation is a Gaussian mixture model of the input space, with learned mappings from the mixture components to output classes. We show a close relationship between GAM and the well-known Expectation-Maximization (EM) approach to mixture-modeling. GAM outperforms an EM classification algorithm on a classification benchmark, thereby demonstrating the advantage of the ART match criterion for regulating learning, and the ARTMAP match tracking operation for incorporate environmental feedback in supervised learning situations.Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409

    Deep unsupervised clustering with Gaussian mixture variational autoencoders

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    We study a variant of the variational autoencoder model with a Gaussian mixture as a prior distribution, with the goal of performing unsupervised clustering through deep generative models. We observe that the standard variational approach in these models is unsuited for unsupervised clustering, and mitigate this problem by leveraging a principled information-theoretic regularisation term known as consistency violation. Adding this term to the standard variational optimisation objective yields networks with both meaningful internal representations and well-defined clusters. We demonstrate the performance of this scheme on synthetic data, MNIST and SVHN, showing that the obtained clusters are distinct, interpretable and result in achieving higher performance on unsupervised clustering classification than previous approaches

    A Neural Model for Self Organizing Feature Detectors and Classifiers in a Network Hierarchy

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    Many models of early cortical processing have shown how local learning rules can produce efficient, sparse-distributed codes in which nodes have responses that are statistically independent and low probability. However, it is not known how to develop a useful hierarchical representation, containing sparse-distributed codes at each level of the hierarchy, that incorporates predictive feedback from the environment. We take a step in that direction by proposing a biologically plausible neural network model that develops receptive fields, and learns to make class predictions, with or without the help of environmental feedback. The model is a new type of predictive adaptive resonance theory network called Receptive Field ARTMAP, or RAM. RAM self organizes internal category nodes that are tuned to activity distributions in topographic input maps. Each receptive field is composed of multiple weight fields that are adapted via local, on-line learning, to form smooth receptive ftelds that reflect; the statistics of the activity distributions in the input maps. When RAM generates incorrect predictions, its vigilance is raised, amplifying subtractive inhibition and sharpening receptive fields until the error is corrected. Evaluation on several classification benchmarks shows that RAM outperforms a related (but neurally implausible) model called Gaussian ARTMAP, as well as several standard neural network and statistical classifters. A topographic version of RAM is proposed, which is capable of self organizing hierarchical representations. Topographic RAM is a model for receptive field development at any level of the cortical hierarchy, and provides explanations for a variety of perceptual learning data.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409
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