4,448 research outputs found

    Towards Interpretable Sleep Stage Classification Using Cross-Modal Transformers

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    Accurate sleep stage classification is significant for sleep health assessment. In recent years, several machine-learning based sleep staging algorithms have been developed, and in particular, deep-learning based algorithms have achieved performance on par with human annotation. Despite the improved performance, a limitation of most deep-learning based algorithms is their black-box behavior, which has limited their use in clinical settings. Here, we propose a cross-modal transformer, which is a transformer-based method for sleep stage classification. The proposed cross-modal transformer consists of a novel cross-modal transformer encoder architecture along with a multi-scale one-dimensional convolutional neural network for automatic representation learning. Our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods and eliminates the black-box behavior of deep-learning models by utilizing the interpretability aspect of the attention modules. Furthermore, our method provides considerable reductions in the number of parameters and training time compared to the state-of-the-art methods. Our code is available at https://github.com/Jathurshan0330/Cross-Modal-Transformer.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 6 table

    A Multi Constrained Transformer-BiLSTM Guided Network for Automated Sleep Stage Classification from Single-Channel EEG

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    Sleep stage classification from electroencephalogram (EEG) is significant for the rapid evaluation of sleeping patterns and quality. A novel deep learning architecture, ``DenseRTSleep-II'', is proposed for automatic sleep scoring from single-channel EEG signals. The architecture utilizes the advantages of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), transformer network, and Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory (BiLSTM) for effective sleep scoring. Moreover, with the addition of a weighted multi-loss scheme, this model is trained more implicitly for vigorous decision-making tasks. Thus, the model generates the most efficient result in the SleepEDFx dataset and outperforms different state-of-the-art (IIT-Net, DeepSleepNet) techniques by a large margin in terms of accuracy, precision, and F1-score

    ProductGraphSleepNet: Sleep Staging using Product Spatio-Temporal Graph Learning with Attentive Temporal Aggregation

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    The classification of sleep stages plays a crucial role in understanding and diagnosing sleep pathophysiology. Sleep stage scoring relies heavily on visual inspection by an expert that is time consuming and subjective procedure. Recently, deep learning neural network approaches have been leveraged to develop a generalized automated sleep staging and account for shifts in distributions that may be caused by inherent inter/intra-subject variability, heterogeneity across datasets, and different recording environments. However, these networks ignore the connections among brain regions, and disregard the sequential connections between temporally adjacent sleep epochs. To address these issues, this work proposes an adaptive product graph learning-based graph convolutional network, named ProductGraphSleepNet, for learning joint spatio-temporal graphs along with a bidirectional gated recurrent unit and a modified graph attention network to capture the attentive dynamics of sleep stage transitions. Evaluation on two public databases: the Montreal Archive of Sleep Studies (MASS) SS3; and the SleepEDF, which contain full night polysomnography recordings of 62 and 20 healthy subjects, respectively, demonstrates performance comparable to the state-of-the-art (Accuracy: 0.867;0.838, F1-score: 0.818;0.774 and Kappa: 0.802;0.775, on each database respectively). More importantly, the proposed network makes it possible for clinicians to comprehend and interpret the learned connectivity graphs for sleep stages.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Sleep Stage Classification: A Deep Learning Approach

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    Sleep occupies significant part of human life. The diagnoses of sleep related disorders are of great importance. To record specific physical and electrical activities of the brain and body, a multi-parameter test, called polysomnography (PSG), is normally used. The visual process of sleep stage classification is time consuming, subjective and costly. To improve the accuracy and efficiency of the sleep stage classification, automatic classification algorithms were developed. In this research work, we focused on pre-processing (filtering boundaries and de-noising algorithms) and classification steps of automatic sleep stage classification. The main motivation for this work was to develop a pre-processing and classification framework to clean the input EEG signal without manipulating the original data thus enhancing the learning stage of deep learning classifiers. For pre-processing EEG signals, a lossless adaptive artefact removal method was proposed. Rather than other works that used artificial noise, we used real EEG data contaminated with EOG and EMG for evaluating the proposed method. The proposed adaptive algorithm led to a significant enhancement in the overall classification accuracy. In the classification area, we evaluated the performance of the most common sleep stage classifiers using a comprehensive set of features extracted from PSG signals. Considering the challenges and limitations of conventional methods, we proposed two deep learning-based methods for classification of sleep stages based on Stacked Sparse AutoEncoder (SSAE) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The proposed methods performed more efficiently by eliminating the need for conventional feature selection and feature extraction steps respectively. Moreover, although our systems were trained with lower number of samples compared to the similar studies, they were able to achieve state of art accuracy and higher overall sensitivity

    A two-stage learning convolutional neural network for sleep stage classification using a filterbank and single feature

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    Sleep is an essential process for the body that helps to maintain its health and vitality. The first stage in the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders is sleep staging. Due to the complications in manual sleep staging by the physician, computer-aided sleep stage classification algorithms are gaining attention. In this study, a novel approach was introduced to extract distinctive representations from single-channel EEG signal for automatic sleep staging. Standard deviation as a single feature was extracted from the frequency subbands of EEG, which gave a comprehensive understanding of the signal and its activity within various frequency ranges for different sleep stages. The features formed the input space of the proposed two-stream convolutional neural network (CNN) for classification and two-stage learning was used to train the model that achieved improvements in terms of accuracy, reliability and robustness against traditional classifiers and conventional training method of the neural networks. For the performance evaluation, three well-known benchmark datasets including Sleep EDF, Sleep EDFx and DREAMS Subject were used. The proposed algorithm by utilizing simple and effective methods improved sleep stage classification results by achieving an overall accuracy of 93.48%, 93.14% and 83.55%, respectively. The introduced framework in this study has great potential for practical implementation on a home-based sleep staging device

    Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Interpretable Analysis of EEG Sleep Stage Scoring

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    Sleep studies are important for diagnosing sleep disorders such as insomnia, narcolepsy or sleep apnea. They rely on manual scoring of sleep stages from raw polisomnography signals, which is a tedious visual task requiring the workload of highly trained professionals. Consequently, research efforts to purse for an automatic stage scoring based on machine learning techniques have been carried out over the last years. In this work, we resort to multitaper spectral analysis to create visually interpretable images of sleep patterns from EEG signals as inputs to a deep convolutional network trained to solve visual recognition tasks. As a working example of transfer learning, a system able to accurately classify sleep stages in new unseen patients is presented. Evaluations in a widely-used publicly available dataset favourably compare to state-of-the-art results, while providing a framework for visual interpretation of outcomes.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables, IEEE 2017 International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processin

    DNN Filter Bank Improves 1-Max Pooling CNN for Single-Channel EEG Automatic Sleep Stage Classification

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    We present in this paper an efficient convolutional neural network (CNN) running on time-frequency image features for automatic sleep stage classification. Opposing to deep architectures which have been used for the task, the proposed CNN is much simpler. However, the CNN’s convolutional layer is able to support convolutional kernels with different sizes, and therefore, capable of learning features at multiple temporal resolutions. In addition, the 1-max pooling strategy is employed at the pooling layer to better capture the shift-invariance property of EEG signals. We further propose a method to discriminatively learn a frequency-domain filter bank with a deep neural network (DNN) to preprocess the time-frequency image features. Our experiments show that the proposed 1-max pooling CNN performs comparably with the very deep CNNs in the literature on the Sleep-EDF dataset. Preprocessing the time-frequency image features with the learned filter bank before presenting them to the CNN leads to significant improvements on the classification accuracy, setting the state-of-the-art performance on the dataset
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