8,725 research outputs found

    DeCaf: Diagnosing and Triaging Performance Issues in Large-Scale Cloud Services

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    Large scale cloud services use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for tracking and monitoring performance. They usually have Service Level Objectives (SLOs) baked into the customer agreements which are tied to these KPIs. Dependency failures, code bugs, infrastructure failures, and other problems can cause performance regressions. It is critical to minimize the time and manual effort in diagnosing and triaging such issues to reduce customer impact. Large volume of logs and mixed type of attributes (categorical, continuous) in the logs makes diagnosis of regressions non-trivial. In this paper, we present the design, implementation and experience from building and deploying DeCaf, a system for automated diagnosis and triaging of KPI issues using service logs. It uses machine learning along with pattern mining to help service owners automatically root cause and triage performance issues. We present the learnings and results from case studies on two large scale cloud services in Microsoft where DeCaf successfully diagnosed 10 known and 31 unknown issues. DeCaf also automatically triages the identified issues by leveraging historical data. Our key insights are that for any such diagnosis tool to be effective in practice, it should a) scale to large volumes of service logs and attributes, b) support different types of KPIs and ranking functions, c) be integrated into the DevOps processes.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of ICSE-SEIP '20, Seoul, Republic of Kore

    Unattended network operations technology assessment study. Technical support for defining advanced satellite systems concepts

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    The results are summarized of an unattended network operations technology assessment study for the Space Exploration Initiative (SEI). The scope of the work included: (1) identified possible enhancements due to the proposed Mars communications network; (2) identified network operations on Mars; (3) performed a technology assessment of possible supporting technologies based on current and future approaches to network operations; and (4) developed a plan for the testing and development of these technologies. The most important results obtained are as follows: (1) addition of a third Mars Relay Satellite (MRS) and MRS cross link capabilities will enhance the network's fault tolerance capabilities through improved connectivity; (2) network functions can be divided into the six basic ISO network functional groups; (3) distributed artificial intelligence technologies will augment more traditional network management technologies to form the technological infrastructure of a virtually unattended network; and (4) a great effort is required to bring the current network technology levels for manned space communications up to the level needed for an automated fault tolerance Mars communications network

    Agent Based Test and Repair of Distributed Systems

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    This article demonstrates how to use intelligent agents for testing and repairing a distributed system, whose elements may or may not have embedded BIST (Built-In Self-Test) and BISR (Built-In Self-Repair) facilities. Agents are software modules that perform monitoring, diagnosis and repair of the faults. They form together a society whose members communicate, set goals and solve tasks. An experimental solution is presented, and future developments of the proposed approach are explore

    Tiresias: Online Anomaly Detection for Hierarchical Operational Network Data

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    Operational network data, management data such as customer care call logs and equipment system logs, is a very important source of information for network operators to detect problems in their networks. Unfortunately, there is lack of efficient tools to automatically track and detect anomalous events on operational data, causing ISP operators to rely on manual inspection of this data. While anomaly detection has been widely studied in the context of network data, operational data presents several new challenges, including the volatility and sparseness of data, and the need to perform fast detection (complicating application of schemes that require offline processing or large/stable data sets to converge). To address these challenges, we propose Tiresias, an automated approach to locating anomalous events on hierarchical operational data. Tiresias leverages the hierarchical structure of operational data to identify high-impact aggregates (e.g., locations in the network, failure modes) likely to be associated with anomalous events. To accommodate different kinds of operational network data, Tiresias consists of an online detection algorithm with low time and space complexity, while preserving high detection accuracy. We present results from two case studies using operational data collected at a large commercial IP network operated by a Tier-1 ISP: customer care call logs and set-top box crash logs. By comparing with a reference set verified by the ISP's operational group, we validate that Tiresias can achieve >94% accuracy in locating anomalies. Tiresias also discovered several previously unknown anomalies in the ISP's customer care cases, demonstrating its effectiveness

    SENATUS: An Approach to Joint Traffic Anomaly Detection and Root Cause Analysis

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    In this paper, we propose a novel approach, called SENATUS, for joint traffic anomaly detection and root-cause analysis. Inspired from the concept of a senate, the key idea of the proposed approach is divided into three stages: election, voting and decision. At the election stage, a small number of \nop{traffic flow sets (termed as senator flows)}senator flows are chosen\nop{, which are used} to represent approximately the total (usually huge) set of traffic flows. In the voting stage, anomaly detection is applied on the senator flows and the detected anomalies are correlated to identify the most possible anomalous time bins. Finally in the decision stage, a machine learning technique is applied to the senator flows of each anomalous time bin to find the root cause of the anomalies. We evaluate SENATUS using traffic traces collected from the Pan European network, GEANT, and compare against another approach which detects anomalies using lossless compression of traffic histograms. We show the effectiveness of SENATUS in diagnosing anomaly types: network scans and DoS/DDoS attacks

    A two-level structure for advanced space power system automation

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    The tasks to be carried out during the three-year project period are: (1) performing extensive simulation using existing mathematical models to build a specific knowledge base of the operating characteristics of space power systems; (2) carrying out the necessary basic research on hierarchical control structures, real-time quantitative algorithms, and decision-theoretic procedures; (3) developing a two-level automation scheme for fault detection and diagnosis, maintenance and restoration scheduling, and load management; and (4) testing and demonstration. The outlines of the proposed system structure that served as a master plan for this project, work accomplished, concluding remarks, and ideas for future work are also addressed
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