16 research outputs found

    Learning words using augmented reality

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    [EN] This paper presents an Augmented Reality (AR) game for learning words. Thirty-two children played the AR game and the equivalent real game. We have compared the results of the two games. The results indicate that children did not found significant differences between the two games except for one question, but 81% of the children liked most the AR game.We would like to thank: - This work was partially funded by: the APRENDRA project (TIN2009-14319-C02-01). The UPV project (PAID09015). - Tania Llop for her assistance in the development of the game. - Loles Marzal and Concha Carbo for their assistance in the study. - "La Encarnacion" School Centre for its collaboration and for allowing us to include these two games as activities.Juan, M.; Llop, E.; Abad Cerdá, FJ.; Lluch Crespo, J. (2010). Learning words using augmented reality. IEEE Computer Society. 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICALT.2010.1231

    Towards Measuring Learning Effectiveness considering Presence, Engagement and Immersion in a Mixed and Augmented Reality Learning Environment

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    The current era of advanced display technologies, such as a head mounted displays, smart glasses and handheld devices, have supported the usage of mixed-reality and augmented reality concepts in smart educational classrooms. These advanced technologies have enabled enhanced collaboration and an interactive communication between distance learners and local learners. Being present' is a key factor in both worlds (real and virtual) as it plays an important role in increasing the students' collaborative engagement during the learning activity. However, few studies have considered how much using such immersive interfaces with various learning scenarios may ultimately affect learning outcomes, and whether students feel fully engaged or not in such environments. This work-in-progress paper will demonstrate a MiRTLE+ prototype of how remote students can collaborate within mixed-reality environments by using an augmented reality approach. Secondly, it will explore the learning effectiveness based on the following factors: students' presence, engagement, and immersion in smart environments. With regard to the learning task, we will consider a card game task to measure the learners' progress as they progress from novice to expert player. To evaluate these factors, we utilise several existing frameworks which have been applied to our mixed-reality worlds that help us to examine the learning outcomes from using these environments

    Post-constructivism, languages and learning environments. From the study of the media and hypertext to the web 2.0, instructional design, post-constructivism and enactivism

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    Este artículo surge con el objetivo fundamental de dar respuesta a dos interrogantes: a) ¿Cómo han cambiado las tecnologías en los últimos veinte años y qué recorrido se ha efectuado desde la Tecnología Educativa?, b) ¿Qué desafíos les esperan en el futuro próximo a los profesores de Tecnología Educativa? Para adentrarnos en su desarrollo, partimos de la siguiente premisa: hoy, más que ayer, los profesores de Tecnología Educativa antes de ser expertos en la introducción de las TIC en la didáctica, están llamados a repensar la didáctica, incluso con las TIC.This article born with the fundamental aim to answer two questions: a) How technologies (TE) have changed in the last twenty years and which way has the educational technology been followed? and b) What are the challenges for educational technology teachers in the next future, what borders do they have to face? To go into detail about its development, we start from the premise that today more than yesterday, teachers who teach Educational Technology are called to rethink teaching, even with ICT

    Teacher Educators Perspectives on The Use of Augmented Reality for Foreign Language

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    The purpose of this research is to share reflections on Augmented Reality (AR) technology as an upgrade tool for foreign language development. Exploring the short but considerable literature research, this post discusses AR technology for the rise in the philosophy of upgrading, upgrading teacher nursery in position, teachers, pupils, customs, infrastructure, and sustainability, using the framework of activities outlines the suitability of the use of upgrading technology in development programs. For analysis, AR technology has essential benefits for language development; however, it is not suitable for all language types. Not only that, but this information also offers solid recommendations for activities that are enhanced with AR in 4 skills as well as language-specific applications. This information has some relevance for instructors, teachers, researchers, and creators of Augmented reality content

    Augmented Reality-Based English Language Learning: Importance And State Of The Art

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    Augmented reality is increasingly used in the educational domain. However, little is known concerning the actual importance of AR for learning English skills. The weakness of the English language among English as a foreign Language (EFL) students is widespread in different educational institutions. Accordingly, this paper aims at exploring the importance of AR for learning English skills from the perspectives of English language teachers and educators. Mixed qualitative methods were used. To achieve the objective of this study, 12 interviews were conducted with English teachers concerning the topic under investigation. Second, a systematic literature review (SLR) that demonstrates the advantages, the limitation, and the approach of AR for learning English was performed. This study is different from other studies in using two methods and conducting comprehensive research on the importance of AR in improving English language skills in general. Thus, the study concluded that AR improves language skills and academic achievements. It also reduces students\u27 anxiety levels, improves students\u27 creativity, and increases students\u27 collaboration and engagement. Moreover, the students have positive attitudes towards using AR for learning the English language. The findings present important implications for the integration and development of AR for learning

    Conceptual framework for integrating BIM and augmented reality in construction management

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    The need for systematic data collection and processing to generate real-time building site progress information is critical. Building Information Modelling (BIM) provides the benefit of aggregating information about the building site on a single platform. Augmented reality (AR) emerges to enhance BIM concerning visualization of the building site, through processing and automatic absorption of information. This work aims to analyse the potential of AR association to BIM, by adopting an approach based on literature review. Trends in contemporary research are checked by categorizing applied research methods, areas of expertise, and AR technologies. Publications produced between 2008 and 2018 from journals of architecture, engineering, and construction areas in databases Web of Science, SciSearch, SCOPUS, INSPEC, Google Scholar, Academic OneFile, EBSCO, OCLC, VINITI, SCImago, and ProQuest were investigated. As main results, it was found that the case study approach was adopted in 41% of the publications analysed. The building site inspection was the research object in 48% of papers. Fiducial markers, GIS/GPS, laser scanners, and photogrammetry emerged as main options for automatic data capture on the progress of the building site. Integration between AR and BIM has the potential to solve information processing problems and improving construction management

    Desarrollo de un sistema de realidad aumentada que incluya reconocimiento de gestos

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    López Bolós, J. (2010). Desarrollo de un sistema de realidad aumentada que incluya reconocimiento de gestos. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/10353.Archivo delegad

    Realitat augmentada utilitzant codificació per colors

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    Domingo Ortells, A. (2011). Realitat augmentada utilitzant codificació per colors. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/11375.Archivo delegad