84,719 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Broadcast Learning System Pada Mobile Device Berbasis Android

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    Seiring dengan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi, menjadikan kebutuhan untuk mendapatkan informasi menjadi lebih instant. Dengan memanfaatkan penggunaan mobile device, sangat membantu bagi pengguna untuk saling sharing berbagai informasi. Selain itu, penggunaan mobile device yang sangat mudah dibawa-bawa, semakin memudahkan dalam mengakses informasi yang ada. Sebuah mobile device juga dapat menjadi media pendukung dalam proses belajar mengajar.Oleh karena itu, pada Skripsi ini, dibuat aplikasi server dan client untuk membantu proses belajar mengajar sekaligus menjadi media penyampaian materi pembelajaran ke pelajar yang menggunakan mobile device berbasis Android. Aplikasi ini akan menampilkan tampilan yang sama dengan desktop milik dosen sehingga mahasiswa dapat memperhatikan setiap Perubahan secara langsung. Layanan lainnya adalah dirancangnya sebuah website administrator untuk mengelola data proses belajar mengajar yang dilakukan antara dosen dan mahasiswa.Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan resolusi monitor tidak mempengaruhi konsumsi bandwidth dan CPU USAge saat proses pengiriman gambar ke web server. Kelancaran proses broadcast bergantung pada beberapa faktor seperti ukuran resolusi dan koneksi internet. Pemilihan ukuran resolusi dan koneksi internet yang tepat sangat disarankan agar proses broadcast semakin real time

    English Learning System in Islamic Boarding School

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    This research is describe the real description about English learning system in SMP Plus Al-Aqsho. This research uses qualitative research design This research intends to find out: (1) the English learning system in SMP Plus Al-Aqsha Islamic Boarding School, (2) the output of the teaching of English learning system in SMP Plus Al-Aqsha Islamic Boarding School, and (3) the supporting factors and obstacles in achieving the effectiveness of English learning system at SMP Plus Al-Aqsha Islamic Boarding School. In presenting the data, descriptive method is used in this research. Descriptive method is research method that tried to describe and interpret the object based on the real situation of that object. Techniques of collecting data in this research are observation, questionnaire, and interview. From the research, it can be concluded that with this system, the score or achievement index, expecially English subject, the students are able to comprehend the material so that they get score in average of students' score exceed the standar from KKM. The supporting factor in learning English is the additional English subject under curriculum of KMMI, while the obstacle is the congest schedule

    Distance Learning System Based On Web English Course Using Php And Mysql

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    Melihat konsep pembelajaran tradisional yang dilakukan saat ini, para siswa danguru bertemu pada suatu tempat dan waktu tertentu. Sistem pembelajarantradisional ini akan tergantikan dengan sistem pembelajaran jarak jauh yanglebih praktis dan tidak terpengaruh ruang dan waktu, sehingga memberikanmanfaat untuk berbagai kalangan dari pemilik tempat kursus tidak perlumembangun infrastruktur sampai pada manfaat yang dirasakan masyarakat yaitumendapat kesempatan belajar lebih lama, yang tersajikan di dalam websitedengan bahasan meliputi membaca, menulis, percakapan. Di dalampembelajaran jarak jauh fokus utamanya adalah pelajar. Pelajar bersikap mandiridan bertanggung-jawab untuk pembelajarannya. Suasana pembelajaran jarakjauh akan memaksa pelajar memainkan peranan yang lebih aktif dalampembelajarannya. Membiasakan diri terhadap bahasa Inggris sejak usia SDmerupakan salah satu cara terbaik agar anak-anak dapat fasih berbahasa Inggrisdi kemudian hari. Hasil dari sistem pembelajaran jarak jauh berbasis web padakursus Bahasa Inggris dengan bahasa pemprograman php dan mysql untukpemprograman databasenya, ditampilkan dalam bentuk website yang didalamnya ada tomboltombol yang memudahkan siswa untuk belajar tanpa harusdidampingi oleh pengajar. Tombol-tombol tersebut adalah home, kategori,kurikulum, pengajar. Pembelajaran jarak jauh memberikan alternatif pemerataanpendidikan dan memberikan solusi masalah yang terdapat dalam konseppendidikan tradisonal salah satunya adalah letak geografis

    Risks and remedies in e-learning system

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    One of the most effective applications of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is the emergence of E-Learning. Considering the importance and need of E-Learning, recent years have seen a drastic change of learning methodologies in Higher Education. Undoubtedly, the three main entities of E-Learning system can be considered as Student, Teacher & Controlling Authority and there will be different level, but a good E-Learning system needs total integrity among all entities in every level. Apart from integrity enforcement, security enforcement in the whole system is the other crucial way to organize the it. As internet is the backbone of the entire system which is inherently insecure, during transaction of message in E-Learning system, hackers attack by utilising different loopholes of technology. So different security measures are required to be imposed on the system. In this paper, emphasis is given on different risks called e-risks and their remedies called e-remedies to build trust in the minds of all participants of E-Learning system

    Sustainable Efficiency and Usability for E-Learning Systems: Practical guide

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    This Guide has been written as a continuation of the efforts made during the SF-HEAT project to apply usability best practices in the design and development of the e-learning system of the project. The main idea that underlies the methodology behind the Guide is that educational effectiveness and efficiency crucially depends on the usability of the e-learning system. The Guide focuses on a simple practical approach related to a modified ADDIE model for sustainable usability improvement of the e-learning system

    Development and evaluation of a web-based learning system based on learning object design and generative learning to improve higher-order thinking skills and learning

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    This research aims to design, develop and evaluate the effectiveness of a Webbased learning system prototype called Generative Object Oriented Design (GOOD) learning system. Result from the preliminary study conducted showed most of the students were at lower order thinking skills (LOTS) compared to higher order thinking skills (HOTS) based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. Based on such concern, GOOD learning system was designed and developed based on learning object design and generative learning to improve HOTS and learning. A conceptual model design of GOOD learning system, called Generative Learning Object Organizer and Thinking Tasks (GLOOTT) model, has been proposed from the theoretical framework of this research. The topic selected for this research was Computer System (CS) which focused on the hardware concepts from the first year Diploma of Computer Science subjects. GOOD learning system acts as a mindtool to improve HOTS and learning in CS. A pre-experimental research design of one group pretest and posttest was used in this research. The samples of this research were 30 students and 12 lecturers. Data was collected from the pretest, posttest, portfolio, interview and Web-based learning system evaluation form. The paired-samples T test analysis was used to analyze the achievement of the pretest and posttest and the result showed that there was significance difference between the mean scores of pretest and posttest at the significant level a = 0.05 (p=0.000). In addition, the paired-samples T test analysis of the cognitive operations from Bloom’s Taxonomy showed that there was significance difference for each of the cognitive operation of the students before and after using GOOD learning system. Results from the study showed improvement of HOTS and learning among the students. Besides, analysis of portfolio showed that the students engaged HOTS during the use of the system. Most of the students and lecturers gave positive comments about the effectiveness of the system in improving HOTS and learning in CS. From the findings in this research, GOOD learning system has the potential to improve students’ HOTS and learning