2 research outputs found

    A Graph-based approach for text query expansion using pseudo relevance feedback and association rules mining

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    Pseudo-relevance feedback is a query expansion approach whose terms are selected from a set of top ranked retrieved documents in response to the original query.  However, the selected terms will not be related to the query if the top retrieved documents are irrelevant. As a result, retrieval performance for the expanded query is not improved, compared to the original one. This paper suggests the use of documents selected using Pseudo Relevance Feedback for generating association rules. Thus, an algorithm based on dominance relations is applied. Then the strong correlations between query and other terms are detected, and an oriented and weighted graph called Pseudo-Graph Feedback is constructed. This graph serves for expanding original queries by terms related semantically and selected by the user. The results of the experiments on Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) collection are very significant, and best results are achieved by the proposed approach compared to both the baseline system and an existing technique

    A New Approach in Query Expansion Methods for Improving Information Retrieval

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    This research develops a new approach to query expansion by integrating Association Rules (AR) and Ontology. In the proposed approach, there are several steps to expand the query, namely (1) the document retrieval step; (2) the step of query expansion using AR; (3) the step of query expansion using Ontology. In the initial step, the system retrieved the top documents via the user's initial query. Next is the initial processing step (stopword removal, POS Tagging, TF-IDF). Then do a Frequent Itemset (FI) search from the list of terms generated from the previous step using FP-Growth. The association rules search by using the results of FI. The output from the AR step expanded using Ontology. The results of the expansion with Ontology use as new queries. The dataset used is a collection of learning documents. Ten queries used for the testing, the test results are measured by three measuring devices, namely recall, precision, and f-measure. Based on testing and analysis results,  integrating AR and Ontology can increase the relevance of documents with the value of recall, precision, and f-measure by 87.28, 79.07, and 82.85