355,766 research outputs found

    Sound Before Symbol Strategies and Beginning Band Performance Skills

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    Beginning instrumental instruction often ignores the common elementary pedagogical practice of teaching by sound before symbol, instead focusing on learning through notation. This paper provides a literature review of peer-reviewed, correlational, and experimental control-group studies, that examine the effects of sound before symbol teaching strategies on the development of beginning instrumentalists’ performance skills. Limited research on this question has been conducted; search results generated fourteen peer-reviewed studies and seven dissertations with beginning instrumentalists as participants. Research has found a significant relationship between using the sound before symbol strategies of tonal pattern training by ear, improvisation, echo, rote, and playing by ear, and the development of rhythmic, ear-playing, and sight-reading skills of beginning instrumentalists. Findings suggest that rhythm skills are efficiently developed when instruction includes melodic and rhythmic patterns that are taught by ear, and rhythmic accuracy increases with instruction without notation. Additionally, sight-reading skills have been found to increase as a result of learning tonal patterns by ear. Ear playing skills are also developed when tonal patterns are taught prior to introducing notation. The results of these studies suggest an opportunity for further research and provide guidance for changing curricular resources and pedagogical practices of beginning instrumental teachers

    Aplikasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Mobile Untuk Tuna Aksara

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    Learning is a process of transformation that is initially not knowing to knowing. Has developed a lot of learning strategies from simple to more complex models even complicated and required a lot of tools in its application. Literacy is a basic of knowledge for humans. They can read by improving their quality, which leads to the high intellect of a person. Especially at this time humanity has entered the information age. The phenomenon of globalization is happening now accelerating so quickly, as the impact of applications of Hi-tech society (high-tech society), which causes humans followed on interaction patterns very quickly. Using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) could be developed multimedia teaching materials with the concept of learning by playing fun and implemented on a mobile based learning applications. The use of mobile devices that is easy and flexibility is very useful to support the learning process for the illiterate

    Sound Before Symbol Strategies and Beginning Band Performance Skills

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    Beginning instrumental instruction often ignores the common elementary pedagogical practice of teaching by sound before symbol, instead focusing on learning through notation. This paper provides a literature review of peer-reviewed, correlational, and experimental control-group studies, that examine the effects of sound before symbol teaching strategies on the development of beginning instrumentalists’ performance skills. Limited research on this question has been conducted; search results generated fourteen peer-reviewed studies and seven dissertations with beginning instrumentalists as participants. Research has found a significant relationship between using the sound before symbol strategies of tonal pattern training by ear, improvisation, echo, rote, and playing by ear, and the development of rhythmic, ear-playing, and sight-reading skills of beginning instrumentalists. Findings suggest that rhythm skills are efficiently developed when instruction includes melodic and rhythmic patterns that are taught by ear, and rhythmic accuracy increases with instruction without notation. Additionally, sight-reading skills have been found to increase as a result of learning tonal patterns by ear. Ear playing skills are also developed when tonal patterns are taught prior to introducing notation. The results of these studies suggest an opportunity for further research and provide guidance for changing curricular resources and pedagogical practices of beginning instrumental teachers

    Biasing MCTS with Features for General Games

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    This paper proposes using a linear function approximator, rather than a deep neural network (DNN), to bias a Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) player for general games. This is unlikely to match the potential raw playing strength of DNNs, but has advantages in terms of generality, interpretability and resources (time and hardware) required for training. Features describing local patterns are used as inputs. The features are formulated in such a way that they are easily interpretable and applicable to a wide range of general games, and might encode simple local strategies. We gradually create new features during the same self-play training process used to learn feature weights. We evaluate the playing strength of an MCTS player biased by learnt features against a standard upper confidence bounds for trees (UCT) player in multiple different board games, and demonstrate significantly improved playing strength in the majority of them after a small number of self-play training games.Comment: Accepted at IEEE CEC 2019, Special Session on Games. Copyright of final version held by IEE

    Simulation of a Texas Hold'Em poker player

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    Copyright 2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. This is the accepted version of the article. The published version is available at
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