295,581 research outputs found

    Learning Outcomes For Economists

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    Articulating thoughtful learning outcome statements for courses and majors improves teaching and learning and satisfies accreditation requirements. After reading this paper, economists will be able to construct learning outcome statements that guide and enhance teaching and learning in their courses and programs. We present a framework for developing learning outcomes based on a set of five fundamental competencies in economics. We then provide another public good, offering a complete set of learning outcomes for an introductory microeconomics course, which instructors can include in their syllabi. For additional guidance, we construct examples of lesson-specific learning outcomes as well

    Environmental Effect of Boarding Schools and SQ (Spiritual Quotient) Toward Learning Outcomes Physics

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    This study aimed to determine the correlation between boarding schools and spiritual quotient (SQ) on learning outcomes. The method used was a survey with quantitative approach, because there are two independent variables, then use path design analysis. The results obtained, the first, there was a significant relationship between the pesantren with the student learning outcomes, tcount = 2,22 > ttable(0,05)=1,69, a contribution of the boarding school environment to learning outcomes was 36.1% with the category enough. The second, there was a significant relationship between spiritual quotient with a physics student learning outcomes, tcount = 4,3 > ttable(0,05) = 1,69, a contribution spiritual abilities physics quotient on learning outcomes by 36% with the category enough. The third, there was a significant relationship between the pesantren and spiritual quotient on learning outcomes tcount ≥ ttable(0,05)=1,69


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    The research aim to find out : (1) Influence the intensity of the use of computers as a medium of learning on student learning outcomes in ICT subjects at Junior High School 14 Purworejo. (2) Motivation influences the use of computers as a medium of learning on student learning outcomes in ICT subjects at Junior High School 14 Purworejo. (3) Influence of media interest in the use of computers as learning on student learning outcomes in ICT subjects in the Junior High School 14 Purworejo. (4) Influence the intensity, motivation and interest in the use of computers as a medium of learning for student learning outcomes in ICT subjects in the Junior High School 14 Purworejo. This research is ex-post-facto quantitative approach. The population is all student of Junior High School 14 Purworejo totaling 570 students with sample 230 students. Methods for collecting data using questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis techniques using simple regression analysis techniques and multiple regression three predictors. The results showed that : (1) There is a positive and significant correlation between the intensity of the use of computers as a medium of learning for learning ICT learning outcomes by 15.2 %. (2) There is positive and significant relationship between motivation to use computers as a medium of learning for ICT learning outcomes of 24.5 %. (3) There is a positive and significant correlation between interest in the use of computers as a medium of learning for ICT learning outcomes by 22.2 %. (4) There is a positive and significant correlation between the intensity, motivation and interest in the use of computers as a medium of learning for ICT outcomes 43.3 %. Keywords : Intensity, Motivation, Interest, Learning Outcomes


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    This study aimed to determine the relationship between the Math Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes Microsoft Office Excel 2007, the relationship between the role of teacher in the Learning Outcomes Learning Microsoft Office Excel 2007, and the relationship between Learning Outcomes and the Role of Teachers in Mathematics Learning together with Learning Outcomes Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Prodi Computer Engineering and Networks Class XI student at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Hail in Academic Year 2012/2013. This research is Ex-post facto quantitative approach. The subjects of this study were students of class XI Prodi Computer Engineering and Networks in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Greetings. Data collection using questionnaires for variables Teacher Role in the Process of Learning and the documentation for the variable results of Learning Mathematics and Learning Outcomes Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Test the validity of the instrument using Product Moment Correlation formula and test the reliability of using the formula Croanbach's Alpha. Test requirements analysis includes normality test, linearity and multicollinearity test. The first and second hypothesis testing using Product Moment correlation, while for the third hypothesis testing using multiple correlation. The results showed that: (1) There is a positive and significant relationship with the Mathematics Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes Microsoft Office Excel 2007. This was indicated by the correlation coefficient (rx1y) of 0.307, pvalue 0.010 <0.05, the coefficient determinant (r2x1y) of 0.094, 2.658 t count for more than ttabel by 2,000, (2) There is a positive and significant role of teachers in Learning Outcomes Learning with Microsoft Office Excel 2007. This was indicated by the correlation coefficient (rx2y) of 0.393, p-value 0.001 <0.05, the coefficient determinant (r2x2y) of 0.155, 3.527 t count for more than ttabel by 2,000, (3) There is a positive and significant relationship Mathematics Learning Outcomes and the Role of Teachers in the Process of Learning together with the Learning Microsoft Office Excel 2007. This was indicated by Fhitung 7.995 greater than 3.13 or a probability Ftabel 0.001. Coefficient determinant (R2y1, 2) of 0.193 means that 19.3% of the variance that occurs in the variable Result Learning Microsoft Office Excel 2007 is determined by the variance of outcome variables that occur in learning mathematics and the role of the teacher in the learning process

    Aligning the topic of FCA with existing module learning outcomes

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    Although Formal Concept Analysis is worthy of study on computing courses, it is not always possible or practical to dedicate a whole module to it. It may, however, fit into an existing module as a topic but require some careful design of teaching and assessment activities to properly align it to the intended learning outcomes of the module. This paper describes and evaluates a three year project to align the teaching and assessment of FCA with the learning outcomes of a final-year undergraduate Smart Applications module at Sheffield Hallam University. Biggs' constructive alignment was used, incorporating an adapted version of Yin's case study research method, in an iterative process; progressively modifying teaching and assessment activities to align them more closely with the prescribed learning outcomes. The process involved examining conclusions made by students, from carrying out FCA case study assignments, to draw cross-case conclusions about the learning outcomes achieved, and how they deviated from the prescribed ones. These cross-case conclusions were used to feed back into the design of learning and assessment activities for the next delivery of the module. After three cycles, the learning outcomes achieved closely matched the prescribed learning outcomes of the module

    Application Of Media Video Tutorial With Camtasia Software Utilization In Learning Simple Functions Microsoft Excel To Improve Student Learning Activities Thus Have An Impact On Improving Student Learning Outcomes Class VIII MTS N 1 Winong

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    ICT activities and learning outcomes of students class VIII A in MTS N 1 Winong still low. It is caused by lack of use of media in teaching. Therefore, efforts should be made improvements in ICT learning, one using the tutorial video media in learning. This study aims to determine the increase in learning activities that have an impact on improving student learning outcomes ICT VIII class A MTs Negeri 1 Winong through the use of media in learning video tutorial. This research is a classroom action research subjects the students of class VIII A 1 Winong MTs. The research took place in two cycles consisting of 4 meetings. The study consisted of four phases: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Data collection using observation sheets and tests. Data validation is a technique used saturation. The data were analyzed using qualitative analysis techniques. The results showed that the use of video tutorials media can enhance learning activities that have an impact on improving student learning outcomes ICT class VIII A 1 Winong MTs. This can be evidenced by an increase in the percentage of activity and student learning outcomes in each cycle. In the first cycle, the percentage of student activity obtained is equal to 76.38 and the second cycle the percentage of student activity obtained is equal to 82.40%. Improved learning outcomes can also be seen from the test scores of students who achieve mastery. In the first cycle, the percentage of student learning outcomes at 83.33%, and the second cycle students pemhaman percentage of 91.66%. Thus, the use of video media torial can improve student learning activities that have an impact on improving student learning outcomes in ICT subjects in section microsoft excel simple function class VIII A 1 Winong MTs. Keywords: Video Tutorials, Learning Activity, Learning Outcomes

    The assessment of complex learning outcomes

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    The Engineering Professors' Council (EPC) produced an output standard in 2000 containing a setof 26 generic statements of what an engineering graduate should have an ability to tackle. In addition, Higher Education (HE) is concerned with the promotion of complex or advanced understanding of subject matter. This leads to complex learning outcomes, which need to be adequately assessed. Changing demands mean changing assessment practices. While good practice is being used in many cases, there is a need to ensure assessment stimulates complex learning. The article seeks to address these issues

    Profil dan Learning Outcomes Lulusan Pendidikan Akuntansi sebagai Referensi Lptk dalam Menyiapkan Guru Akuntansi Bermutu

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    The objective of this research is to stipulate the profile and learning outcome of the graduates of the Study Program of Accounting Education, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University. It is intended to help the Indonesian government to prepare the qualified teacher of Accounting subject matter according to the perceptions of alumni, lecturers, stakeholders, profession associations, and decision makers.The data sources of research were 96 students, 248 alumni, 15 lecturers, 15 stakeholders, Association of Accounting Educator Profession of Indonesia, and Chief of the Study Program of Accounting Education, Sebelas Maret University. The data of research were collected through observation, documentation, and FGD. They were analyzed by using the qualitative approach.The results of research show that (1) the profile of the graduates of the Study Program of Accounting Education includes the prospective teachers of Accounting subject matter for Vocational High Schools and Senior Secondary Schools who major in Introduction to Accounting and Finance, Number Processing/Spreadsheet, Banking, Accounting of Service and Trading Company, Financial Accounting, Accounting Computer, Accounting of Manufacturing Company, and Tax Administration; prospective Accounting instructors at non-formal education programs;; edupreneurs in the field of accounting and finance; junior researchers in the field of accounting and finance; and assistant accountants, and (2) the learning outcome expected includes attitude, knowledge, general and special skills, characters, and transferable soft skills which are relevant with the demands of the general public
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