8 research outputs found

    VIVO: Visual Vocabulary Pre-Training for Novel Object Captioning

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    It is highly desirable yet challenging to generate image captions that can describe novel objects which are unseen in caption-labeled training data, a capability that is evaluated in the novel object captioning challenge (nocaps). In this challenge, no additional image-caption training data, other thanCOCO Captions, is allowed for model training. Thus, conventional Vision-Language Pre-training (VLP) methods cannot be applied. This paper presents VIsual VOcabulary pretraining (VIVO) that performs pre-training in the absence of caption annotations. By breaking the dependency of paired image-caption training data in VLP, VIVO can leverage large amounts of paired image-tag data to learn a visual vocabulary. This is done by pre-training a multi-layer Transformer model that learns to align image-level tags with their corresponding image region features. To address the unordered nature of image tags, VIVO uses a Hungarian matching loss with masked tag prediction to conduct pre-training. We validate the effectiveness of VIVO by fine-tuning the pre-trained model for image captioning. In addition, we perform an analysis of the visual-text alignment inferred by our model. The results show that our model can not only generate fluent image captions that describe novel objects, but also identify the locations of these objects. Our single model has achieved new state-of-the-art results on nocaps and surpassed the human CIDEr score.Comment: AAAI 202

    Dense Video Object Captioning from Disjoint Supervision

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    We propose a new task and model for dense video object captioning -- detecting, tracking, and captioning trajectories of all objects in a video. This task unifies spatial and temporal understanding of the video, and requires fine-grained language description. Our model for dense video object captioning is trained end-to-end and consists of different modules for spatial localization, tracking, and captioning. As such, we can train our model with a mixture of disjoint tasks, and leverage diverse, large-scale datasets which supervise different parts of our model. This results in noteworthy zero-shot performance. Moreover, by finetuning a model from this initialization, we can further improve our performance, surpassing strong image-based baselines by a significant margin. Although we are not aware of other work performing this task, we are able to repurpose existing video grounding datasets for our task, namely VidSTG and VLN. We show our task is more general than grounding, and models trained on our task can directly be applied to grounding by finding the bounding box with the maximum likelihood of generating the query sentence. Our model outperforms dedicated, state-of-the-art models for spatial grounding on both VidSTG and VLN

    IC3: Image Captioning by Committee Consensus

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    If you ask a human to describe an image, they might do so in a thousand different ways. Traditionally, image captioning models are trained to generate a single "best" (most like a reference) image caption. Unfortunately, doing so encourages captions that are "informationally impoverished," and focus on only a subset of the possible details, while ignoring other potentially useful information in the scene. In this work, we introduce a simple, yet novel, method: "Image Captioning by Committee Consensus" (IC3), designed to generate a single caption that captures high-level details from several annotator viewpoints. Humans rate captions produced by IC3 at least as helpful as baseline SOTA models more than two thirds of the time, and IC3 can improve the performance of SOTA automated recall systems by up to 84%, outperforming single human-generated reference captions, and indicating significant improvements over SOTA approaches for visual description. Code is available at https://davidmchan.github.io/caption-by-committee/Comment: To Appear at EMNLP 202

    Visual-Semantic Learning

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    Visual-semantic learning is an attractive and challenging research direction aiming to understand complex semantics of heterogeneous data from two domains, i.e., visual signals (i.e., images and videos) and natural language (i.e., captions and questions). It requires memorizing the rich information in a single modality and a joint comprehension of multiple modalities. Artificial intelligence (AI) systems with human-level intelligence are claimed to learn like humans, such as efficiently leveraging brain memory for better comprehension, rationally incorporating common-sense knowledge into reasoning, quickly gaining in-depth understanding given a few samples, and analyzing relationships among abundant and informative events. However, these intelligence capacities are effortless for humans but challenging for machines. To bridge the discrepancy between human-level intelligence and present-day visual-semantic learning, we start from its basic understanding ability by studying the visual question answering (e.g., Image-QA and Video-QA) tasks from the perspectives of memory augmentation and common-sense knowledge incorporation. Furthermore, we stretch it to a more challenging situation with limited and partially unlabeled training data (i.e., Few-shot Visual-Semantic Learning) to imitate the fast learning ability of humans. Finally, to further enhance visual-semantic performance in natural videos with numerous spatio-temporal dynamics, we investigate exploiting event-correlated information for a comprehensive understanding of cross-modal semantics. To study the essential visual-semantic understanding ability of the human brain with memory, we first propose a novel Memory Augmented Deep Recurrent Neural Network (i.e., MA-DRNN) model for Video-QA, which features a new method for encoding videos and questions, and memory augmentation using the emerging Differentiable Neural Computer (i.e., DNC). Specifically, we encode semantic (i.e., questions) information before visual (i.e., videos) information, which leads to better visual-semantic representations. Moreover, we leverage Differentiable Neural Computer (with external memory) to store and retrieve valuable information in questions and videos and model the long-term visual-semantic dependency. In addition to basic understanding, to tackle visual-semantic reasoning that requires external knowledge beyond visible contents (e.g., KB-Image-QA), we propose a novel framework that endows the model with capabilities of answering more general questions and achieves better exploitation of external knowledge through generating Multiple Clues for Reasoning with Memory Neural Networks (i.e., MCR-MemNN). Specifically, a well-defined detector is adopted to predict image-question-related relation phrases, each delivering two complementary clues to retrieve the supporting facts from an external knowledge base (i.e., KB). These facts are encoded into a continuous embedding space using a content-addressable memory. Afterward, mutual interactions between visual-semantic representation and the supporting facts stored in memory are captured to distill the most relevant information in three modalities (i.e., image, question, and KB). Finally, the optimal answer is predicted by choosing the supporting fact with the highest score. Furthermore, to enable a fast, in-depth understanding given a small number of samples, especially with heterogeneity in the multi-modal scenarios such as image question answering (i.e., Image-QA) and image captioning (i.e., IC), we study the few-shot visual-semantic learning and present the Hierarchical Graph ATtention Network (i.e., HGAT). This two-stage network models the intra- and inter-modal relationships with limited image-text samples. The main contributions of HGAT can be summarized as follows: 1) it sheds light on tackling few-shot multi-modal learning problems, which focuses primarily, but not exclusively, on visual and semantic modalities, through better exploitation of the intra-relationship of each modality and an attention-based co-learning framework between modalities using a hierarchical graph-based architecture; 2) it achieves superior performance on both visual question answering and image captioning in the few-shot setting; 3) it can be easily extended to the semi-supervised setting where image-text samples are partially unlabeled. Although various attention mechanisms have been utilized to manage contextualized representations by modeling intra- and inter-modal relationships of the two modalities, one limitation of the predominant visual-semantic methods is the lack of reasoning with event correlation, sensing, and analyzing relationships among abundant and informative events contained in the video. To this end, we introduce the dense caption modality as a new auxiliary and distill event-correlated information to infer the correct answer. We propose a novel end-to-end trainable model, Event-Correlated Graph Neural Networks (EC-GNNs), to perform cross-modal reasoning over information from the three modalities (i.e., caption, video, and question). Besides exploiting a new modality, we employ cross-modal reasoning modules to explicitly model inter-modal relationships and aggregate relevant information across different modalities. We propose a question-guided self-adaptive multi-modal fusion module to collect the question-oriented and event-correlated evidence through multi-step reasoning. To evaluate our proposed models, we conduct extensive experiments on VTW, MSVD-QA, and TGIF-QA datasets for Video-QA task, Toronto COCO-QA, Visual Genome-QA datasets for few-shot Image-QA task, COCO-FITB dataset for few-shot IC task, and FVQA, Visual7W + ConceptNet datasets for KB-Image-QA task. The experimental results justify these models’ effectiveness and superiority over baseline methods

    Contextual information for object detection

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    Object detection has improved very rapidly in the last decades, but because they are very essential and considerably needed in various applications, further enhancement is needed. This thesis proposes the use of contextual information captured from digital scenes as a tool to contribute to developing detection performance. Contextual information, such as the co-occurrence of objects and the spatial and relative size among objects, provides deep and complex knowledge and interpretation about scenes. Determining such relationships among objects is seen to provide machine learning models with vital cues that aid detection methods to reach a better performance. In this thesis, sixteen contextual object-object relationships captured from MSCOCO 2017 training dataset are proposed. Upon the unique and intelligent enlightenment that those sixteen relationships provide, two contextual models, named Rescoring Model, and Relabelling Model, are proposed. These models explicitly encode contextual information from scenes, resulting to an improvement in the performance of two of the state-of-the-art detectors (i.e., Faster RCNN and YOLO). These models even provide greater improvement when being repeatedly processed, achieving higher AUC, mAP and F1 scores, with an increase of up to 19 percentage points compared with the baseline detectors. Due to the enhancement those contextual models achieve, another contextual model, named Transformer-Encoder Detector Module, is proposed. In contrast to the previous models, this model implicitly encodes contextual statistics and uses attention mechanism to provide a deeper understanding of images contents. It also achieves higher mAP, F1 scores and AUC average score of 13 percentage points compared to Faster RCNN detector. Perturbed images, where two different approaches of perturbations are applied, are used to examine the impact of the proposed contextual models. Results show that contextual models also gain better performances compared to the baseline detector. This is due to the use of both visual and contextual features, unlike the detector, which depends only on visual features

    Learning Object Context for Dense Captioning

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    Dense captioning is a challenging task which not only detects visual elements in images but also generates natural language sentences to describe them. Previous approaches do not leverage object information in images for this task. However, objects provide valuable cues to help predict the locations of caption regions as caption regions often highly overlap with objects (i.e. caption regions are usually parts of objects or combinations of them). Meanwhile, objects also provide important information for describing a target caption region as the corresponding description not only depicts its properties, but also involves its interactions with objects in the image. In this work, we propose a novel scheme with an object context encoding Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network to automatically learn complementary object context for each caption region, transferring knowledge from objects to caption regions. All contextual objects are arranged as a sequence and progressively fed into the context encoding module to obtain context features. Then both the learned object context features and region features are used to predict the bounding box offsets and generate the descriptions. The context learning procedure is in conjunction with the optimization of both location prediction and caption generation, thus enabling the object context encoding LSTM to capture and aggregate useful object context. Experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposed approach over the state-of-the-art methods

    Learning Object Context for Dense Captioning

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