59 research outputs found

    State-Space Inference and Learning with Gaussian Processes

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    State-space inference and learning with Gaussian processes (GPs) is an unsolved problem. We propose a new, general methodology for inference and learning in nonlinear state-space models that are described probabilistically by non-parametric GP models. We apply the expectation maximization algorithm to iterate between inference in the latent state-space and learning the parameters of the underlying GP dynamics model. Copyright 2010 by the authors

    Linear State-Space Model with Time-Varying Dynamics

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    This paper introduces a linear state-space model with time-varying dynamics. The time dependency is obtained by forming the state dynamics matrix as a time-varying linear combination of a set of matrices. The time dependency of the weights in the linear combination is modelled by another linear Gaussian dynamical model allowing the model to learn how the dynamics of the process changes. Previous approaches have used switching models which have a small set of possible state dynamics matrices and the model selects one of those matrices at each time, thus jumping between them. Our model forms the dynamics as a linear combination and the changes can be smooth and more continuous. The model is motivated by physical processes which are described by linear partial differential equations whose parameters vary in time. An example of such a process could be a temperature field whose evolution is driven by a varying wind direction. The posterior inference is performed using variational Bayesian approximation. The experiments on stochastic advection-diffusion processes and real-world weather processes show that the model with time-varying dynamics can outperform previously introduced approaches.Comment: The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-44851-9_2

    Predictive-State Decoders: Encoding the Future into Recurrent Networks

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    Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are a vital modeling technique that rely on internal states learned indirectly by optimization of a supervised, unsupervised, or reinforcement training loss. RNNs are used to model dynamic processes that are characterized by underlying latent states whose form is often unknown, precluding its analytic representation inside an RNN. In the Predictive-State Representation (PSR) literature, latent state processes are modeled by an internal state representation that directly models the distribution of future observations, and most recent work in this area has relied on explicitly representing and targeting sufficient statistics of this probability distribution. We seek to combine the advantages of RNNs and PSRs by augmenting existing state-of-the-art recurrent neural networks with Predictive-State Decoders (PSDs), which add supervision to the network's internal state representation to target predicting future observations. Predictive-State Decoders are simple to implement and easily incorporated into existing training pipelines via additional loss regularization. We demonstrate the effectiveness of PSDs with experimental results in three different domains: probabilistic filtering, Imitation Learning, and Reinforcement Learning. In each, our method improves statistical performance of state-of-the-art recurrent baselines and does so with fewer iterations and less data.Comment: NIPS 201
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