5,336 research outputs found

    Learning Effect Axioms via Probabilistic Logic Programming

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    In this paper we showed how we can automatically learn the structure and parameters of probabilistic effect axioms for the Simple Event Calculus (SEC) from positive and negative example interpretations stated as short dialogue sequences in natural language. We used the cplint framework for this task that provides libraries for structure and parameter learning and for answering queries with exact and inexact inference. The example dialogues that are used for learning the structure of the probabilistic logic program are parsed into dependency structures and then further translated into the Event Calculus notation with the help of a simple ontology. The novelty of our approach is that we can not only process uncertainty in event recognition but also learn the structure of effect axioms and combine these two sources of uncertainty to successfully answer queries under this probabilistic setting. Interestingly, our extension of the logic-based version of the SEC is completely elaboration-tolerant in the sense that the probabilistic version fully includes the logic-based version. This makes it possible to use the probabilistic version of the SEC in the traditional way as well as when we have to deal with uncertainty in the observed world. In the future, we would like to extend the probabilistic version of the SEC to deal -- among other things -- with concurrent actions and continuous change

    Formal verification of higher-order probabilistic programs

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    Probabilistic programming provides a convenient lingua franca for writing succinct and rigorous descriptions of probabilistic models and inference tasks. Several probabilistic programming languages, including Anglican, Church or Hakaru, derive their expressiveness from a powerful combination of continuous distributions, conditioning, and higher-order functions. Although very important for practical applications, these combined features raise fundamental challenges for program semantics and verification. Several recent works offer promising answers to these challenges, but their primary focus is on semantical issues. In this paper, we take a step further and we develop a set of program logics, named PPV, for proving properties of programs written in an expressive probabilistic higher-order language with continuous distributions and operators for conditioning distributions by real-valued functions. Pleasingly, our program logics retain the comfortable reasoning style of informal proofs thanks to carefully selected axiomatizations of key results from probability theory. The versatility of our logics is illustrated through the formal verification of several intricate examples from statistics, probabilistic inference, and machine learning. We further show the expressiveness of our logics by giving sound embeddings of existing logics. In particular, we do this in a parametric way by showing how the semantics idea of (unary and relational) TT-lifting can be internalized in our logics. The soundness of PPV follows by interpreting programs and assertions in quasi-Borel spaces (QBS), a recently proposed variant of Borel spaces with a good structure for interpreting higher order probabilistic programs

    On Automating the Doctrine of Double Effect

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    The doctrine of double effect (DDE\mathcal{DDE}) is a long-studied ethical principle that governs when actions that have both positive and negative effects are to be allowed. The goal in this paper is to automate DDE\mathcal{DDE}. We briefly present DDE\mathcal{DDE}, and use a first-order modal logic, the deontic cognitive event calculus, as our framework to formalize the doctrine. We present formalizations of increasingly stronger versions of the principle, including what is known as the doctrine of triple effect. We then use our framework to simulate successfully scenarios that have been used to test for the presence of the principle in human subjects. Our framework can be used in two different modes: One can use it to build DDE\mathcal{DDE}-compliant autonomous systems from scratch, or one can use it to verify that a given AI system is DDE\mathcal{DDE}-compliant, by applying a DDE\mathcal{DDE} layer on an existing system or model. For the latter mode, the underlying AI system can be built using any architecture (planners, deep neural networks, bayesian networks, knowledge-representation systems, or a hybrid); as long as the system exposes a few parameters in its model, such verification is possible. The role of the DDE\mathcal{DDE} layer here is akin to a (dynamic or static) software verifier that examines existing software modules. Finally, we end by presenting initial work on how one can apply our DDE\mathcal{DDE} layer to the STRIPS-style planning model, and to a modified POMDP model.This is preliminary work to illustrate the feasibility of the second mode, and we hope that our initial sketches can be useful for other researchers in incorporating DDE in their own frameworks.Comment: 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2017; Special Track on AI & Autonom

    Disintegration and Bayesian Inversion via String Diagrams

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    The notions of disintegration and Bayesian inversion are fundamental in conditional probability theory. They produce channels, as conditional probabilities, from a joint state, or from an already given channel (in opposite direction). These notions exist in the literature, in concrete situations, but are presented here in abstract graphical formulations. The resulting abstract descriptions are used for proving basic results in conditional probability theory. The existence of disintegration and Bayesian inversion is discussed for discrete probability, and also for measure-theoretic probability --- via standard Borel spaces and via likelihoods. Finally, the usefulness of disintegration and Bayesian inversion is illustrated in several examples.Comment: Accepted for publication in Mathematical Structures in Computer Scienc
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