16 research outputs found

    XCS Classifier System with Experience Replay

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    XCS constitutes the most deeply investigated classifier system today. It bears strong potentials and comes with inherent capabilities for mastering a variety of different learning tasks. Besides outstanding successes in various classification and regression tasks, XCS also proved very effective in certain multi-step environments from the domain of reinforcement learning. Especially in the latter domain, recent advances have been mainly driven by algorithms which model their policies based on deep neural networks -- among which the Deep-Q-Network (DQN) is a prominent representative. Experience Replay (ER) constitutes one of the crucial factors for the DQN's successes, since it facilitates stabilized training of the neural network-based Q-function approximators. Surprisingly, XCS barely takes advantage of similar mechanisms that leverage stored raw experiences encountered so far. To bridge this gap, this paper investigates the benefits of extending XCS with ER. On the one hand, we demonstrate that for single-step tasks ER bears massive potential for improvements in terms of sample efficiency. On the shady side, however, we reveal that the use of ER might further aggravate well-studied issues not yet solved for XCS when applied to sequential decision problems demanding for long-action-chains

    A brief history of learning classifier systems: from CS-1 to XCS and its variants

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    © 2015, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. The direction set by Wilson’s XCS is that modern Learning Classifier Systems can be characterized by their use of rule accuracy as the utility metric for the search algorithm(s) discovering useful rules. Such searching typically takes place within the restricted space of co-active rules for efficiency. This paper gives an overview of the evolution of Learning Classifier Systems up to XCS, and then of some of the subsequent developments of Wilson’s algorithm to different types of learning

    a priori synthetic sampling for increasing classification sensitivity in imbalanced data sets

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    Building accurate classifiers for predicting group membership is made difficult when data is skewed or imbalanced which is typical of real world data sets. The classifier has the tendency to be biased towards the over represented group as a result. This imbalance is considered a class imbalance problem which will induce bias into the classifier particularly when the imbalance is high. Class imbalance data usually suffers from data intrinsic properties beyond that of imbalance alone. The problem is intensified with larger levels of imbalance most commonly found in observational studies. Extreme cases of class imbalance are commonly found in many domains including fraud detection, mammography of cancer and post term births. These rare events are usually the most costly or have the highest level of risk associated with them and are therefore of most interest. To combat class imbalance the machine learning community has relied upon embedded, data preprocessing and ensemble learning approaches. Exploratory research has linked several factors that perpetuate the issue of misclassification in class imbalanced data. However, there remains a lack of understanding between the relationship of the learner and imbalanced data among the competing approaches. The current landscape of data preprocessing approaches have appeal due to the ability to divide the problem space in two which allows for simpler models. However, most of these approaches have little theoretical bases although in some cases there is empirical evidence supporting the improvement. The main goals of this research is to introduce newly proposed a priori based re-sampling methods that improve concept learning within class imbalanced data. The results in this work highlight the robustness of these techniques performance within publicly available data sets from different domains containing various levels of imbalance. In this research the theoretical and empirical reasons are explored and discussed

    Three-cornered coevolution learning classifier systems for classification

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    This thesis introduces a Three-Cornered Coevolution System that is capable of addressing classification tasks through coevolution (coadaptive evolution) where three different agents (i.e. a generation agent and two classification agents) learn and adapt to the changes of the problems without human involvement. In existing pattern classification systems, humans usually play a major role in creating and controlling the problem domain. In particular, humans set up and tune the problem’s difficulty. A motivation of the work for this thesis is to design and develop an automatic pattern generation and classification system that can generate various sets of exemplars to be learned from and perform the classification tasks autonomously. The system should be able to automatically adjust the problem’s difficulty based on the learners’ ability to learn (e.g. determining features in the problem that affect the learners’ performance in order to generate various problems for classification at different levels of difficulty). Further, the system should be capable of addressing the classification tasks through coevolution (coadaptive evolution), where the participating agents learn and adapt to the changes of the problems without human participation. Ultimately, Learning Classifier System (LCS) is chosen to be implemented in the participating agents. LCS has several potential characteristics, such as interpretability, generalisation capability and variations in representation, that are suitable for the system. The work can be broken down into three main phases. Phase 1 is to develop an automated evolvable problem generator to autonomously generate various problems for classification, Phase 2 is to develop the Two-Cornered Coevolution System for classification, and Phase 3 is to develop the Three-Cornered Coevolution System for classification. Phase 1 is necessary in order to create a set of problem domains for classification (i.e. image-based data or artificial data) that can be generated automatically, where the difficulty levels of the problem can be adjusted and tuned. Phase 2 is needed to investigate the generation agent’s ability to autonomously tune and adjust the problem’s difficulty based on the classification agent’s performance. Phase 2 is a standard coevolution system, where two different agents evolve to adapt to the changes of the problem. The classification agent evolves to learn various classification problems, while the generation agent evolves to tune and adjust the problem’s difficulty based on the learner’s ability to learn. Phase 3 is the final research goal. This phase develops a new coevolution system where three different agents evolve to adapt to the changes of the problem. Both of the classification agents evolve to learn various classification problems, while the generation agent evolves to tune and adjust the problem’s difficulty based on the classification agents’ ability to learn. The classification agents use different styles of learning techniques (i.e. supervised or reinforcement learning techniques) to learn the problems. Based on the classification agents’ ability (i.e. the difference in performance between the classification agents) the generation agent adjusts and creates various problems for classification at different levels of difficulty (i.e. various ‘hard’ problems). The Three-Cornered Coevolution System offers a great potential for autonomous learning and provides useful insight into coevolution learning over the standard studies of pattern recognition. The system is capable of autonomously generating various problems, learning and providing insight into each learning system’s ability by determining the problem domains where they perform relatively well. This is in contrast to humans having to determine the problem domains

    On cognition, adaptation and homeostasis : analysis and synthesis of bio-inspired computational tools applied to robot autonomous navigation

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    Orientadores: Fernando Jose Von Zuben, Patricia Amancio VargasDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Este trabalho tem como objetivos principais estudar, desenvolver e aplicar duas ferramentas computacionais bio-inspiradas em navegação autônoma de robôs. A primeira delas é representada pelos Sistemas Classificadores com Aprendizado, sendo que utilizou-se uma versão da proposta original, baseada em energia, e uma versão baseada em precisão. Adicionalmente, apresenta-se uma análise do processo de evolução das regras de inferência e da população final obtida. A segunda ferramenta trata de um modelo denominado sistema homeostático artificial evolutivo, composto por duas redes neurais artificiais recorrentes do tipo NSGasNets e um sistema endócrino artificial. O ajuste dos parâmetros do sistema é feito por meio de evolução, reduzindo-se a necessidade de codificação e parametrização a priori. São feitas análises de suas peculiaridades e de sua capacidade de adaptação. A motivação das duas propostas está no emprego conjunto de evolução e aprendizado, etapas consideradas fundamentais para a síntese de sistemas complexos adaptativos e modelagem computacional de processos cognitivos. Os experimentos visando validar as propostas envolvem simulação computacional em ambientes virtuais e implementações em um robô real do tipo Khepera II.Abstract: The objectives of this work are to study, develop and apply two bio-inspired computational tools in robot autonomous navigation. The first tool is represented by Learning Classifier Systems, using the strength-based and the accuracy-based models. Additionally, the rule evolution mechanisms and the final evolved populations are analyzed. The second tool is a model called evolutionary artificial homeostatic system, composed of two NSGasNet recurrent artificial neural networks and an artificial endocrine system. The parameters adjustment is made by means of evolution, reducing the necessity of a priori coding and parametrization. Analysis of the system's peculiarities and its adaptation capability are made. The motivation of both proposals is on the concurrent use of evolution and learning, steps considered fundamental for the synthesis of complex adaptive systems and the computational modeling of cognitive processes. The experiments, which aim to validate both proposals, involve computational simulation in virtual environments and implementations on real Khepera II robots.MestradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoMestre em Engenharia Elétric