510 research outputs found

    Crop Diseases Identification Using Deep Learning in Application

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    This comprehensive review paper explores the profound impact of deep learning in the context of agriculture, with a specific focus on its crucial role in crop disease analysis and management. Deep learning techniques have exhibited remarkable potential to revolutionize agricultural practices, enhancing efficiency, sustainability, and resilience. The introductory section sets the stage by emphasizing the significant role of deep learning in agriculture, offering insights into its transformative applications, including disease detection, yield prediction, precision agriculture, and resource optimization. Subsequent sections delve into the fundamental aspects of deep learning, beginning with an exploration of its relevance and its practical implementations in crop disease detection. These discussions illuminate the essential techniques and methodologies that drive this technology, stressing the critical importance of data quality, model generalization, computational resources, and cost considerations. The paper also addresses ethical and environmental concerns, emphasizing the imperative of responsible and sustainable deep learning applications in agriculture. Furthermore, the document outlines the limitations and challenges faced in this field, encompassing data availability, ethical considerations, and computational resource accessibility, offering valuable insights for future research and development. This paper underscores the immense potential of deep learning to revolutionize agriculture by improving disease management, resource allocation, and overall sustainability. While persistent challenges exist, such as data quality and accessibility, the promise of harnessing deep learning to address global food security challenges is exceptionally encouraging. This comprehensive review serves as a foundational resource for ongoing research and innovation within the agricultural domain

    Bridging Web 4.0 and Education 4.0 For Next Generation User Training in ERP Adoption

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    This study addresses the critical issue of user comprehension and application within the sphere of cloudbased Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, a recurrent challenge exacerbated by the intricate nature of these systems. To bridge the existing gaps in training methodologies, a novel paradigm that synergizes Web 4.0 and Education 4.0 modules with traditional ERP systems is proposed. This innovative framework ushers in a paradigm shift in ERP adoption strategies, promising a marked enhancement in user interaction and efficiency. Rigorous qualitative evaluations, conducted with expert panels and potential end-users, provided robust validation of the framework's transformative potential in the realm of user training for ERP systems. This pioneering approach not only makes a substantial academic contribution by reframing the perception of ERP systems but also holds a significant practical value in ameliorating the user experience with cloud-based ERP systems. In essence, the adoption of a Web 4.0-oriented approach in user training heralds a revolutionary shift in ERP adoption strategies, setting a solid foundation for future explorations in this domain

    Exploring ECG Signal Analysis Techniques for Arrhythmia Detection: A Review

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    The heart holds paramount importance in the human body as it serves the crucial function of supplying blood and nutrients to various organs. Thus, maintaining its health is imperative. Arrhythmia, a heart disorder, arises when the heart's rhythm becomes irregular. Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals are commonly utilized for analyzing arrhythmia due to their simplicity and cost-effectiveness. The peaks observed in ECG graphs, particularly the R peak, are indicative of heart conditions, facilitating arrhythmia diagnosis. Arrhythmia is broadly categorized into Tachycardia and Bradycardia for identification purposes. This paper explores diverse techniques such as Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Support Vector Machines (SVM), Neural Network (NN) classifiers, as well as Wavelet and Time–Frequency Transform (TQWT), which have been employed over the past decade for arrhythmia detection using various datasets. The study delves into the analysis of arrhythmia classification on ECG datasets, highlighting the effectiveness of data preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification techniques in achieving superior performance in classifying ECG signals for arrhythmia detection

    Cloud Computing for Effective Cyber Security Attack Detection in Smart Cities

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    An astute metropolis is an urbanized region that accumulates data through diverse numerical and experiential understanding. Cloud-connected Internet of Things (IoT) solutions have the potential to aid intelligent cities in collecting data from inhabitants, devices, residences, and alternative origins. The monitoring and administration of carrying systems, plug-in services, reserve managing, H2O resource schemes, excess managing, illegal finding, safety actions, ability, numeral collection, healthcare abilities, and extra openings all make use of the processing and analysis of this data. This study aims to improve the security of smart cities by detecting attacks using algorithms drawn from the UNSW-NB15 and CICIDS2017 datasets and to create advanced strategies for identifying and justifying cyber threats in the context of smart cities by leveraging real-world network traffic data from UNSW-NB15 and labelled attack actions from CICIDS2017. The research aims to underwrite the development of more effective intrusion detection systems tailored to the unique problems of safeguarding networked urban environments, hence improving the flexibility and safety of smart cities by estimating these datasets

    Automatic Driver Drowsiness Detection System

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    The proposed system aims to lessen the number of accidents that occur due to drivers’ drowsiness and fatigue, which will in turn increase transportation safety. This has become a common reason for accidents in recent times. Several facial and body gestures are considered signs of drowsiness and fatigue in drivers, including tiredness in the eyes and yawning. These features are an indication that the driver’s condition is improper. EAR (Eye Aspect Ratio) computes the ratio of distances between the horizontal and vertical eye landmarks, which is required for the detection of drowsiness. For the purpose of yawn detection, a YAWN value is calculated using the distance between the lower lip and the upper lip, and the distance will be compared against a threshold value. We have deployed an eSpeak module (text-to-speech synthesiser), which is used for giving appropriate voice alerts when the driver is feeling drowsy or is yawning. The proposed system is designed to decrease the rate of accidents and contribute to technology with the goal of preventing fatalities caused by road accidents. Over the past ten years, advances in artificial intelligence and computing technologies have improved driver monitoring systems. Several experimental studies have gathered data on actual driver fatigue using different artificial intelligence systems. In order to dramatically improve these systems' real-time performance, feature combinations are used. An updated evaluation of the driver sleepiness detection technologies put in place during the previous ten years is presented in this research. The paper discusses and displays current systems that track and identify drowsiness using various metrics. Based on the information used, each system can be categorised into one of four groups. Each system in this paper comes with a thorough discussion of the features, classification rules, and datasets it employs.&nbsp

    Machine Learning Based Fluid-Transportation Monitoring and Controlling

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    The discipline of fluid mechanics is developing quickly, propelled by previously unheard-of data volumes from experiments, field measurements, and expansive simulations at various spatiotemporal scales. The field of machine learning (ML) provides a plethora of methods for gleaning insights from data that can be used to inform our understanding of the fluid dynamics at play. As an added bonus, ML algorithms can be used to automate duties associated with flow control and optimization, while also enhancing domain expertise. This article provides a review of the background, current state, and potential future applications of ML in fluid mechanics. We provide an introduction to the most fundamental ML approaches and describe their applications to the study, modelling, optimization, and management of fluid flows. From the standpoint of scientific inquiry, which treats data as an integral aspect of modelling, experiments, and simulations, the benefits and drawbacks of these approaches are discussed. Since ML provides a robust information-processing framework, it can supplement and potentially revolutionize conventional approaches to fluid mechanics study and industrial applications. &nbsp

    The Dynamic Tensions of Service Learning in Higher Education: A Philosophical Perspective

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    Senior faculty in a peace and justice program at a small liberal arts college reject the efforts of a student affairs professional to help the faculty connect their teaching to practice through service activities in the local community. One faculty member openly wonders how out-of-class activities such as community service have anything to do with interdisciplinary theories of social justice. A director of an office of community service is upset because the provost has decided to develop a Center for Community Service Learning. The director sees this as an attempt to usurp the good work of student affairs and feels that attempts to engage faculty will be difficult, if not futile. A department chair in an American Thought and Language program at a large research university asks an associate professor being considered for promotion to full professor to explain in writing to the promotion and tenure committee the relevance of his research on service learning. Both the chair and the committee are apprehensive about service learning as a legitimate area of scholarly inquiry. And finally, a local social service agency in a university town has had its till of student volunteers after repeatedly receiving complaints from clients about patronizing attitudes expressed by the students

    Deep Reinforcement Learning DDPG Algorithm with AM based Transferable EMS for FCHEVs

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    Hydrogen fuel cell is used to run fuel cell hybrid electrical vehicles (FCHEVs). These FCHEVs are more efficient than vehicles based on conventional internal combustion engines due to no tailpipe emissions. FCHEVs emit water vapor and warm air. FCHEVs are demanding fast dynamic responses during acceleration and braking. To balance dynamic responsiveness, develop hybrid electric cars with fuel cell (FC) and auxiliary energy storage source batteries. This research paper discusses the development of an energy management strategy (EMS) for power-split FC-based hybrid electric cars using an algorithm called deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) which is based on deep reinforcement learning (DRL). DRL-based energy management techniques lack constraint capacity, learning speed, and convergence stability. To address these limitations proposes an action masking (AM) technique to stop the DDPG-based approach from producing incorrect actions that go against the system's physical limits and prevent them from being generated. In addition, the transfer learning (TL) approach of the DDPG-based strategy was investigated in order to circumvent the need for repetitive neural network training throughout the various driving cycles. The findings demonstrated that the suggested DDPG-based approach in conjunction with the AM method and TL method overcomes the limitations of current DRL-based approaches, providing an effective energy management system for power-split FCHEVs with reduced agent training time

    Architectural artificial intelligence: exploring and developing strategies, tools, and pedagogies toward the integration of deep learning in the architectural profession

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    The growing incessance for data collection is a trend born from the basic promise of data: “save everything you can, and someday you’ll be able to figure out some use for it all” (Schneier 2016, p. 40). However, this has manifested as a plague of information overload, where “it would simply be impossible for humans to deal with all of this data” (Davenport 2014, p. 151). Especially within the field of architecture, where designers are tasked with leveraging all available sources of information to compose an informed solution. Too often, “the average designer scans whatever information [they] happen on, […] and introduces this randomly selected information into forms otherwise dreamt up in the artist’s studio of mind” (Alexander 1964, p. 4). As data accumulates— less so the “oil”, and more the “exhaust of the information age” (Schneier 2016, p. 20)—we are rapidly approaching a point where even the programmers enlisted to automate are inadequate. Yet, as the size of data warehouses increases, so too does the available computational power and the invention of clever algorithms to negotiate it. Deep learning is an exemplar. A subset of artificial intelligence, deep learning is a collection of algorithms inspired by the brain, capable of automated self-improvement, or “learning”, through observations of large quantities of data. In recent years, the rise in computational power and the access to these immense databases have fostered the proliferation of deep learning to almost all fields of endeavour. The application of deep learning in architecture not only has the potential to resolve the issue of rising complexity, but introduce a plethora of new tools at the architect’s disposal, such as computer vision, natural language processing, and recommendation systems. Already, we are starting to see its impact on the field of architecture. Which raises the following questions: what is the current state of deep learning adoption in architecture, how can one better facilitate its integration, and what are the implications for doing so? This research aims to answer those questions through an exploration of strategies, tools, and pedagogies for the integration of deep learning in the architectural profession

    PMU measurements based short-term voltage stability assessment of power systems via deep transfer learning

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    Deep learning has emerged as an effective solution for addressing the challenges of short-term voltage stability assessment (STVSA) in power systems. However, existing deep learning-based STVSA approaches face limitations in adapting to topological changes, sample labeling, and handling small datasets. To overcome these challenges, this paper proposes a novel phasor measurement unit (PMU) measurements-based STVSA method by using deep transfer learning. The method leverages the real-time dynamic information captured by PMUs to create an initial dataset. It employs temporal ensembling for sample labeling and utilizes least squares generative adversarial networks (LSGAN) for data augmentation, enabling effective deep learning on small-scale datasets. Additionally, the method enhances adaptability to topological changes by exploring connections between different faults. Experimental results on the IEEE 39-bus test system demonstrate that the proposed method improves model evaluation accuracy by approximately 20% through transfer learning, exhibiting strong adaptability to topological changes. Leveraging the self-attention mechanism of the Transformer model, this approach offers significant advantages over shallow learning methods and other deep learning-based approaches.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measuremen
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