38,186 research outputs found

    Learned Multi-Patch Similarity

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    Estimating a depth map from multiple views of a scene is a fundamental task in computer vision. As soon as more than two viewpoints are available, one faces the very basic question how to measure similarity across >2 image patches. Surprisingly, no direct solution exists, instead it is common to fall back to more or less robust averaging of two-view similarities. Encouraged by the success of machine learning, and in particular convolutional neural networks, we propose to learn a matching function which directly maps multiple image patches to a scalar similarity score. Experiments on several multi-view datasets demonstrate that this approach has advantages over methods based on pairwise patch similarity.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, Accepted at ICCV 201

    Learning Correspondence Structures for Person Re-identification

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    This paper addresses the problem of handling spatial misalignments due to camera-view changes or human-pose variations in person re-identification. We first introduce a boosting-based approach to learn a correspondence structure which indicates the patch-wise matching probabilities between images from a target camera pair. The learned correspondence structure can not only capture the spatial correspondence pattern between cameras but also handle the viewpoint or human-pose variation in individual images. We further introduce a global constraint-based matching process. It integrates a global matching constraint over the learned correspondence structure to exclude cross-view misalignments during the image patch matching process, hence achieving a more reliable matching score between images. Finally, we also extend our approach by introducing a multi-structure scheme, which learns a set of local correspondence structures to capture the spatial correspondence sub-patterns between a camera pair, so as to handle the spatial misalignments between individual images in a more precise way. Experimental results on various datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.Comment: IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 2438-2453, 2017. The project page for this paper is available at http://min.sjtu.edu.cn/lwydemo/personReID.htm arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1504.0624

    Deformable Registration through Learning of Context-Specific Metric Aggregation

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    We propose a novel weakly supervised discriminative algorithm for learning context specific registration metrics as a linear combination of conventional similarity measures. Conventional metrics have been extensively used over the past two decades and therefore both their strengths and limitations are known. The challenge is to find the optimal relative weighting (or parameters) of different metrics forming the similarity measure of the registration algorithm. Hand-tuning these parameters would result in sub optimal solutions and quickly become infeasible as the number of metrics increases. Furthermore, such hand-crafted combination can only happen at global scale (entire volume) and therefore will not be able to account for the different tissue properties. We propose a learning algorithm for estimating these parameters locally, conditioned to the data semantic classes. The objective function of our formulation is a special case of non-convex function, difference of convex function, which we optimize using the concave convex procedure. As a proof of concept, we show the impact of our approach on three challenging datasets for different anatomical structures and modalities.Comment: Accepted for publication in the 8th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (MLMI 2017), in conjunction with MICCAI 201

    Self-Tuned Deep Super Resolution

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    Deep learning has been successfully applied to image super resolution (SR). In this paper, we propose a deep joint super resolution (DJSR) model to exploit both external and self similarities for SR. A Stacked Denoising Convolutional Auto Encoder (SDCAE) is first pre-trained on external examples with proper data augmentations. It is then fine-tuned with multi-scale self examples from each input, where the reliability of self examples is explicitly taken into account. We also enhance the model performance by sub-model training and selection. The DJSR model is extensively evaluated and compared with state-of-the-arts, and show noticeable performance improvements both quantitatively and perceptually on a wide range of images

    Fast Predictive Multimodal Image Registration

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    We introduce a deep encoder-decoder architecture for image deformation prediction from multimodal images. Specifically, we design an image-patch-based deep network that jointly (i) learns an image similarity measure and (ii) the relationship between image patches and deformation parameters. While our method can be applied to general image registration formulations, we focus on the Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping (LDDMM) registration model. By predicting the initial momentum of the shooting formulation of LDDMM, we preserve its mathematical properties and drastically reduce the computation time, compared to optimization-based approaches. Furthermore, we create a Bayesian probabilistic version of the network that allows evaluation of registration uncertainty via sampling of the network at test time. We evaluate our method on a 3D brain MRI dataset using both T1- and T2-weighted images. Our experiments show that our method generates accurate predictions and that learning the similarity measure leads to more consistent registrations than relying on generic multimodal image similarity measures, such as mutual information. Our approach is an order of magnitude faster than optimization-based LDDMM.Comment: Accepted as a conference paper for ISBI 201
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