23 research outputs found

    Polynomial kernels for 3-leaf power graph modification problems

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    A graph G=(V,E) is a 3-leaf power iff there exists a tree T whose leaves are V and such that (u,v) is an edge iff u and v are at distance at most 3 in T. The 3-leaf power graph edge modification problems, i.e. edition (also known as the closest 3-leaf power), completion and edge-deletion, are FTP when parameterized by the size of the edge set modification. However polynomial kernel was known for none of these three problems. For each of them, we provide cubic kernels that can be computed in linear time for each of these problems. We thereby answer an open problem first mentioned by Dom, Guo, Huffner and Niedermeier (2005).Comment: Submitte

    Parameterized Leaf Power Recognition via Embedding into Graph Products

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    The k-leaf power graph G of a tree T is a graph whose vertices are the leaves of T and whose edges connect pairs of leaves at unweighted distance at most k in T. Recognition of the k-leaf power graphs for k >= 6 is still an open problem. In this paper, we provide an algorithm for this problem for sparse leaf power graphs. Our result shows that the problem of recognizing these graphs is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized both by k and by the degeneracy of the given graph. To prove this, we describe how to embed the leaf root of a leaf power graph into a product of the graph with a cycle graph. We bound the treewidth of the resulting product in terms of k and the degeneracy of G. As a result, we can use methods based on monadic second-order logic (MSO_2) to recognize the existence of a leaf power as a subgraph of the product graph

    Relating threshold tolerance graphs to other graph classes

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    A graph G=(V, E) is a threshold tolerance if it is possible to associate weights and tolerances with each node of G so that two nodes are adjacent exactly when the sum of their weights exceeds either one of their tolerances. Threshold tolerance graphs are a special case of the well-known class of tolerance graphs and generalize the class of threshold graphs which are also extensively studied in literature. In this note we relate the threshold tolerance graphs with other important graph classes. In particular we show that threshold tolerance graphs are a proper subclass of co-strongly chordal graphs and strictly include the class of co-interval graphs. To this purpose, we exploit the relation with another graph class, min leaf power graphs (mLPGs)

    On relaxing the constraints in pairwise compatibility graphs

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    A graph GG is called a pairwise compatibility graph (PCG) if there exists an edge weighted tree TT and two non-negative real numbers dmind_{min} and dmaxd_{max} such that each leaf lul_u of TT corresponds to a vertex uVu \in V and there is an edge (u,v)E(u,v) \in E if and only if dmindT(lu,lv)dmaxd_{min} \leq d_T (l_u, l_v) \leq d_{max} where dT(lu,lv)d_T (l_u, l_v) is the sum of the weights of the edges on the unique path from lul_u to lvl_v in TT. In this paper we analyze the class of PCG in relation with two particular subclasses resulting from the the cases where \dmin=0 (LPG) and \dmax=+\infty (mLPG). In particular, we show that the union of LPG and mLPG does not coincide with the whole class PCG, their intersection is not empty, and that neither of the classes LPG and mLPG is contained in the other. Finally, as the graphs we deal with belong to the more general class of split matrogenic graphs, we focus on this class of graphs for which we try to establish the membership to the PCG class.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Split decomposition and graph-labelled trees: characterizations and fully-dynamic algorithms for totally decomposable graphs

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    In this paper, we revisit the split decomposition of graphs and give new combinatorial and algorithmic results for the class of totally decomposable graphs, also known as the distance hereditary graphs, and for two non-trivial subclasses, namely the cographs and the 3-leaf power graphs. Precisely, we give strutural and incremental characterizations, leading to optimal fully-dynamic recognition algorithms for vertex and edge modifications, for each of these classes. These results rely on a new framework to represent the split decomposition, namely the graph-labelled trees, which also captures the modular decomposition of graphs and thereby unify these two decompositions techniques. The point of the paper is to use bijections between these graph classes and trees whose nodes are labelled by cliques and stars. Doing so, we are also able to derive an intersection model for distance hereditary graphs, which answers an open problem.Comment: extended abstract appeared in ISAAC 2007: Dynamic distance hereditary graphs using split decompositon. In International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation - ISAAC. Number 4835 in Lecture Notes, pages 41-51, 200

    Parameterized Algorithms for Modular-Width

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    It is known that a number of natural graph problems which are FPT parameterized by treewidth become W-hard when parameterized by clique-width. It is therefore desirable to find a different structural graph parameter which is as general as possible, covers dense graphs but does not incur such a heavy algorithmic penalty. The main contribution of this paper is to consider a parameter called modular-width, defined using the well-known notion of modular decompositions. Using a combination of ILPs and dynamic programming we manage to design FPT algorithms for Coloring and Partitioning into paths (and hence Hamiltonian path and Hamiltonian cycle), which are W-hard for both clique-width and its recently introduced restriction, shrub-depth. We thus argue that modular-width occupies a sweet spot as a graph parameter, generalizing several simpler notions on dense graphs but still evading the "price of generality" paid by clique-width.Comment: to appear in IPEC 2013. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1304.5479 by other author


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