12 research outputs found


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    Leaderless resistance, as a model for terrorism, is used to overcome the collective action problem to varying degrees of success. Originally exploited by various White Power groups (WPG) in the second half of the 20th century, leaderless resistance was then used by the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) to commit hundreds of non-lethal attacks. After the turn of the century, this model was again used for violence, as the involuntary celibate (Incel) movement has inspired members to commit mass murder. Conversely, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement uses leaderless resistance to champion a legitimate cause, and generally without violence. However, despite the prevalence of attacks committed by groups using this model, no theory of leaderless resistance has been proposed. Through examination of these four case studies, the theory of leaderless resistance presents itself as isolation, flexible ideology, urgency and exogenous events, and inspiration: the correct balance results in violence. Failure to properly address these components of the theory of leaderless resistance prevents effective mobilization of group members, limiting action and violence. This thesis examines these components individually through their employment by WPG, ELF, Incels, and BLM.Major, United States ArmyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    The leaderless social movement organization unstoppable power or last-ditch effort

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    Since September 11, 2001, the United States and its partners around the world have significantly damaged al Qaeda's organizational structure, transforming what was once a robust terrorist network into one that is disaggregated and much less effective. Despite losing a considerable portion of its leadership in the war on terror, al Qaeda remains supportive of insurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan, and it continues to perpetuate the Salafi-Jihadi ideology throughout the Middle East and beyond. As we continue to pursue a strategy aimed to further dismantle al Qaeda's leadership, we must consider, what happens if we succeed? What should we expect to happen to the central organization if we kill or capture top-tier al Qaeda leadership such as Ayman al-Zawahiri or Osama bin Laden? Will the organization continue to be a threat without a recognizable leader? This research seeks to examine under what conditions a social movement organization will be effective without a leader. Advisors and scholars alike have dichotomous opinions regarding the potential effectiveness of leaderless social movement organizations. Social movement theorists have yet to examine leaderless organizations through the lens of their models. By examining leaderless social movement organizations in terms of the political process model, we will gain a better understanding of why leaderless structures may be more effective for some organizations and less effective for others. This research will expand the existing body of social movement literature and provide a theory for predicting the potential effectiveness of leaderless social movement organizations.http://archive.org/details/theleaderlesssoc109455077US Air Force (USAF) authorApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Fighting the Hydra: Combatting Vulnerabilities in Online Leaderless Resistance Networks

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    Why do contemporary Racially-Motivated Violent Extremist (RMVE) movements champion “leaderless resistance,” and how can practitioners combat this organizational strategy? To answer this question, we draw on insights from military planning to identify why this online network structure provides the RMVE community its primary source of power, or “center of gravity.” We then use this information to deconstruct the movement’s operational activities including its critical capabilities and critical requirements to perpetrate these actions. Based on these requirements, we identify key vulnerabilities to undercut the movement’s resilience and growth. Leaderless resistance is an organizational strategy “that allows for and encourages individuals or small cells to engage in acts of political violence entirely independent of any hierarchy of leadership or network of support.” Fueled by a growing virtual reach, leaderless movements and groups based in the United States have flourished in the last decade. These entities can largely be divided into two categories: those that deliberately adopted a leaderless structure for its strategic benefits (e.g., Atomwaffen, the Base), and those that are organically leaderless due to the highly fluid nature of their network of followers (e.g., Boogaloo Bois, Groypers). The online RMVE leaderless resistance network relies on three critical requirements to achieve their desired end goals: (1) common doctrine, (2) shared narrative, and (3) dense communication networks. Online communication networks, in particular, are critical to spread information, share key doctrinal concepts through common texts, mobilize followers, and radicalize individuals to take actions. Given these requirements, we identify at least three vulnerabilities in these network structures: 1. Poor organizational cohesion and control, 2. Limited visibility of ideological narratives/influencers, and 3. Barriers to communication and coordination. These challenges can undercut the perceived legitimacy, momentum, and growth of the movement. To exploit these vulnerabilities, we assess the effectiveness of several previously tested policy interventions including: • Law Enforcement-Based Interventions: Proscription, Arrests, and Litigation • Community-Based Interventions: Inoculation Theory, Counter-Messaging, Disengagement, De- Radicalization • Industry-Based Interventions: De-platforming, Content Moderation, Redirect, and Hash-Sharing Directories We assess that community-based and industry-based interventions are more likely to succeed than law enforcement-based interventions because the profound distrust of government in these communities limits the potential effectiveness of government-backed interventions and also creates a high potential for unanticipated, counterproductive effects

    Strategia oporu niekierowanego w wojnie asymetrycznej

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    Present terroristic organizations base its activity for more often on Leaderless Resistance. It in this strategy does not exist disposable organizational central and organisational sections are loose connected system with full autonomy, in range of planning and so exexuting. Such structure assures the terroristic web large elasticity and resistance from state blow. In proposal version by Beam, organizational system is based on cellular structure, but there is no central control or management; all individuals and sections operate seperatley between one’s, and never answer to head office or individual leader for instructions or orders. The web as organizational structure is elastic, adapts easily to chances in surrounding. Thanks to it is resistants on blows. The central point bases on distant structure decentralization, in this way, that manifests not only in independent sections but also in their specialisation

    Actores isolados: reflexão conceptual

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    O terrorismo está em constante transformação. À medida que evolui no século XXI, vai-se adaptando às mudanças no ambiente sociopolítico mundial. Algumas dessas alterações facilitam as competências operacionais dos terroristas, a obtenção de financiamento e o desenvolvimento de novas capacidades. Para contextualizar essas alterações, é fundamental analisar a evolução histórica do terrorismo. No ocidente, tácticas transnacionais combinadas com ataques perpetrados por actores isolados, inspirados ou motivados por grupos terroristas provocaram um aumento do número de ataques terroristas. Embora este tipo de actuação não constitua novidade, a sua frequência aumentou, sendo o sucesso operacional facilmente alcançado com um reduzido nível de planeamento e dos modus operandi. Para as autoridades, a maior preocupação é a reduzida sofisticação dos ataques que requerem reduzido financiamento, um limitado conhecimento dos locais de actuação e a utilização de armas rudimentares ou de oportunidade. Na era digital, os processos de radicalização e de planeamento operacional tornam mais difícil compreender e analisar os ataques perpetrados por indivíduos isolados. Neste estudo, exploramos o conceito de actor isolado e os possíveis factores que podem ter contribuído para a emergência do fenómeno, contextualizando-o no âmbito da evolução histórica do terrorismo.Terrorism is continually changing. As terrorism evolves in the 21st century, it is adapting to changes in the world socio-political environment. Some of these changes facilitate the abilities of terrorists to operate, procure funding, and develop new capabilities. In order to put these changes into context, it will be necessary to look at the historical evolution of terrorism, with each succeeding evolution building upon techniques pioneered by others. In the western world transnational tactics in combination with lone actor attacks inspired or motivated by terrorist groups drove an increase in terrorism. Although those attacks aren’t new, their frequency is increasing and operational success can be achieved with low-level planning and modus operandi. For the authorities, a major concern is the low-level of sophistication needed to plan the attacks that require barely any funding, little knowledge of sites and venues, and only rudimentary or opportunity weapons. The nature of radicalization and operational planning in the digital age has complicated efforts to interpret and analyze attacks perpetrated by single individuals. In this study we explore the concept of lone actor and possible factors that may have contributed to the emergence of this phenomenon.N/

    The Correlates of Right-wing Extremism

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    Research into the correlates of right-wing extremism has been focused on the group level, mainly ignoring the individual right-wing extremist behaviors, characteristics, and traits. Although group milieu strongly affects the ideology of individuals, personal decisions making often comes from a combination of unique experiences, cognitive abilities and biases, and differences in individual traits. This biographical study aimed to examine the life course events of twenty-five individual right-wing extremists identifying common biological and circumstantial correlates among and between the subjects. By analyzing the different correlates, this study created a matrix that identifies the correlates for significance. The results of the analysis created an individual right-wing extremist profile able to assist the United States law enforcement agencies, the intelligence community, and the criminal justice system by making a list of factors that can be used to identify individuals that are predisposed to the use of violence in the furtherance of their political, religious, and social ideologies. The data collected in this study suggests that a right-wing extremist who utilizes violence is a white male, radicalized under the age of 30, from a suburban or rural environment, has a high school education, has peers involved in right-wing extremist movements, having previously been exposed to traditional religion, married at least one time, and adhere to multiple right-wing extremist ideologies. Additionally, the right-wing extremist profile created in this study suggests that the individual is highly likely to be a military veteran with combat experience

    Evolução do terrorismo jihadista

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    Neste trabalho procuramos investigar a importância do terrorismo jihadista contemporâneo. A referida tipologia de terrorismo emprega um volume de violência nas suas ações terroristas, com os objetivos de causar a morte ao maior número de inocentes e estabelecer um clima de medo. A ameaça corporizada por este tipo de terrorismo é sentida também na Europa e em particular em Portugal. Desta forma, é importante compreender o fenómeno para os membros do sistema de segurança nacional puderem adotar as melhores estratégias de prevenção. Com este trabalho de investigação pretendemos apresentar as bases estruturais do fenómeno do terrorismo jihadista, para depois se observarem os seus efeitos, particularmente a ameaça jihadista em Portugal. Antes de concluir, na Europa há núcleos radicais e terroristas, tal como: em Espanha, França e Inglaterra, entre outros, e nunca será de menosprezar a ação de células terroristas no Magrebe e no Sahel, em especial as ações da Al-Qaeda do Magrebe Islâmico. Por fim, conclui-se que apesar de se considerar que aparentemente em Portugal há uma boa integração das comunidades muçulmanas, tem-se detetado frangas radicais em território nacional. Em particular, deteta-se a existência de elementos fundamentalistas e imigrantes ilegais, a recolher dinheiro proveniente da Zakat, o que nos leva a afirmar que em Portugal existem condições para a formação de uma célula terrorista jihadista. Assim, adianta-se a hipótese de que Portugal corre o risco de sofrer um atentado jihadista.In this work we intend to investigate the importance of the contemporary jihadist terrorism. The aforementioned terrorism typology encompasses a volume of violence on its actions, aiming to establish an horror climate, whilst performing the maximum number of killings. This threat is already present in Europe and particularly in Portugal. Furthermore, it is important to understand such phenomenon for members of the national security system in order to adopt the best strategies to prevent. This research work intends to present the structural foundations of the phenomenon of jihadist terrorism, in particular its presence in Portugal. Before conclusion, there are already some radical and terrorist clusters in Europe, such as: Spain, France and England among others, and we should not underestimate terrorist action of Magrebe and Sahel cells, with a special attention to Al-Qaeda actions of Islamic Magrebe. We conclude that despite the apparent good integration of muslim communities in Portugal, some radical riots have been detected in national territory, in particular the presence of fundamentalist elements as well as illegal emigrants is common, gathering money from Zakat, which lead us to considerate that there are plausible conditions for a jihadist terrorist cell to be formed in Portugal. We acknowledge that having this in account, it is also possible that Portugal might suffer a jihadist terrorist attempt

    Al Qaeda Terrorist Network: Pre 9/11 Conditions, Post 9/11 Responses

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    The European Social Forum and the Internet: a case of communications networks and collective action

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    Distinguished by its transnational scale, non-hierarchical organizing, and diverse composition, the 'movement for alternative globalization' is thought to partly derive this combination of characteristics from its use of the internet. My research is an attempt to explore this relationship by investigating the use of email lists for the preparation of the European Social Forum (ESF) in London in October 2004, one of the largest gatherings of the movement in Europe. Focusing on the processes of organizing, decision-making and collective identity formation, my study employed a combination of methods, including a preliminary survey, in-depth interviews, as. well as content analysis of the main ESF email lists. In terms of organizing, my thesis revealed that email lists are instrumental in constructing a flexible and polycentric organizing structure. They were also used extensively to widen up participation to the face-to-face organizing meetings, but also to legitimate the decision-making system and conceal its asymmetries of power. Furthermore, every list constituted a different 'site of identization' whose affordances for identity construction depended on its size, scale, and composition. In that respect, email lists constituted an infrastructure for the development of multiple identities within the movement. However, the lack of physical proximity and the limited capacity for conveying emotive content constrained the potential of email lists to foster relationships of trust and shared opinions which were instead facilitated by face-to-face communication. Overall, my thesis has identified a series of mechanisms and dynamics whose point of equilibrium determines the state of the movement at any point in time. In that respect, email and email lists tend to foster opening, divergence, multiplicity, and individuality, while face-to-face communication tends to generate closing, convergence, unity, and collectiveness. It is therefore the combination of these two forms of communication that helps the movement to have seemingly contrasting characteristics: to be united in difference or to be a collective that affirms individual subjectivity. However, my study has further shown that the capacity of the internet to foster such dynamics also depends on the specific cultures of organizing, political priorities, and ideological backgrounds of the people using it