2 research outputs found

    Leakage-Resilient Lattice-Based Partially Blind Signatures

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    Blind signature schemes (BSS) play a pivotal role in privacy-oriented cryptography. However, with blind signature schemes, the signed message remains unintelligible to the signer, giving them no guarantee that the blinded message he signed actually contained valid information. Partially-blind signature schemes (PBSS) were introduced to address precisely this problem. In this paper we present the first leakage-resilient, lattice-based partially-blind signature scheme in the literature. Our construction is provably secure in the random oracle model (ROM) and offers quasilinear complexity w.r.t. key/signature sizes and signing speed. In addition, it offers statistical partial blindness and its unforgeability is based on the computational hardness of worst-case ideal lattice problems for approximation factors in ˜O(n4)˜ O(n^4) in dimension nn. Our scheme benefits from the subexponential hardness of ideal lattice problems and remains secure even if a (1-o(1)) fraction of the signer’s secret key leaks to an adversary via arbitrary side-channels. Several extensions of the security model, such as honest-user unforgeability and selective failure blindness, are also considered and concrete parameters for instantiation are proposed

    Lattice-based Signature Schemes with Additional Features

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    Building cryptographic schemes upon as many fundamentally different hard problems as possible, seems to be the best way to hedge against future threats such as quantum computers. Being mainly based on the hardness of factoring and computing discrete logarithms, the present security landscape is at risk. In contrast, problems in lattices, such as finding short non-zero vectors, seem to withstand quantum computer attacks and the best known algorithms run in exponential time. In sharp contrast to other fields of cryptography, lattices admit a worst-case to average-case reduction (Ajtai 1996). Instead of assuming that a problem is hard for randomly chosen instances, lattice-based cryptosystems merely require the existence of a single hard instance, i.e., hardness in the worst case. With such an additional "trust anchor", the resulting security guarantees are much more plausible. Quite recently, we have seen an increased interest in lattice-based cryptography with many striking results. In this thesis, we are particularly interested in signature schemes, which provide a supporting pillar for today's economy. While we have seen basic signature schemes from lattices, e.g., (Gentry, Peikert, Vaikuntanathan 2008), (Lyubashevsky, Micciancio 2008), (Lyubashevsky 2009), or (Cash, Hofheinz, Kiltz, Peikert 2009), there are hardly any results dealing with the specific needs of applications, where ordinary signatures often fall too short. In this thesis, we build upon the above results and equip them with additional features, motivated by an exemplary selection of application scenarios. Hence, we demonstrate the great versatility of lattices in cryptography. In particular, we facilitate privacy-friendly electronic elections, fair online contract signing, signature compression, secure signatures in the strongest sense, as well as identity-based primitives. As far as possible, we avoid simplifying assumptions, such as the random oracle model. We believe that our techniques can be transferred to other application scenarios as well. Independently of the these results, we discuss the practical hardness of lattice problems and provide a framework for estimating the security of essentially all modern lattice-based cryptography