4 research outputs found

    NewHope: A Mobile Implementation of a Post-Quantum Cryptographic Key Encapsulation Mechanism

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    NIST anticipates the appearance of large-scale quantum computers by 2036 [34], which will threaten widely used asymmetric algorithms, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) launched a Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Project to find quantum-secure alternatives. NewHope post-quantum cryptography (PQC) key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) is the only Round 2 candidate to simultaneously achieve small key values through the use of a security problem with sufficient confidence its security, while mitigating any known vulnerabilities. This research contributes to NIST project’s overall goal by assessing the platform flexibility and resource requirements of NewHope KEMs on an Android mobile device. The resource requirements analyzed are transmission size as well as scheme runtime, central processing unit (CPU), memory, and energy usage. Results from each NewHope KEM instantiations are compared amongst each other, to a baseline application, and to results from previous work. NewHope PQC KEM was demonstrated to have sufficient flexibility for mobile implementation, competitive performance with other PQC KEMs, and to have competitive scheme runtime with current key exchange algorithms

    Side-channel and Fault-injection attacks over Lattice-based Post-quantum Schemes (Kyber, Dilithium): Survey and New Results

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    In this work, we present a systematic study of Side-Channel Attacks (SCA) and Fault Injection Attacks (FIA) on structured lattice-based schemes, with a focus on Kyber Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) and Dilithium signature scheme, which are leading candidates in the NIST standardization process for Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC). Through our study, we attempt to understand the underlying similarities and differences between the existing attacks, while classifying them into different categories. Given the wide variety of reported attacks, simultaneous protection against all the attacks requires to implement customized protections/countermeasures for both Kyber and Dilithium. We therefore present a range of customized countermeasures, capable of providing defenses/mitigations against existing SCA/FIA, and incorporate several SCA and FIA countermeasures within a single design of Kyber and Dilithium. Among the several countermeasures discussed in this work, we present novel countermeasures that offer simultaneous protection against several SCA and FIA-based chosen-ciphertext attacks for Kyber KEM. We implement the presented countermeasures within the well-known pqm4 library for the ARM Cortex-M4 based microcontroller. Our performance evaluation reveals that the presented custom countermeasures incur reasonable performance overheads, on the ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller. We therefore believe our work argues for the usage of custom countermeasures within real-world implementations of lattice-based schemes, either in a standalone manner or as reinforcements to generic countermeasures such as masking

    Lattice-Based Signature Schemes and their Sensitivity to Fault Attacks

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    Due to their high efficiency and their strong security properties, lattice-based cryptographic schemes seem to be a very promising post-quantum replacement for currently used public key cryptography. The security of lattice-based schemes has been deeply analyzed mathematically, whereas little effort has been spent on the analysis against implementation attacks. In this paper, we start with the fault analysis of one of the most important cryptographic primitives: signature schemes. We investigate the vulnerability and resistance of the currently most efficient lattice-based signature schemes BLISS (CRYPTO 2013), ring-TESLA (AfricaCrypt 2016), and the GLP scheme (CHES 2012) and their implementations. We consider different kinds of (first-order) randomizing, zeroing, and skipping faults. For each of the signature schemes, we found at least six effective attacks. To increase the security of lattice-based signature schemes, we propose countermeasures for each of the respective attacks

    Lattice-Based Signature Schemes and their Sensitivity to Fault Attacks

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    Source at https://vkm.no/Helse- og miljørisikovurderingen av den genmodifiserte potetklonen EH92-527-1 (cv. Amflora) fra BASF Plant Science, er utført av Faggruppe for genmodifiserte organismer i Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet (VKM). EH92-527-1 ble godkjent til dyrking og industrielle formål under EUs utsettingsdirektiv 2001/18/EF (søknad C/SE/96/3501) og til dyrefôr under EU-forordning 1829/2003 (søknad EFSA/GMO/UK/2005/14) 2. mars 2010. Godkjenningen under forordningen omfatter også tillatelse til en innblanding av EH92-527-1 (spormengder) i mat og annet fôr opp til 0,9 prosent