195 research outputs found

    Micro-topography associated to forest edges

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    Forest edges are often defined as the discontinuity between the forest habitat and an adjacent open habitat, thus they are based on a clear difference in the structure of the dominant vegetation. However, beside this very general definition, in the field we can observe a large diversity of edges, with often different kinds of micro-topography features: bank, ditch, stone wall, path, etc. As these elements are rather common in many temperate forest edges, it seems important to start to characterize them more clearly and with consistency. From a set of observations in south-western France, we build a first typology of the micro-topographic elements associated to forest edges. For each of them we describe the process, natural or human induced, at their origin, and according to the literature available, we identify some of their key ecological roles. Banks, generated by the differential erosion between forest and crops along slopes, are especially analyzed since they are the most common micro-topographic element in our region. It offers many micro-habitat conditions in the soil used by a wide range of species, notably by several bee species. More research is required to study in details the importance of such micro-topographic elements

    Central and South America

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    The chapter is divided into two main sections. The first section follows an integrative approach in which hazards, exposure, vulnerability, impacts and risks are discussed following the eight climatically homogeneous sub-regions described in WGI AR6 (Figure 12.1). The second section assesses the implemented and proposed adaptation practices by sector; in doing so, it connects to the WGII AR6 crosschapter themes. The storyline is then a description of the hazards, exposure, vulnerability and impacts providing as much detail as is available in the literature at the sub-regional level, followed by the identification of risks as a result of the interaction of those aspects. This integrated sub-regional approach ensures a balance in the text, particularly for countries that are usually underrepresented in the literature but that show a high level of vulnerability and impacts, such as those observed in CA. The sectoral assessment of adaptation that follows is useful for policymakers and implementers, usually focused and organised by sectors, government ministries or secretaries that can easily locate the relevant adaptation information for their particular sector. To ensure coherence in the chapter, a summary of the assessed adaptation options by key risks is presented, followed by a feasibility assessment for some relevant adaptation options. The chapter closes with case studies and a discussion of the knowledge gaps evidenced in the process of the assessment.EEA Santa CruzFil: Castellanos, Edwin J. Universidad del Valle de Guatemala; Guatemala.Fil: Lemos, Maria Fernanda. Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro; Brasil.Fil: Astigarraga, Laura. Universidad de la República; Uruguay.Fil: Chacón, Noemí. Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas; Venezuela.Fil: Cuvi, Nicolás. Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO); Ecuador.Fil: Huggel, Christian. University of Zurich; Switzerland.Fil: Miranda Sara, Liliana Raquel. Foro Ciudades para la Vida; Peru.Fil: Moncassim Vale, Mariana. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Brasil.Fil: Ometto, Jean Pierre. National Institute for Space Research; Brasil.Fil: Peri, Pablo Luis. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Santa Cruz; Argentina.Fil: Peri, Pablo Luis. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral; Argentina.Fil: Peri, Pablo Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Fil: Postigo, Julio C. Indiana University; Estados Unidos.Fil: Ramajo Gallardo, Laura. Adolfo Ibanez University; Chile.Fil: Roco, Lisandro. Catholic University of The North; Chile.Fil: Rusticucci, Matilde Monica. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina

    Hazardous geomorphic processes in the extratropical Andes with a focus on glacial lake outburst floods

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    This study examines hazardous processes and events originating from glacier and permafrost areas in the extratropical Andes (Andes of Chile and Argentina) in order to document their frequency, magnitude, dynamics and their geomorphic and societal impacts. Ice-avalanches and rock-falls from permafrost areas, lahars from ice-capped volcanoes and glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) have occurred in the extratropical Andes causing ~200 human deaths in the Twentieth Century. However, data about these events is scarce and has not been studied systematically. Thus, a better knowledge of glacier and permafrost hazards in the extratropical Andes is required to better prepare for threats emerging from a rapidly evolving cryosphere. I carried out a regional-scale review of hazardous processes and events originating in glacier and permafrost areas in the extratropical Andes. This review, developed by means of a bibliographic analysis and the interpretation of satellite images, shows that multi-phase mass movements involving glaciers and permafrost and lahars have caused damage to communities in the extratropical Andes. However, it is noted that GLOFs are one the most common and far reaching hazards and that GLOFs in this region include some of the most voluminous GLOFs in historical time on Earth. Furthermore, GLOF hazard is likely to increase in the future in response to glacier retreat and lake development. To gain insight into the dynamics of GLOFs I create a regional-scale inventory of glacier lakes and associated hazards in the Baker Basin, a 20500 km2 glaciated basin in the Chilean Patagonia. I also simulate and reconstruct moraine- and ice- dammed lake failures in the extratropical Andes using numerical and empirical models. More than 100 GLOFs have occurred in the extratropical Andes since the Eighteenth Century and at least 16 moraine-dammed lakes have produced GLOFs. In the extratropical Andes most of the failed moraine-dammed lakes were in contact with retreating glaciers and had moderate (> 8°) to steep (>15°) outlet slopes. Ice-dammed lakes also produced GLOFs in the extratropical Andes, damaging communities and highlighting the need for a better understanding of the GLOF dynamics and hazards. Thus, I reconstruct and model GLOFs that occurred in maritime western Patagonia (Engaño Valley) and the high-arid Andes (Manflas Valley) to characterise the GLOF dynamics in these contrasting environments. Hydraulic modelling and geomorphologic analysis shows that the Engaño River GLOF (46º S) behaved as a Newtonian flow and incorporated tree trunks, from the gently sloping and heavily-forested valley, which increased the GLOF damaging capacity. In contrast, the Manflas GLOF (28º S) descended from a steep valley behaving as a sediment-laden flow, which was capable of moving boulder-size rocks dozens of kilometres from the GLOF source. In both events lack of awareness of the GLOF hazard and a lack of territorial planning accentuated the GLOF damage. These GLOF reconstructions highlight both the difficulties in modelling sediment-laden flows over long distances, and the utility of empirical debris-flow models for regional-scale hazard analysis. This thesis synthesises and increases our knowledge about the distribution, frequency, magnitude and dynamics of hazardous processes that have occurred in glacier and permafrost areas in the extratropical Andes. This knowledge forms a basis for future assessments of glacier and permafrost related hazards in the Chilean and Argentinean Andes and helps inform strategies and policies to face hazardous geomorphologic and hydrological processes emerging from a rapidly evolving cryosphere

    New Global Cities in Latin America and Asia

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    New Global Cities in Latin America and Asia: Welcome to the Twenty-First Century proposes new visions of global cities and regions historically considered “secondary” in the international context. The arguments are not only based on material progress made by these metropolises, but also on the growing social difficulties experienced (e.g., organized crime, drug trafficking, slums, economic inequalities). The book illustrates the growth of cities according to these problems arising from the modernity of the new century, comparing Latin American and Asian cities. This book analyzes the complex relationships within cities through an interdisciplinary approach, complementing other research and challenging orthodox views on global cities. At the same time, the book provides new theoretical and methodological tools to understand the progress of “Third World” cities and the way of understanding “globality” in the 21st century by confronting the traditional views with which global cities were appreciated since the 1980s. Pablo Baisotti brings together researchers from various fields who provide new interpretative keys to certain cities in Latin America and Asia

    New Global Cities in Latin America and Asia

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    New Global Cities in Latin America and Asia: Welcome to the Twenty-First Century proposes new visions of global cities and regions historically considered "secondary" in the international context. The arguments are not only based on material progress made by these metropolises, but also on the growing social difficulties experienced  (e.g., organized crime, drug trafficking, slums, economic inequalities). The book illustrates the growth of cities according to these problems arising from the modernity of the new century, comparing Latin American and Asian cities. This book analyzes the complex relationships within cities through an interdisciplinary approach, complementing other research and challenging orthodox views on global cities. At the same time, the book provides new theoretical and methodological tools to understand the progress of "Third World" cities and the way of understanding "globality" in the 21st century by confronting the traditional views with which global cities were appreciated since the 1980s. Pablo Baisotti brings together researchers from various fields who provide new interpretative keys to certain cities in Latin America and Asia

    Impacto de los servicios financieros digitales en la inclusión financiera

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    [ES] Esta tesis se centra en la evaluación del impacto de los servicios financieros digitales, en particular los basados en el dinero móvil, en la inclusión financiera en Latinoamérica. Para ello se analizan las reformas regulatorias derivadas de la introducción del dinero electrónico, los agentes no bancarios que ayudan a su difusión, así como la aplicación de unos requisitos de conocimiento del cliente más laxos junto con una protección mayor a los usuarios no bancarizados. La regulación por sí sola es determinante pero no explica los diversos grados de adopción que se ven en diferentes países analizados. Por ello, se completa el análisis con la prospección de otras dimensiones adicionales a la regulatoria como son las políticas públicas, el grado de desarrollo de las infraestructuras de pagos electrónicos y la caracterización socioeconómica y cultural de los consumidores y los países que habitan. El marco conceptual se aplica al estudio de los veintitrés mayores países de América Latina y explica los resultados analizando la relación entre las hipótesis de esas cuatro dimensiones y un mayor uso, o no, de las cuentas digitales móviles tomando como fundamento la teoría del cambio. En primer lugar, el trabajo de investigación desarrolla una metodología para la evaluación del impacto regulatorio, de la arquitectura institucional, de los mercados y las infraestructuras y de la caracterización socioeconómica y cultural tanto de los países del estudio como de los individuos que habitan en ellos. En segundo lugar, identificamos una variedad de indicadores de impacto cuantitativos para medir el uso del dinero móvil. En tercer lugar, definimos un modelo de regresión para entender las relaciones de las variables con el uso. Los resultados muestran la influencia del entorno y la caracterización socioeconómica, por ejemplo, el dinero móvil lo usan más los individuos de quintiles de renta más alto, los hombres más que las mujeres, los jóvenes más que los adultos y de educación más alta contribuyen más al uso de lo que lo hace la regulación. En cuarto lugar, realizamos un rango de países por uso y lo enfrentamos a un rango por cada una de las cuatro dimensiones aludidas, los resultados vienen a reforzar los derivados del modelo de regresión. En concreto, se muestra una relación de mayor uso en países con peor arquitectura institucional incluida la regulación, poca eficiencia del gobierno o escasa infraestructura de servicios financieros existentes. Un factor que parece determinante es el nivel de informalidad de la economía, así cuanto mayor es esta menor es el uso, por el efecto sustitutivo del efectivo frente a las transacciones digitales

    Publicaciones, ponencias, patentes, registros y emprendimientos 2010

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    This document presents the list of publications, presentations, patents, trademarks, software and entrepreneurship registered by the EAFIT academic community in the year 2010. The information is organized alphabetically by Research Groups of the corresponding Schools. The contributions appear in alphabetical order in the following sequence: international and national publications, international and national presentations, patents, trademarks and entrepreneurship. The publications include books, chapters of books, and articles. The presentations include conferences, congresses, and general academic events. The majority of these presentations have been published in the proceedings of the corresponding event.Este documento presenta la relación de Publicaciones , ponencias, patentes, registros y emprendimientos realizados por la Universidad EAFIT en el año 2010. La información está organizada por Grupos de Investigación dentro de cada una de las Escuelas. Cada contribución aparece en orden alfabético dentro de la correspondiente categoría de la siguiente secuencia: PUBLICACIONES internacionales, PUBLICACIONES nacionales, ponencias internacionales, ponencias nacionales, patentes, registros y emprendimientos. En las PUBLICACIONES están comprendidos los libros, capítulos de libros y artículos de revista. Las ponencias relacionan las presentaciones en conferencias, congresos y eventos de divulgación. La mayoría de estas presentaciones figuran, tal como se indica en cada caso, publicadas como parte de las memorias del evento respectiv

    Theatre of Crisis: Drama and Politics in Latin America

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    Latin American theatre is among the most innovative in the world today. The period 1965–1970 was one of intense theatrical production in the region. Dozens of major playwrights and collective theaters produced hundreds of highly original plays. This was also a period of profound ideological and sociopolitical transformation. Hopes for Latin American self-definition and self-determination after centuries of colonization and foreign exploitation began to crumble, while the right-wing backlash produced a politics of terror. In this dynamic study, Diana Taylor proposes that, for all the diversity of peoples, languages, and cultural images in Latin America, the effects of crisis on the region’s theatre are surprisingly uniform. As a cultural subsystem, theatre is both a product of and a commentary on the making and dismantling of society at large. Theatre of Crisis is an important source of information for Latin Americanists as well as theatre specialists and literary critics interested in this virtually unexplored field. Diana Taylor is associate professor of Spanish and comparative literature at Dartmouth College.https://uknowledge.uky.edu/upk_latin_american_literature/1005/thumbnail.jp