287 research outputs found

    Lateral entorhinal cortex lesions impair local spatial frameworks

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    A prominent theory in the neurobiology of memory processing is that episodic memory is supported by contextually gated spatial representations in the hippocampus formed by combining spatial information from medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) with non-spatial information from lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC). However, there is a growing body of evidence from lesion and single-unit recording studies in rodents suggesting that LEC might have a role in encoding space, particularly the current and previous locations of objects within the local environment. Landmarks, both local and global, have been shown to control the spatial representations hypothesised to underlie cognitive maps. Consequently, it has recently been suggested that information processing within this network might be organized with reference to spatial scale with LEC and MEC providing information about local and global spatial frameworks respectively. In the present study, we trained animals to search for food using either a local or global spatial framework. Animals were re-tested on both tasks after receiving excitotoxic lesions of either the MEC or LEC. LEC lesioned animals were impaired in their ability to learn a local spatial framework task. LEC lesioned animals were also impaired on an object recognition task involving multiple local features but unimpaired at recognizing a single familiar object. Together, this suggests that LEC is involved in associating features of the local environment. However, neither LEC nor MEC lesions impaired performance on the global spatial framework task.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Lateral entorhinal cortex lesions impair odor-context associative memory in male rats

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    This work was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) [grant number BB/M010996/1].Lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC) has been hypothesized to process nonspatial, item information that is combined with spatial information from medial entorhinal cortex to form episodic memories within the hippocampus. Recent studies, however, have demonstrated that LEC has a role in integrating features of episodic memory prior to the hippocampus. While the precise role of LEC is still unclear, anatomical studies show that LEC is ideally placed to be a hub integrating multisensory information. The current study tests whether the role of LEC in integrating information extends to long-term multimodal item-context associations. In Experiment 1, male rats were trained on a context-dependent odor discrimination task, where two different contexts served as the cue to the correct odor. Rats were pretrained on the task and then received either bilateral excitotoxic LEC or sham lesions. Following surgery, rats were tested on the previously learned odor-context associations. Control rats showed good memory for the previously learned association but rats with LEC lesions showed significantly impaired performance relative to both their own presurgery performance and to control rats. Experiment 2 went on to test whether impairments in Experiment 1 were the result of LEC lesions impairing either odor or context memory retention alone. Male rats were trained on simple odor and context discrimination tasks that did not require integration of features to solve. Following surgery, both LEC and control rats showed good memory for previously learned odors and contexts. These data show that LEC is critical for long-term odor-context associative memory.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Lateral entorhinal cortex lesions impair both egocentric and allocentric object-place associations

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    This work was supported by Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) grant BB/I019367/1.During navigation, landmark processing is critical either for generating an allocentric-based cognitive map or in facilitating egocentric-based strategies. Increasing evidence from manipulation and single-unit recording studies has highlighted the role of the entorhinal cortex in processing landmarks. In particular, the lateral (LEC) and medial (MEC) sub-regions of the entorhinal cortex have been shown to attend to proximal and distal landmarks, respectively. Recent studies have identified a further dissociation in cue processing between the LEC and MEC based on spatial frames of reference. Neurons in the LEC preferentially encode egocentric cues while those in the MEC encode allocentric cues. In this study, we assessed the impact of disrupting the LEC on landmark-based spatial memory in both egocentric and allocentric reference frames. Animals that received excitotoxic lesions of the LEC were significantly impaired, relative to controls, on both egocentric and allocentric versions of an object–place association task. Notably, LEC lesioned animals performed at chance on the egocentric version but above chance on the allocentric version. There was no significant difference in performance between the two groups on an object recognition and spatial T-maze task. Taken together, these results indicate that the LEC plays a role in feature integration more broadly and in specifically processing spatial information within an egocentric reference frame.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Distributed interactive brain circuits for object-in-place memory: a place for time?

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    Rodents will spontaneously learn the location of an individual object, an ability captured by the object-in-place test. This review considers the network of structures supporting this behavioural test, as well as some potential confounds that may affect interpretation. A hierarchical approach is adopted, as we first consider those brain regions necessary for two simpler, ‘precursor’ tests (object recognition and object location). It is evident that performing the object-in-place test requires an array of areas additional to those required for object recognition or object location. These additional areas include the rodent medial prefrontal cortex and two thalamic nuclei (nucleus reuniens and the medial dorsal nucleus), both densely interconnected with prefrontal areas. Consequently, despite the need for object and location information to be integrated for the object-in-place test, for example, via the hippocampus, other contributions are necessary. These contributions stem from how object-in-place is a test of associative recognition, as none of the individual elements in the test phase are novel. Parallels between the structures required for object-in-place and for recency discriminations, along with a re-examination of the demands of the object-in-place test, signal the integration of temporal information within what is usually regarded as a spatial-object test

    The medial entorhinal cortex is necessary for the stimulus control over hippocampal place fields by distal, but not proximal, landmarks

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    A fundamental property of place cells in the hippocampus is the anchoring of their firing fields to salient landmarks within the environment. However, it is unclear how such information reaches the hippocampus. In the current experiment, we tested the hypothesis that the stimulus control exerted by distal visual landmarks requires input from the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC). Place cells were recorded from mice with ibotenic acid lesions of the MEC (n = 7) and from sham-lesioned mice (n = 6) following 90° rotations of either distal landmarks or proximal cues in a cue- controlled environment. We found that lesions of the MEC impaired the anchoring of place fields to distal landmarks, but not proximal cues. We also observed that, relative to sham-lesioned mice, place cells in animals with MEC lesions exhibited significantly reduced spatial information and increased sparsity. These results support the view that distal landmark information reaches the hippocampus via the MEC, but that proximal cue information can do so via an alternative neural pathway

    Reconciling the object and spatial processing views of the perirhinal cortex through task-relevant unitization

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    The perirhinal cortex is situated on the border between sensory association cortex and the hippocampal formation. It serves an important function as a transition area between the sensory neocortex and the medial temporal lobe. While the perirhinal cortex has traditionally been associated with object coding and the "what" pathway of the temporal lobe, current evidence suggests a broader function of the perirhinal cortex in solving feature ambiguity and processing complex stimuli. Besides fulfilling functions in object coding, recent neurophysiological findings in freely moving rodents indicate that the perirhinal cortex also contributes to spatial and contextual processing beyond individual sensory modalities. Here, we address how these two opposing views on perirhinal cortex-the object-centered and spatial-contextual processing hypotheses-may be reconciled. The perirhinal cortex is consistently recruited when different features can be merged perceptually or conceptually into a single entity. Features that are unitized in these entities include object information from multiple sensory domains, reward associations, semantic features and spatial/contextual associations. We propose that the same perirhinal network circuits can be flexibly deployed for multiple cognitive functions, such that the perirhinal cortex performs similar unitization operations on different types of information, depending on behavioral demands and ranging from the object-related domain to spatial, contextual and semantic information

    Assessing mild cognitive impairment using object-location memory in immersive virtual environments

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    Pathological changes in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) are found in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and aging. The earliest pathological accumulation of tau colocalizes with the areas of the MTL involved in object processing as part of a wider anterolateral network. Here, we sought to assess the diagnostic potential of memory for object locations in iVR environments in individuals at high risk of AD dementia (amnestic mild cognitive impairment [aMCI] n = 23) as compared to age-related cognitive decline. Consistent with our primary hypothesis that early AD would be associated with impaired object location, aMCI patients exhibited impaired spatial feature binding. Compared to both older (n = 24) and younger (n = 53) controls, aMCI patients, recalled object locations with significantly less accuracy (p < .001), with a trend toward an impaired identification of the object's correct context (p = .05). Importantly, these findings were not explained by deficits in object recognition (p = .6). These deficits differentiated aMCI from controls with greater accuracy (AUC = 0.89) than the standard neuropsychological tests. Within the aMCI group, 16 had CSF biomarkers indicative of their likely AD status (MCI+ n = 9 vs. MCI- n = 7). MCI+ showed lower accuracy in the object-context association than MCI- (p = .03) suggesting a selective deficit in object-context binding postulated to be associated with anterior-temporal areas. MRI volumetric analysis across healthy older participants and aMCI revealed that test performance positively correlates with lateral entorhinal cortex volumes (p < .05) and hippocampus volumes (p < .01), consistent with their hypothesized role in binding contextual and spatial information with object identity. Our results indicate that tests relying on the anterolateral object processing stream, and in particular requiring successful binding of an object with spatial information, may aid detection of pre-dementia AD due to the underlying early spread of tau pathology

    The role of medial entorhinal cortex activity in hippocampal CA1 spatiotemporally correlated sequence generation and object selectivity for memory function

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    The hippocampus is crucial for episodic memory and certain forms of spatial navigation. Firing activity of hippocampal principal neurons contains environmental information, including the presence of specific objects, as well as the animal’s spatial and temporal position relative to environmental and behavioral cues. The organization of these firing correlates may allow the formation of memory traces through the integration of object and event information onto a spatiotemporal framework of cell assemblies. Characterizing how external inputs guide internal dynamics in the hippocampus to enable this process across different experiences is crucial to understanding hippocampal function. A body of literature implicates the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) in supplying spatial and temporal information to the hippocampus. Here we develop a protocol utilizing bilaterally implanted custom designed triple fiber optic arrays and the red-shifted inhibitory opsin JAWS to transiently inactivate large volumes of MEC in freely behaving rats. This was coupled with extracellular tetrode recording of ensembles in CA1 of the hippocampus during a novel memory task involving temporal, spatial and object related epochs, in order to assess the importance of MEC activity for hippocampal feature selectivity during a rich and familiar experience. We report that inactivation of MEC during a mnemonic temporal delay disrupts the existing temporal firing field sequence in CA1 both during and following the inactivation period. Neurons with firing fields prior to the inactivation on each trial remained relatively stable. The disruption of CA1 temporal firing field sequences was accompanied by a behavioral deficit implicating MEC activity and hippocampal temporal field sequences in effective memory across time. Inactivating MEC during the object or spatial epochs of the task did not significantly alter CA1 object selective or spatial firing fields and behavioral performance remained stable. Our findings suggest that MEC is crucial specifically for temporal field organization and expression during a familiar and rich experience. These results support a role for MEC in guiding hippocampal cell assembly sequences in the absence of salient changing stimuli, which may extend to the navigation of cognitive organization in humans and support memory formation and retrieval

    Gamma rhythm communication between entorhinal cortex and dentate gyrus neuronal assemblies.

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    INTRODUCTION: Learning induces a dynamic reorganization of brain circuits but the neuronal mechanisms underlying this process are not well understood. Interregional gamma-frequency oscillations (~30 to 130 Hz) have been postulated as a mechanism to precisely coordinate upstream and downstream neuronal ensembles, for example, in the hippocampal system. The lateral (LEC) and medial (MEC) entorhinal cortex receive inputs from two distinct streams of cortical hierarchy (the “what” and the “where” paths) and convey these neuronal messages to the hippocampus. However, the mechanisms by which such messages are packaged and integrated or segregated by hippocampal circuits had yet to be explored. RATIONALE: Neuronal assemblies firing within gamma time frames in an upstream region can most effectively discharge their downstream partners. This gamma-time-scale organization appears essential for physiological functions because manipulations that impair precision timing of spikes in the hippocampus often affect behavior. However, direct support for distinct gamma-frequency communication in appropriate behavioral situations is missing. To bring physiological operations closer to behavior, we designed “spatial” and “object” learning tasks and examined the selective engagement of gamma-frequency communication between the MEC and LEC inputs and their target neuronal assemblies in the hippocampal dentate gyrus. We combined these correlational observations with optogenetic perturbation of gamma oscillations in LEC and MEC, respectively, to test their roles in pathway-specific neuronal communication and learning. RESULTS: During spatial learning, fast gamma (100 to 150 Hz) oscillations synchronized MEC and dentate gyrus and entrained predominantly granule cells. During object learning, slow gamma (30 to 50 Hz) oscillations synchronized LEC and dentate gyrus and preferentially recruited mossy cells and CA3 pyramidal neurons, suggesting task-specific routing of MEC and LEC messages in the form of gamma-cycle-spike packets of selected cell types. The low- and high-frequency gamma sub-bands were dominant in the outer and middle third of the dentate molecular layer, respectively, and their amplitude maxima were locked to different phases of theta oscillation. Gamma frequency optogenenetic perturbation of MEC and LEC led to learning impairments in a spatial and object learning task, respectively. In the same animals, the dentate layer–specific low- and high-frequency gamma sub-bands and spike-gamma LFP coupling were selectively reduced, coupled with deterioration of spatial and object-related parameters of dentate neurons. CONCLUSION: These findings demonstrate that distinct gamma-frequency-specific communication between MEC and LEC and the hippocampal cell assemblies are critical for routing task-relevant information, and our selective gamma-band perturbation experiments suggest that they support specific aspects of learning. We hypothesize that sending neuronal messages by segregated gamma-frequency carriers allows a target “reader” area to disambiguate convergent inputs. In general, these results demonstrate that specific projected gamma patterns dynamically engage functionally related cell assemblies across brain regions in a task-specific manner.post-print2234 K
