11,463 research outputs found

    Bayesian emulation for optimization in multi-step portfolio decisions

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    We discuss the Bayesian emulation approach to computational solution of multi-step portfolio studies in financial time series. "Bayesian emulation for decisions" involves mapping the technical structure of a decision analysis problem to that of Bayesian inference in a purely synthetic "emulating" statistical model. This provides access to standard posterior analytic, simulation and optimization methods that yield indirect solutions of the decision problem. We develop this in time series portfolio analysis using classes of economically and psychologically relevant multi-step ahead portfolio utility functions. Studies with multivariate currency, commodity and stock index time series illustrate the approach and show some of the practical utility and benefits of the Bayesian emulation methodology.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    Sparsity-Promoting Bayesian Dynamic Linear Models

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    Sparsity-promoting priors have become increasingly popular over recent years due to an increased number of regression and classification applications involving a large number of predictors. In time series applications where observations are collected over time, it is often unrealistic to assume that the underlying sparsity pattern is fixed. We propose here an original class of flexible Bayesian linear models for dynamic sparsity modelling. The proposed class of models expands upon the existing Bayesian literature on sparse regression using generalized multivariate hyperbolic distributions. The properties of the models are explored through both analytic results and simulation studies. We demonstrate the model on a financial application where it is shown that it accurately represents the patterns seen in the analysis of stock and derivative data, and is able to detect major events by filtering an artificial portfolio of assets

    Copulas in finance and insurance

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    Copulas provide a potential useful modeling tool to represent the dependence structure among variables and to generate joint distributions by combining given marginal distributions. Simulations play a relevant role in finance and insurance. They are used to replicate efficient frontiers or extremal values, to price options, to estimate joint risks, and so on. Using copulas, it is easy to construct and simulate from multivariate distributions based on almost any choice of marginals and any type of dependence structure. In this paper we outline recent contributions of statistical modeling using copulas in finance and insurance. We review issues related to the notion of copulas, copula families, copula-based dynamic and static dependence structure, copulas and latent factor models and simulation of copulas. Finally, we outline hot topics in copulas with a special focus on model selection and goodness-of-fit testing

    Bayesian Hypothesis Testing in Latent Variable Models

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    Hypothesis testing using Bayes factors (BFs) is known not to be well defined under the improper prior. In the context of latent variable models, an additional problem with BFs is that they are difficult to compute. In this paper, a new Bayesian method, based on decision theory and the EM algorithm, is introduced to test a point hypothesis in latent variable models. The new statistic is a by-product of the Bayesian MCMC output and, hence, easy to compute. It is shown that the new statistic is easy to interpret and appropriately defined under improper priors because the method employs a continuous loss function. The method is illustrated using a one-factor asset pricing model and a stochastic volatility model with jumps

    String and Membrane Gaussian Processes

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    In this paper we introduce a novel framework for making exact nonparametric Bayesian inference on latent functions, that is particularly suitable for Big Data tasks. Firstly, we introduce a class of stochastic processes we refer to as string Gaussian processes (string GPs), which are not to be mistaken for Gaussian processes operating on text. We construct string GPs so that their finite-dimensional marginals exhibit suitable local conditional independence structures, which allow for scalable, distributed, and flexible nonparametric Bayesian inference, without resorting to approximations, and while ensuring some mild global regularity constraints. Furthermore, string GP priors naturally cope with heterogeneous input data, and the gradient of the learned latent function is readily available for explanatory analysis. Secondly, we provide some theoretical results relating our approach to the standard GP paradigm. In particular, we prove that some string GPs are Gaussian processes, which provides a complementary global perspective on our framework. Finally, we derive a scalable and distributed MCMC scheme for supervised learning tasks under string GP priors. The proposed MCMC scheme has computational time complexity O(N)\mathcal{O}(N) and memory requirement O(dN)\mathcal{O}(dN), where NN is the data size and dd the dimension of the input space. We illustrate the efficacy of the proposed approach on several synthetic and real-world datasets, including a dataset with 66 millions input points and 88 attributes.Comment: To appear in the Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), Volume 1

    Filtering and Smoothing with Score-Driven Models

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    We propose a methodology for filtering, smoothing and assessing parameter and filtering uncertainty in misspecified score-driven models. Our technique is based on a general representation of the well-known Kalman filter and smoother recursions for linear Gaussian models in terms of the score of the conditional log-likelihood. We prove that, when data are generated by a nonlinear non-Gaussian state-space model, the proposed methodology results from a first-order expansion of the true observation density around the optimal filter. The error made by such approximation is assessed analytically. As shown in extensive Monte Carlo analyses, our methodology performs very similarly to exact simulation-based methods, while remaining computationally extremely simple. We illustrate empirically the advantages in employing score-driven models as misspecified filters rather than purely predictive processes.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figures, 6 table
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