1,176 research outputs found

    Approximate Minimum Diameter

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    We study the minimum diameter problem for a set of inexact points. By inexact, we mean that the precise location of the points is not known. Instead, the location of each point is restricted to a contineus region (\impre model) or a finite set of points (\indec model). Given a set of inexact points in one of \impre or \indec models, we wish to provide a lower-bound on the diameter of the real points. In the first part of the paper, we focus on \indec model. We present an O(21ϵdϵ2dn3)O(2^{\frac{1}{\epsilon^d}} \cdot \epsilon^{-2d} \cdot n^3 ) time approximation algorithm of factor (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon) for finding minimum diameter of a set of points in dd dimensions. This improves the previously proposed algorithms for this problem substantially. Next, we consider the problem in \impre model. In dd-dimensional space, we propose a polynomial time d\sqrt{d}-approximation algorithm. In addition, for d=2d=2, we define the notion of α\alpha-separability and use our algorithm for \indec model to obtain (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm for a set of α\alpha-separable regions in time O(21ϵ2.n3ϵ10.sin(α/2)3)O(2^{\frac{1}{\epsilon^2}}\allowbreak . \frac{n^3}{\epsilon^{10} .\sin(\alpha/2)^3} )

    Preprocessing Imprecise Points for Delaunay Triangulation: Simplified and Extended

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    Suppose we want to compute the Delaunay triangulation of a set P whose points are restricted to a collection R of input regions known in advance. Building on recent work by Löffler and Snoeyink, we show how to leverage our knowledge of R for faster Delaunay computation. Our approach needs no fancy machinery and optimally handles a wide variety of inputs, e.g., overlapping disks of different sizes and fat regions. Keywords: Delaunay triangulation - Data imprecision - Quadtree

    Triangulating the Square and Squaring the Triangle: Quadtrees and Delaunay Triangulations are Equivalent

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    We show that Delaunay triangulations and compressed quadtrees are equivalent structures. More precisely, we give two algorithms: the first computes a compressed quadtree for a planar point set, given the Delaunay triangulation; the second finds the Delaunay triangulation, given a compressed quadtree. Both algorithms run in deterministic linear time on a pointer machine. Our work builds on and extends previous results by Krznaric and Levcopolous and Buchin and Mulzer. Our main tool for the second algorithm is the well-separated pair decomposition(WSPD), a structure that has been used previously to find Euclidean minimum spanning trees in higher dimensions (Eppstein). We show that knowing the WSPD (and a quadtree) suffices to compute a planar Euclidean minimum spanning tree (EMST) in linear time. With the EMST at hand, we can find the Delaunay triangulation in linear time. As a corollary, we obtain deterministic versions of many previous algorithms related to Delaunay triangulations, such as splitting planar Delaunay triangulations, preprocessing imprecise points for faster Delaunay computation, and transdichotomous Delaunay triangulations.Comment: 37 pages, 13 figures, full version of a paper that appeared in SODA 201

    Geometric Computations on Indecisive Points

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    Online Searching with an Autonomous Robot

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    We discuss online strategies for visibility-based searching for an object hidden behind a corner, using Kurt3D, a real autonomous mobile robot. This task is closely related to a number of well-studied problems. Our robot uses a three-dimensional laser scanner in a stop, scan, plan, go fashion for building a virtual three-dimensional environment. Besides planning trajectories and avoiding obstacles, Kurt3D is capable of identifying objects like a chair. We derive a practically useful and asymptotically optimal strategy that guarantees a competitive ratio of 2, which differs remarkably from the well-studied scenario without the need of stopping for surveying the environment. Our strategy is used by Kurt3D, documented in a separate video.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 12 photographs, 1 table, Latex, submitted for publicatio

    Distant Representatives for Rectangles in the Plane

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    The input to the distant representatives problem is a set of n objects in the plane and the goal is to find a representative point from each object while maximizing the distance between the closest pair of points. When the objects are axis-aligned rectangles, we give polynomial time constant-factor approximation algorithms for the L?, L?, and L_? distance measures. We also prove lower bounds on the approximation factors that can be achieved in polynomial time (unless P = NP)