64 research outputs found

    Hotels-50K: A Global Hotel Recognition Dataset

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    Recognizing a hotel from an image of a hotel room is important for human trafficking investigations. Images directly link victims to places and can help verify where victims have been trafficked, and where their traffickers might move them or others in the future. Recognizing the hotel from images is challenging because of low image quality, uncommon camera perspectives, large occlusions (often the victim), and the similarity of objects (e.g., furniture, art, bedding) across different hotel rooms. To support efforts towards this hotel recognition task, we have curated a dataset of over 1 million annotated hotel room images from 50,000 hotels. These images include professionally captured photographs from travel websites and crowd-sourced images from a mobile application, which are more similar to the types of images analyzed in real-world investigations. We present a baseline approach based on a standard network architecture and a collection of data-augmentation approaches tuned to this problem domain

    Semantic Cross-View Matching

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    Matching cross-view images is challenging because the appearance and viewpoints are significantly different. While low-level features based on gradient orientations or filter responses can drastically vary with such changes in viewpoint, semantic information of images however shows an invariant characteristic in this respect. Consequently, semantically labeled regions can be used for performing cross-view matching. In this paper, we therefore explore this idea and propose an automatic method for detecting and representing the semantic information of an RGB image with the goal of performing cross-view matching with a (non-RGB) geographic information system (GIS). A segmented image forms the input to our system with segments assigned to semantic concepts such as traffic signs, lakes, roads, foliage, etc. We design a descriptor to robustly capture both, the presence of semantic concepts and the spatial layout of those segments. Pairwise distances between the descriptors extracted from the GIS map and the query image are then used to generate a shortlist of the most promising locations with similar semantic concepts in a consistent spatial layout. An experimental evaluation with challenging query images and a large urban area shows promising results

    Improving Image Classification with Location Context

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    With the widespread availability of cellphones and cameras that have GPS capabilities, it is common for images being uploaded to the Internet today to have GPS coordinates associated with them. In addition to research that tries to predict GPS coordinates from visual features, this also opens up the door to problems that are conditioned on the availability of GPS coordinates. In this work, we tackle the problem of performing image classification with location context, in which we are given the GPS coordinates for images in both the train and test phases. We explore different ways of encoding and extracting features from the GPS coordinates, and show how to naturally incorporate these features into a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), the current state-of-the-art for most image classification and recognition problems. We also show how it is possible to simultaneously learn the optimal pooling radii for a subset of our features within the CNN framework. To evaluate our model and to help promote research in this area, we identify a set of location-sensitive concepts and annotate a subset of the Yahoo Flickr Creative Commons 100M dataset that has GPS coordinates with these concepts, which we make publicly available. By leveraging location context, we are able to achieve almost a 7% gain in mean average precision

    Cluster-Wise Ratio Tests for Fast Camera Localization

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    Feature point matching for camera localization suffers from scalability problems. Even when feature descriptors associated with 3D scene points are locally unique, as coverage grows, similar or repeated features become increasingly common. As a result, the standard distance ratio-test used to identify reliable image feature points is overly restrictive and rejects many good candidate matches. We propose a simple coarse-to-fine strategy that uses conservative approximations to robust local ratio-tests that can be computed efficiently using global approximate k-nearest neighbor search. We treat these forward matches as votes in camera pose space and use them to prioritize back-matching within candidate camera pose clusters, exploiting feature co-visibility captured by clustering the 3D model camera pose graph. This approach achieves state-of-the-art camera localization results on a variety of popular benchmarks, outperforming several methods that use more complicated data structures and that make more restrictive assumptions on camera pose. We also carry out diagnostic analyses on a difficult test dataset containing globally repetitive structure that suggest our approach successfully adapts to the challenges of large-scale image localization

    Large-Scale Mapping of Human Activity using Geo-Tagged Videos

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    This paper is the first work to perform spatio-temporal mapping of human activity using the visual content of geo-tagged videos. We utilize a recent deep-learning based video analysis framework, termed hidden two-stream networks, to recognize a range of activities in YouTube videos. This framework is efficient and can run in real time or faster which is important for recognizing events as they occur in streaming video or for reducing latency in analyzing already captured video. This is, in turn, important for using video in smart-city applications. We perform a series of experiments to show our approach is able to accurately map activities both spatially and temporally. We also demonstrate the advantages of using the visual content over the tags/titles.Comment: Accepted at ACM SIGSPATIAL 201
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