1,186 research outputs found

    Differential evolution with an evolution path: a DEEP evolutionary algorithm

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    Utilizing cumulative correlation information already existing in an evolutionary process, this paper proposes a predictive approach to the reproduction mechanism of new individuals for differential evolution (DE) algorithms. DE uses a distributed model (DM) to generate new individuals, which is relatively explorative, whilst evolution strategy (ES) uses a centralized model (CM) to generate offspring, which through adaptation retains a convergence momentum. This paper adopts a key feature in the CM of a covariance matrix adaptation ES, the cumulatively learned evolution path (EP), to formulate a new evolutionary algorithm (EA) framework, termed DEEP, standing for DE with an EP. Without mechanistically combining two CM and DM based algorithms together, the DEEP framework offers advantages of both a DM and a CM and hence substantially enhances performance. Under this architecture, a self-adaptation mechanism can be built inherently in a DEEP algorithm, easing the task of predetermining algorithm control parameters. Two DEEP variants are developed and illustrated in the paper. Experiments on the CEC'13 test suites and two practical problems demonstrate that the DEEP algorithms offer promising results, compared with the original DEs and other relevant state-of-the-art EAs

    Using Prior Knowledge and Learning from Experience in Estimation of Distribution Algorithms

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    Estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs) are stochastic optimization techniques that explore the space of potential solutions by building and sampling explicit probabilistic models of promising candidate solutions. One of the primary advantages of EDAs over many other stochastic optimization techniques is that after each run they leave behind a sequence of probabilistic models describing useful decompositions of the problem. This sequence of models can be seen as a roadmap of how the EDA solves the problem. While this roadmap holds a great deal of information about the problem, until recently this information has largely been ignored. My thesis is that it is possible to exploit this information to speed up problem solving in EDAs in a principled way. The main contribution of this dissertation will be to show that there are multiple ways to exploit this problem-specific knowledge. Most importantly, it can be done in a principled way such that these methods lead to substantial speedups without requiring parameter tuning or hand-inspection of models

    copulaedas: An R Package for Estimation of Distribution Algorithms Based on Copulas

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    The use of copula-based models in EDAs (estimation of distribution algorithms) is currently an active area of research. In this context, the copulaedas package for R provides a platform where EDAs based on copulas can be implemented and studied. The package offers complete implementations of various EDAs based on copulas and vines, a group of well-known optimization problems, and utility functions to study the performance of the algorithms. Newly developed EDAs can be easily integrated into the package by extending an S4 class with generic functions for their main components. This paper presents copulaedas by providing an overview of EDAs based on copulas, a description of the implementation of the package, and an illustration of its use through examples. The examples include running the EDAs defined in the package, implementing new algorithms, and performing an empirical study to compare the behavior of different algorithms on benchmark functions and a real-world problem

    Multi-objective Estimation of Distribution Algorithm Based on Joint Modeling of Objectives and Variables

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    This paper proposes a new multi-objective estimation of distribution algorithm (EDA) based on joint modeling of objectives and variables. This EDA uses the multi-dimensional Bayesian network as its probabilistic model. In this way it can capture the dependencies between objectives, variables and objectives, as well as the dependencies learnt between variables in other Bayesian network-based EDAs. This model leads to a problem decomposition that helps the proposed algorithm to find better trade-off solutions to the multi-objective problem. In addition to Pareto set approximation, the algorithm is also able to estimate the structure of the multi-objective problem. To apply the algorithm to many-objective problems, the algorithm includes four different ranking methods proposed in the literature for this purpose. The algorithm is applied to the set of walking fish group (WFG) problems, and its optimization performance is compared with an evolutionary algorithm and another multi-objective EDA. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm performs significantly better on many of the problems and for different objective space dimensions, and achieves comparable results on some compared with the other algorithms

    06061 Abstracts Collection -- Theory of Evolutionary Algorithms

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    From 05.02.06 to 10.02.06, the Dagstuhl Seminar 06061 ``Theory of Evolutionary Algorithms\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available
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