942 research outputs found

    Representation Theory of Finite Semigroups, Semigroup Radicals and Formal Language Theory

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    In this paper we characterize the congruence associated to the direct sum of all irreducible representations of a finite semigroup over an arbitrary field, generalizing results of Rhodes for the field of complex numbers. Applications are given to obtain many new results, as well as easier proofs of several results in the literature, involving: triangularizability of finite semigroups; which semigroups have (split) basic semigroup algebras, two-sided semidirect product decompositions of finite monoids; unambiguous products of rational languages; products of rational languages with counter; and \v{C}ern\'y's conjecture for an important class of automata

    Quantifiers on languages and codensity monads

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    This paper contributes to the techniques of topo-algebraic recognition for languages beyond the regular setting as they relate to logic on words. In particular, we provide a general construction on recognisers corresponding to adding one layer of various kinds of quantifiers and prove a corresponding Reutenauer-type theorem. Our main tools are codensity monads and duality theory. Our construction hinges on a measure-theoretic characterisation of the profinite monad of the free S-semimodule monad for finite and commutative semirings S, which generalises our earlier insight that the Vietoris monad on Boolean spaces is the codensity monad of the finite powerset functor.Comment: 30 pages. Presentation improved and details of several proofs added. The main results are unchange

    Quivers of monoids with basic algebras

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    We compute the quiver of any monoid that has a basic algebra over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. More generally, we reduce the computation of the quiver over a splitting field of a class of monoids that we term rectangular monoids (in the semigroup theory literature the class is known as DO\mathbf{DO}) to representation theoretic computations for group algebras of maximal subgroups. Hence in good characteristic for the maximal subgroups, this gives an essentially complete computation. Since groups are examples of rectangular monoids, we cannot hope to do better than this. For the subclass of R\mathscr R-trivial monoids, we also provide a semigroup theoretic description of the projective indecomposables and compute the Cartan matrix.Comment: Minor corrections and improvements to exposition were made. Some theorem statements were simplified. Also we made a language change. Several of our results are more naturally expressed using the language of Karoubi envelopes and irreducible morphisms. There are no substantial changes in actual result

    Set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation, RC-calculus, and Garside germs

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    Building on a result by W. Rump, we show how to exploit the right-cyclic law (x.y).(x.z) = (y.x).(y.z) in order to investigate the structure groups and monoids attached with (involutive nondegenerate) set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation. We develop a sort of right-cyclic calculus, and use it to obtain short proofs for the existence both of the Garside structure and of the I-structure of such groups. We describe finite quotients that exactly play for the considered groups the role that Coxeter groups play for Artin-Tits groups
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