10 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Writing Journal and Feedback on Increasing Writing Proficiency at University Students

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    The practice of giving feedback in teaching and learning process seems to be unclear.Unclear is an inconsistent feedback given by the teacher during teaching learning process. Teacherrarely gave the evaluation because giving feedback will be time-consuming. Teacher used students‟task sheet instantly. Teachers need to check the students‟ work and give the feedback to students‟task. This way makes students aware that something “wrong” appears and they need to consider itto their improvement. This study intends to investigate the difference between students‟achievement in writing proficiency who are taught by using writing journal technique and givenfeedback and those who are not. The research design used in this research was quasi experimentaldesign. Experimental design is the conceptual outline in doing experiment. In this experimentaldesign, the researcher used two English Program classes of IAIN Kediri. First class wasexperimental class which is treated using writing journal and giving feedback while the second classwas control class which is not treated using writing journal and giving feedback. The resultsrevealed that using writing journal technique in learning was effective to increase the students‟writing ability. It was good technique to improve students‟ ability in writing proficiency

    Designing an online mentoring system for self-awareness and reflection on lifelong learning skills

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    Mentoring supports the processes of becoming self-aware of personal beliefs and engaging with a topic of concern in a reflective manner. With new media, new opportunities and new means for mentoring have arisen. In this contribution, we outline how an established face-to-face mentoring process has been ‘translated’ into an online mentoring system. The paper outlines the design decisions made for an initial online mentoring system supporting mentees to gain self-awareness of and to reflect about life-long learning skills. The purpose of the development process was to detect the essential and the suitable elements for an online version of a face-to-face mentoring practice

    EnquiryBlogger: using widgets to support awareness and reflection in a PLE Setting

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    Blogs provide environments within which people can articulate, refine and reflect on practice. These characteristics make them useful for learners who are developing the practical skills and learning dispositions that are associated with authentic enquiry. The EnquiryBlogger tool is being developed to extend the core features of a robust, open source blogging platform in order to support awareness and reflection for enquiry-based learners. The first phase of the project developed blog plug-ins, together with associated teacher dashboards, and piloted their use. Feedback and use data show that the tools support reflection and are valued by learners. The pilot study has informed the development of a second phase of the project, which will support customization of these tools and increase learners’ opportunities to develop awareness of the experiences of others

    D8.6 Dissemination, training and exploitation results

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    Mauerhofer, C., Rajagopal, K., & Greller, W. (2011). D8.6 Dissemination, training and exploitation results. LTfLL-project.Report on sustainability, dissemination and exploitation of the LtfLL projectThe work on this publication has been sponsored by the LTfLL STREP that is funded by the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme. Contract 212578 [http://www.ltfll-project.org

    Using online thesis generators to write persuasive essays in EFL with secondary school students

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    131 PĂĄginas.Fomentar estrategias de escritura en EFL / ESL ha ocasionado que los programas institucionales reconozcan su importancia. En secundaria, los procesos de escritura con Ă©nfasis en productos finales tienen limitaciones de tiempo, poca retroalimentaciĂłn significativa y falta de claridad y cohesiĂłn. Este estudio propone usar generadores de tesis en lĂ­nea para ayudar a estudiantes de secundaria a escribir declaraciones de tesis claras para ensayos persuasivos mĂĄs cohesivos y coherentes. TambiĂ©n propone una metodologĂ­a concreta de auto-reflexiĂłn durante la etapa de pre-escritura acompañada de retroalimentaciĂłn. Los resultados revelaron que aunque la precisiĂłn lingĂŒĂ­stica obstaculizĂł usar los generadores de tesis en lĂ­nea, estos fueron bien acogidos para producir y organizar ideas. AdemĂĄs, la retroalimentaciĂłn fue Ăștil para mejorar la competencia lingĂŒĂ­stica

    Elearning, Communication and Open-data: Massive Mobile, Ubiquitous and Open Learning

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    ABSTRACT: In MOOCs, learning analytics have to be addressed to the various types of learners that participate. This deliverable describes indicators that enable both teachers and learner to monitor the progress and performance as well as identify whether there are learners at risk of dropping out. How these indicators should be computed and displayed to end users by means of dashboards is also explained. Furthermore a proposal based on xAPI statements for storing relevant data and events is provided

    ECO D2.5 Learning analytics requirements and metrics report

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    In MOOCs, learning analytics have to be addressed to the various types of learners that participate. This deliverable describes indicators that enable both teachers and learner to monitor the progress and performance as well as identify whether there are learners at risk of dropping out. How these indicators should be computed and displayed to end users by means of dashboards is also explained. Furthermore a proposal based on xAPI statements for storing relevant data and events is provided.Part of the work carried out has been funded with support from the European Commission, under the ICT Policy Support Programme, as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) in the ECO project under grant agreement n° 21127

    Language Technologies to Support Formative Feedback

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    Berlanga, A. J., Kalz, M., Stoyanov, S., Van Rosmalen, P., Smithies, A., & Braidman, I. (2011). Language technologies to support formative feedback. Educational Technology & Society, 14(4), 11–20.Formative feedback enables comparison to be made between a learner’s current understanding and a desired learning goal. Obtaining this information is a time consuming task that most tutors cannot afford. We therefore wished to develop a support software tool, which provides tutors and learners with information that identifies a learner’s progress, and requires only limited human intervention. The central idea is to use language technologies to create concepts maps automatically from texts, such as students’ essays or Blogs. By comparing maps from students over time, or with maps created from tutor’s materials, or by other students, it should be possible to ascertain learners’ progress and identify remedial actions. We review existing tools for automatic construction of concepts maps and describe our initial explorations of one of these tools. This paper then introduces the theoretical background of the proposed tool, design considerations and requirements. An initial validation, which explored tutors’ perceptions of the tool showed that tutors found the approach relevant, but its implementation in practice requires to consider teachers’ practices, the tools already in use, as well as institutional policies.The work on this publication has been sponsored by the LTfLL STREP that is funded by the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme. Contract 212578 [http://www.ltfll-project.org