6 research outputs found

    One Stack to Run Them All Reducing Concurrent Analysis to Sequential Analysis Under Priority Scheduling

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    Abstract. We present a reduction from a concurrent real-time program with priority preemptive scheduling to a sequential program that has the same set of behaviors. Whereas many static analyses of concurrent programs are undecidable, our reduction enables the application of any sequential program analysis to be applied to a concurrent real-time program with priority preemptive scheduling.

    A Compositional Deadlock Detector for Android Java

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    We develop a static deadlock analysis for commercial Android Java applications, of sizes in the tens of millions of LoC, under active development at Facebook. The analysis runs primarily at code-review time, on only the modified code and its dependents; we aim at reporting to developers in under 15 minutes. To detect deadlocks in this setting, we first model the real language as an abstract language with balanced re-entrant locks, nondeterministic iteration and branching, and non-recursive procedure calls. We show that the existence of a deadlock in this abstract language is equivalent to a certain condition over the sets of critical pairs of each program thread; these record, for all possible executions of the thread, which locks are currently held at the point when a fresh lock is acquired. Since the critical pairs of any program thread is finite and computable, the deadlock detection problem for our language is decidable, and in NP. We then leverage these results to develop an open-source implementation of our analysis adapted to deal with real Java code. The core of the implementation is an algorithm which computes critical pairs in a compositional, abstract interpretation style, running in quasi-exponential time. Our analyser is built in the INFER verification framework and has been in industrial deployment for over two years; it has seen over two hundred fixed deadlock reports with a report fix rate of ∼54%

    Static analysis of unbounded structures in object-oriented programs

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    In this thesis we investigate different techniques and formalisms to address complexity introduced by unbounded structures in object-oriented programs. We give a representation of a weakest precondition calculus for abstract object creation in dynamic logic. Based on this calculus we define symbolic execution including abstract object creation. We investigate the complex behaviour introduced by multi-threading and give a formalism based on the transformation of multi-threaded reentrant call-graphs to thread automata and the application of context free language reachability to decide deadlock freedom of such programs. We give a formalisation of the observable interface behaviour of a concurrent, object-oriented language with futures and promises. The calculus captures the core of the Creol language and allows for a comparison with the concurrency model of thread-based, object-oriented languages like Java or C#. We give a technique to detect deadlock freedom for an Actor-like subset of the Creol language. LEI Universiteit LeidenThe work in this thesis has been carried out at the Christian-Albrechts--Universität zu Kiel, the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), and the Universiteit Leiden. The research was partially funded by the EU-project IST- 33826 Credo: Modeling and analysis of evolutionary structures for distributed services; the EU-project FP7-231620 HATS: Highly Adaptable and Trustworthy Software using Formal Methods; and the German-Norwegian DAAD-NWO exchange project Avabi (Automated validation for behavioral interfaces of asynchronous active objects).Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    Lock sensitive analysis of parallel programs

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    "Lock sensitive analysis of parallel programs" (Lock-Sensitive Analyse nebenläufiger Programme) Diese Dissertation behandelt einen Modellprüfungsalgorithmus für dynamische Pushdown-Netzwerke mit Monitoren (Monitor-DPNs). Monitor-DPNs sind ein Modell für parallele Programme mit rekursiven Prozeduren, Thread-Erzeugung, und wechselweisem Ausschluss durch Monitore. Betrachtet werden Vorgängermengenberechnungen, mit denen man viele interessante Eigenschaften ausdrücken kann, unter Anderem Race-Conditions, Bitvektoranalysen und das (EF,EX)-Fragment der branching-time Logik CTL