1,338 research outputs found

    Machine Understanding of Human Behavior

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    A widely accepted prediction is that computing will move to the background, weaving itself into the fabric of our everyday living spaces and projecting the human user into the foreground. If this prediction is to come true, then next generation computing, which we will call human computing, should be about anticipatory user interfaces that should be human-centered, built for humans based on human models. They should transcend the traditional keyboard and mouse to include natural, human-like interactive functions including understanding and emulating certain human behaviors such as affective and social signaling. This article discusses a number of components of human behavior, how they might be integrated into computers, and how far we are from realizing the front end of human computing, that is, how far are we from enabling computers to understand human behavior

    Initiation of communication from users of AAC and preceding communication partner\u27s utterances

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    This study examined the effect communication partners’ have on the initiations produced by users of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). The data was reviewed from a larger study; it included transcripts and videos of a set of four students from an elementary school classroom in the Midwest. The students had a wide range of abilities. Both the student and teacher utterances were analyzed for: different types of communication functions, environmental factors and conversational factors. It was hypothesized that the communicative function of the previous utterance and the level of aided input used would affect the number of initiations. The findings support the concept that the preceding utterance and communication partner can increase or decrease the number of student initiations. This suggests that the communication partner could make adaptions to their own speech and language, as well as the environment, to maximize therapy and the student’s skills

    JVNV: A Corpus of Japanese Emotional Speech with Verbal Content and Nonverbal Expressions

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    We present the JVNV, a Japanese emotional speech corpus with verbal content and nonverbal vocalizations whose scripts are generated by a large-scale language model. Existing emotional speech corpora lack not only proper emotional scripts but also nonverbal vocalizations (NVs) that are essential expressions in spoken language to express emotions. We propose an automatic script generation method to produce emotional scripts by providing seed words with sentiment polarity and phrases of nonverbal vocalizations to ChatGPT using prompt engineering. We select 514 scripts with balanced phoneme coverage from the generated candidate scripts with the assistance of emotion confidence scores and language fluency scores. We demonstrate the effectiveness of JVNV by showing that JVNV has better phoneme coverage and emotion recognizability than previous Japanese emotional speech corpora. We then benchmark JVNV on emotional text-to-speech synthesis using discrete codes to represent NVs. We show that there still exists a gap between the performance of synthesizing read-aloud speech and emotional speech, and adding NVs in the speech makes the task even harder, which brings new challenges for this task and makes JVNV a valuable resource for relevant works in the future. To our best knowledge, JVNV is the first speech corpus that generates scripts automatically using large language models

    Detection of nonverbal vocalizations using Gaussian Mixture Models: looking for fillers and laughter in conversational speech

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    In this paper, we analyze acoustic profiles of fillers (i.e. filled pauses, FPs) and laughter with the aim to automatically localize these nonverbal vocalizations in a stream of audio. Among other features, we use voice quality features to capture the distinctive production modes of laughter and spectral similarity measures to capture the stability of the oral tract that is characteristic for FPs. Classification experiments with Gaussian Mixture Models and various sets of features are performed. We find that Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients are performing relatively well in comparison to other features for both FPs and laughter. In order to address the large variation in the frame-wise decision scores (e.g., log-likelihood ratios) observed in sequences of frames we apply a median filter to these scores, which yields large performance improvements. Our analyses and results are presented within the framework of this year’s Interspeech Computational Paralinguistics sub-Challenge on Social Signals

    ACII 2009: Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction. Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium 2009

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    Human roars communicate upper-body strength more effectively than do screams or aggressive and distressed speech

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    Despite widespread evidence that nonverbal components of human speech (e.g., voice pitch) communicate information about physical attributes of vocalizers and that listeners can judge traits such as strength and body size from speech, few studies have examined the communicative functions of human nonverbal vocalizations (such as roars, screams, grunts and laughs). Critically, no previous study has yet to examine the acoustic correlates of strength in nonverbal vocalisations, including roars, nor identified reliable vocal cues to strength in human speech. In addition to being less acoustically constrained than articulated speech, agonistic nonverbal vocalizations function primarily to express motivation and emotion, such as threat, and may therefore communicate strength and body size more effectively than speech. Here, we investigated acoustic cues to strength and size in roars compared to screams and speech sentences produced in both aggressive and distress contexts. Using playback experiments, we then tested whether listeners can reliably infer a vocalizer’s actual strength and height from roars, screams, and valenced speech equivalents, and which acoustic features predicted listeners’ judgments. While there were no consistent acoustic cues to strength in any vocal stimuli, listeners accurately judged inter-individual differences in strength, and did so most effectively from aggressive voice stimuli (roars and aggressive speech). In addition, listeners more accurately judged strength from roars than from aggressive speech. In contrast, listeners’ judgments of height were most accurate for speech stimuli. These results support the prediction that vocalizers maximize impressions of physical strength in aggressive compared to distress contexts, and that inter-individual variation in strength may only be honestly communicated in vocalizations that function to communicate threat, particularly roars. Thus, in continuity with nonhuman mammals, the acoustic structure of human aggressive roars may have been selected to communicate, and to some extent exaggerate, functional cues to physical formidability

    Speech, laughter and everything in between: A modulation spectrum-based analysis

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    Ludusan B, Wagner P. Speech, laughter and everything in between: A modulation spectrum-based analysis. In: Proceedings. 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020. 25-28 May 2020, Tokyo, Japan. ISCA; 2020: 995-999.Laughter and speech-laughs are pervasive phenomena found in conversational speech. Nevertheless, few previous studies have compared their acoustic realization to speech. We investigated in this work the suprasegmental characteristics of these two phenomena in relation to speech, by means of a modulation spectrum analysis. Two types of modulation spectra, one encoding the variation of the envelope of the signal and the other one its temporal fine structure, were considered. Using a corpus of spontaneous dyadic interactions, we computed the modulation index spectrum and the f0 spectrum of the three classes of vocalizations considered and we fitted separate generalized additive mixed models for them. The results obtained for the former modulation showed a clear separation between speech, on the one hand, and laughter and speech-laugh, on the other hand, while the f0 spectrum was able to discriminate between all three classes. We conclude with a discussion of the importance of these findings and their implication for laughter detection
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