44,306 research outputs found

    Key pedagogic thinkers: Jacques Lacan

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    The French psychoanalyst, psychiatrist and teacher Jacques Marie Émile Lacan was born on April 13, 1901 and died on September 9, 1981

    Lacan and Organization

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    239 p.Libro ElectrónicoThe work of Jacques Lacan has become an influential source to most disciplines of the social sciences, and is now considered a standard reference in literary theory, cultural studies and political theory. While management and organization studies has traditionally been preoccupied with questions of making corporations more efficient and productive, it has also mobilized a strong and forceful critique of work, management and capitalism. It is primarily as a contribution to this tradition of critical scholarship that we can see the work of Lacan now emerging.La obra de Jacques Lacan se ha convertido en una fuente de influencia para la mayoría de las disciplinas de las ciencias sociales, y ahora se considera una referencia estándar en la teoría literaria, estudios culturales y la teoría política. Mientras que los estudios de gestión y organización ha sido tradicionalmente preocupado por las cuestiones de lo que las empresas más eficientes y productivos, sino que también ha movilizado una fuerte crítica y contundente del trabajo, la gestión y el capitalismo. Es sobre todo como una contribución a esta tradición de los estudios críticos que podemos ver la obra de Lacan surgiendo.Contributors ix Preface xiii Carl Cederström and Casper Hoedemaekers 1 Lacan and Organization: An Introduction 1 2 Lacan at Work 13 3 Symbolic Authority, Fantasmatic Enjoyment and the Spirits of Capitalism: Genealogies of Mutual Engagement 59 4 The Unbearable Weight of Happiness 101 5 For the Love of the Organization 133 6 You Are Where You Are Not: Lacan and Ideology in Contemporary Workplaces 169 7 Danger! Neurotics at Work 187 8 Lacan in Organization Studies 21

    Architecture and psychoanalysis: Peter Eisenman and Jacques Lacan

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    Architecture and Psychoanalysis is an analysis of the relation between psychoanalytic theory and compositional strategies in architecture. In psychoanalysis it focuses on the writing of Jacques Lacan as well as theories of the structure of the psyche, linguistics, and perception. In architecture it focuses on the writings and projects of Peter Eisenman. There are extended discussions on the thought of figures such as Sigmund Freud, Ferdinand de Saussure, and Jacques Derrida, and of the architecture of figures such as Leon Battista Alberti, Francesco Borromini, Giuseppe Terragni, and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Keywords: architecture, psychoanalysis, Peter Eisenman (Barenholtz Pavilion, Frank House, Falk House, Wexner Center, Columbus Convention Center, Aronoff Center), Jacques Lacan (Écrits, A Selection; The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psycho-Analysis), psyche, linguistics, perception, Plato (Timaeus, Republic, Parmenides, Phaedrus), Proclus (Commentary on the First Book of Euclid’s Elements), Plotinus (Enneads), Nicolas Cusanus (De circuli quadratura, De coniecturis), Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (Phenomenology of Spirit, Reason in History, Philosophy of Mind), Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling (The Philosophy of Art, System of Transcendental Idealism), Sigmund Freud (The Interpretation of Dreams, On Dreams, Civilization and Its Discontents, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, An Outline of Psycho-Analysis, Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis, The Ego and the Id), Ferdinand de Saussure (Course in General Linguistics), Structural Linguistics, Noam Chomsky (Language and Mind, Cartesian Linguistics), Jacques Derrida (Writing and Difference, Of Grammatology, Margins of Philosophy), Deconstruction, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Georges Bataille, Roger Caillois, William Empson (Seven Types of Ambiguity), Leon Battista Alberti (Sant’Andrea in Mantua, De pictura), Giulio Romano (Palazzo del Tè), Andrea Palladio, Francesco Borrmomini (San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane), Le Corbusier (Villa Shodhan), Giuseppe Terragni (Casa Giuliani Frigerio, Casa del Fascio), Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Philip Johnson (Glass House), Colin Rowe, Bernard Tschumi (Parc de la Villette), mirror stage, the Other, Imaginary Ego, Symbolic Ego, dreams, subconscious, manifest content, latent content, Vorstellun

    Jacques Lacan, “O Outro” de André Breton

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    Tradução do texto Jacques Lacan, “l’Autre” de André Breton, de Jacqueline Chénieux-Gendron, na qual a autora problematiza articulações existentes entre o pensamento de Jacques Lacan e André Breton.  Translation of paper entitled Jacques Lacan, “l’Autre” de André Breton, written by Jacqueline Chénieux-Gendron, in which the author discusses intersections between the thought of Jacques Lacan and that of André Breton

    Estudar o papel da imaginação e seus princípios de avaliação no cinema a partir da perspectiva de Jacques Lacan

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    Jacques Lacan, the well-known French psychoanalyst, believes that human psyche is formed according to triple pattern which there is a possibility of understanding unconscious as well as actions and reactions of human-being through analysis. Lacan considers that human mind consists of three imaginary, symbolic and real orders that act both simultaneously and connectedly. The research methodology is analytical – descriptive method. In this paper using Lacanian psychoanalysis and imaginary order, we would study the role of imagination and its evaluation in cinema from the perspective of Jacques Lacan.Jacques Lacan, el conocido psicoanalista francés, cree que la psique humana se forma de acuerdo con el triple patrón que existe la posibilidad de comprender el inconsciente, así como las acciones y reacciones del ser humano a través del análisis. Lacan considera que la mente humana consiste en tres órdenes imaginarios, simbólicos y reales que actúan simultáneamente y en conexión. La metodología de investigación es analítica-descriptiva. En este artículo, utilizando el psicoanálisis lacaniano y el orden imaginario, estudiaríamos el papel de la imaginación y su evaluación en el cine desde la perspectiva de Jacques Lacan.Jacques Lacan, o conhecido psicanalista francês, acredita que a psique humana é formada de acordo com o padrão triplo, que existe a possibilidade de se compreender o inconsciente, bem como as ações e reações do ser humano por meio da análise. Lacan considera que a mente humana consiste em três ordens imaginárias, simbólicas e reais que agem simultaneamente e de forma conectada. A metodologia de pesquisa é analítica - método descritivo. Neste artigo, utilizando a psicanálise lacaniana e a ordem imaginária, estudaríamos o papel da imaginação e sua avaliação no cinema a partir da perspectiva de Jacques Lacan

    Jacques Lacan and Language

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    According to Jacques Marie Emile Lacan in Écrits, the metonymic chain in language produces signification at a point which is the “anchoring point,” the point de capiton or button hole, which occurs retroactively, after the phrase is completed, and is the point at which the network of signifiers in the metonymic chain corresponds to a network of signifiers in the concept, the idea of mouth or river, for example, and thus accomplishes signification

    O retorno a Freud de Jacques Lacan

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    Publicação PedagógicaIntrodução ao pensamento de Jacques Lacan - texto comunicado aos alunos da opção "Teorias do Inconsciente

    El triunfo de la religión (reseña)

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    Reseña libro: Lacan, Jacques. El triunfo de la religión (1974). Buenos Aires: Paidós, 2006. 34 páginas.Book Review: Lacan, Jacques. El triunfo de la religión (1974). Buenos Aires: Paidós, 2006. 34 pages.Commentaire du livre: Lacan, Jacques. El triunfo de la religión (1974). Buenos Aires: Paidós, 2006. 34 pages

    Finnegans Wake as proving ground for theory and agent provocateur in literary studies

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    "Finnegans Wake" has struck many of its exegetes as the epitome of the postmodern text. The oddity of James Joyce's last work has been and still is a provocation not only for literary criticism and theory but for every reader of the work. It provokes us to reflect on our preconceptions concerning such fundamental issues as reading, meaning and understanding. Due to this very quality, the work has been a fertile intellectual stimulus for an illustrious band of thinkers of the ―post-projects. Its singularity has provoked and facilitated the further development of theoretical frameworks beyond the confines of literary theory proper. This essay will trace the elaborate theoretical responses of Umberto Eco and Jacques Lacan to Joyce's grand literary arcanum. Eco's concept of the openness of modern works of art and Lacan's elaboration of his psychoanalytic concepts of the symptom and of the Borromean knot were inspired by their study of Joyce. As an extreme instance of literariness, Finnegans Wake thus constitutes an ideal opportunity to consider the scope and boundaries of the scholarly study of literary texts more generally

    A ética da psicanálise

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    Publicação PedagógicaTexto de introdução ao pensamento de Jacques Lacan, comunicado aos alunos da opção teorias do inconsciente ou Estudos lacaniano