34 research outputs found

    Labelled superposition

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    The work presented in this thesis consists of two parts: The first part presents a formalization of the splitting rule for case analysis in superposition and a proof of its correctness, as well as the integration into splitting of a novel approach to lemma learning, which allows the derivation of non-ground lemmas. The second part deals with the application of hierarchic superposition, and in particular superposition modulo linear arithmetic SUP(LA), to the verification of timed and probabilistic timed systems. It contains the following three main contributions: Firstly, a SUP(LA) decision procedure for reachability in timed automata, which is among the first decision procedures for free first-order logic modulo linear arithmetic; secondly, an automatic induction rule for SUP(LA) based on loop detection, whose application allows a generalization of the decidability result for timed automata to timed automata with unbounded integer variables; and thirdly, a formalism for modelling probabilistic timed systems with first-order background theories, as well as a novel approach for the analysis of such systems based on a reduction to model checking using SUP(LA) proof enumeration.Diese Arbeit besteht aus zwei Teilen: Im ersten Teil wird die Splitting-Regel zur Fallunterscheidung im Superpositionskalkül formalisiert und die Korrektheit der Formalisierung bewiesen. Ausserdem wird die Splitting-Regel mit einem neuartigen Verfahren zum Lernen von Lemmata erweitert, welches das Lernen von nicht-grund Lemmata erlaubt. Der zweite Teil befasst sich mit der Anwendung des hierarchischen Superpositionskalküls, insbesondere von Superposition modulo linearer Arithmetik SUP(LA), zur Verifikation von Echtzeit- und probabilistischen Echtzeitsystemen. Die drei wichtigsten Beiträge in diesem Teil sind: Erstens, ein SUP(LA)-basiertes Entscheidungsverfahren für Timed Automata, welches zu den ersten Entscheidungsverfahren für die hierarchische Kombination der freien Logik erster Stufe mit linear Arithmetik gehört; zweitens, eine Regel zur automatischen Induktion in SUP(LA), die auf der Erkennung von Schleifen basiert, und dank derer das Entscheidbarkeitsresultat für Timed Automata hin zu Timed Automata mit unbeschränkten Integer-Variablen verallgemeinert wird; und drittens, ein Formalismus zur Modellierung probabilistischer Echtzeitsysteme mit Hintergrundtheorien erster Stufe, sowie ein neuartiges Verfahren zur Analyse ebensolcher Systeme, welches auf einer Aufzählung von Erreichbarkeitsbeweisen in SUP(LA) sowie einer Zurückführung auf das Model Checking-Verfahren basiert

    Labelled Superposition for {PLTL}

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    This paper introduces a new decision procedure for PLTL based on labelled superposition. Its main idea is to treat temporal formulas as infinite sets of purely propositional clauses over an extended signature. These infinite sets are then represented by finite sets of labelled propositional clauses. The new representation enables the replacement of the complex temporal resolution rule, suggested by existing resolution calculi for PLTL, by a fine grained repetition check of finitely saturated labelled clause sets followed by a simple inference. The completeness argument is based on the standard model building idea from superposition. It inherently justifies ordering restrictions, redundancy elimination and effective partial model building. The latter can be directly used to effectively generate counterexamples of non-valid PLTL conjectures out of saturated labelled clause sets in a straightforward way

    Live User-guided Intrinsic Video For Static Scenes

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    We present a novel real-time approach for user-guided intrinsic decomposition of static scenes captured by an RGB-D sensor. In the first step, we acquire a three-dimensional representation of the scene using a dense volumetric reconstruction framework. The obtained reconstruction serves as a proxy to densely fuse reflectance estimates and to store user-provided constraints in three-dimensional space. User constraints, in the form of constant shading and reflectance strokes, can be placed directly on the real-world geometry using an intuitive touch-based interaction metaphor, or using interactive mouse strokes. Fusing the decomposition results and constraints in three-dimensional space allows for robust propagation of this information to novel views by re-projection.We leverage this information to improve on the decomposition quality of existing intrinsic video decomposition techniques by further constraining the ill-posed decomposition problem. In addition to improved decomposition quality, we show a variety of live augmented reality applications such as recoloring of objects, relighting of scenes and editing of material appearance

    A review of dynamic inflow and its effect on experimental correlations

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    A review is given of the relationship between experimental data and the development of modern dynamic-inflow theory. Some of the most interesting data, first presented 10 years ago at the Dynamic Specialist's Meeting, is now reviewed in light of the newer theories. These pure blade-flapping data correlate very well with analyses that include the new dynamic inflow theory, thus verifying the theory. Experimental data are also presented for damping with coupled inplane and body motions. Although inclusion of dynamic inflow is often required to correlate this coupled data, the data cannot be used to verify any particular dynamic inflow theory due to the uncertainties in modeling the inplane degree of freedom. For verification, pure flapping is required. However, the coupled data do show that inflow is often important in such computations

    SAT-based Explicit LTL Reasoning

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    We present here a new explicit reasoning framework for linear temporal logic (LTL), which is built on top of propositional satisfiability (SAT) solving. As a proof-of-concept of this framework, we describe a new LTL satisfiability tool, Aalta\_v2.0, which is built on top of the MiniSAT SAT solver. We test the effectiveness of this approach by demonnstrating that Aalta\_v2.0 significantly outperforms all existing LTL satisfiability solvers. Furthermore, we show that the framework can be extended from propositional LTL to assertional LTL (where we allow theory atoms), by replacing MiniSAT with the Z3 SMT solver, and demonstrating that this can yield an exponential improvement in performance

    SAT Meets Tableaux for Linear Temporal Logic Satisfiability

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    Linear temporal logic (LTL) and its variant interpreted on finite traces (LTLf) are among the most popular specification languages in the fields of formal verification, artificial intelligence, and others. In this paper, we focus on the satisfiability problem for LTLand LTLfformulas, for which many techniques have been devised during the last decades. Among these are tableau systems, of which the most recent is Reynolds’ tree-shaped tableau. We provide a SAT-based algorithm for LTLand LTLfsatisfiability checking based on Reynolds’ tableau, proving its correctness and discussing experimental results obtained through its implementation in the BLACK satisfiability checker