5 research outputs found

    Dynamic Optical Networks for Data Centres and Media Production

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    This thesis explores all-optical networks for data centres, with a particular focus on network designs for live media production. A design for an all-optical data centre network is presented, with experimental verification of the feasibility of the network data plane. The design uses fast tunable (< 200 ns) lasers and coherent receivers across a passive optical star coupler core, forming a network capable of reaching over 1000 nodes. Experimental transmission of 25 Gb/s data across the network core, with combined wavelength switching and time division multiplexing (WS-TDM), is demonstrated. Enhancements to laser tuning time via current pre-emphasis are discussed, including experimental demonstration of fast wavelength switching (< 35 ns) of a single laser between all combinations of 96 wavelengths spaced at 50 GHz over a range wider than the optical C-band. Methods of increasing the overall network throughput by using a higher complexity modulation format are also described, along with designs for line codes to enable pulse amplitude modulation across the WS-TDM network core. The construction of an optical star coupler network core is investigated, by evaluating methods of constructing large star couplers from smaller optical coupler components. By using optical circuit switches to rearrange star coupler connectivity, the network can be partitioned, creating independent reserves of bandwidth and resulting in increased overall network throughput. Several topologies for constructing a star from optical couplers are compared, and algorithms for optimum construction methods are presented. All of the designs target strict criteria for the flexible and dynamic creation of multicast groups, which will enable future live media production workflows in data centres. The data throughput performance of the network designs is simulated under synthetic and practical media production traffic scenarios, showing improved throughput when reconfigurable star couplers are used compared to a single large star. An energy consumption evaluation shows reduced network power consumption compared to incumbent and other proposed data centre network technologies

    MultiPaths Revisited - A novel approach using OpenFlow-enabled devices

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    This thesis presents novel approaches enhancing the performance of computer networks using multipaths. Our enhancements take the form of congestion- aware routing protocols. We present three protocols called MultiRoute, Step- Route, and finally PathRoute. Each of these protocols leverage both local and remote congestion statistics and build different representations (or views) of the network congestion by using an innovative representation of congestion for router-router links. These congestion statistics are then distributed via an aggregation protocol to other routers in the network. For many years, multipath routing protocols have only been used in simple situations, such as Link Aggregation and/or networks where paths of equal cost (and therefore equal delay) exist. But, paths of unequal costs are often discarded to the benefit of shortest path only routing because it is known that paths of unequal length present different delays and therefore cause out of order packets which cause catastrophic network performances. Further, multipaths become highly beneficial when alternative paths are selected based on the network congestion. But, no realistic solution has been proposed for congestion-aware multipath networks. We present in this thesis a method which selects alternative paths based on network congestion and completely avoids the issue of out of order packets by grouping packets into flows and binding them to a single path for a limited duration. The implementation of these protocols relies heavily on OpenFlow and NOX. OpenFlow enables network researchers to control the behavior of their network equipment by specifying rules in the routers flow table. NOX provides a simple Application Programming Interface (API) to program a routers flow table. Therefore by using OpenFlow and NOX, we are able to define new routing protocols like the ones which we will present in this thesis. We show in this thesis that grouping packets together, while not optimal, still provides a significant increase in network performance. More precisely we show that our protocols can, in some cases, achieve up to N times the throughput of Shortest Path (SP), where N is the number of distinct paths of identical throughput from source to destination. We also show that our protocols provide more predictable throughput than simple hash-based routing algorithms. Todays networks provide more and more connections between any source- destination pair. Most of these connections remain idle until some failure occurs. Using the protocols proposed in this thesis, networks could leverage the added bandwidth provided by these currently idle connections. Therefore, we could increase the overall performance of current networks without replacing the existing hardware

    Architectures and dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithms for next generation optical access networks

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    An investigation of change in drone practices in broadacre farming environments

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    The application of drones in broadacre farming is influenced by novel and emergent factors. Drone technology is subject to legal, financial, social, and technical constraints that affect the Agri-tech sector. This research showed that emerging improvements to drone technology influence the analysis of precision data resulting in disparate and asymmetrically flawed Ag-tech outputs. The novelty of this thesis is that it examines the changes in drone technology through the lens of entropic decay. It considers the planning and controlling of an organisation’s resources to minimise harmful effects through systems change. The rapid advances in drone technology have outpaced the systematic approaches that precision agriculture insists is the backbone of reliable ongoing decision-making. Different models and brands take data from different heights, at different times of the day, and with flight of differing velocities. Drone data is in a state of decay, no longer equally comparable to past years’ harvest and crop data and are now mixed into a blended environment of brand-specific variations in height, image resolution, air speed, and optics. This thesis investigates the problem of the rapid emergence of image-capture technology in drones and the corresponding shift away from the established measurements and comparisons used in precision agriculture. New capabilities are applied in an ad hoc manner as different features are rushed to market. At the same time existing practices are subtly changed to suit individual technology capability. The result is a loose collection of technically superior drone imagery, with a corresponding mismatch of year-to-year agricultural data. The challenge is to understand and identify the difference between uniformly accepted technological advance, and market-driven changes that demonstrate entropic decay. The goal of this research is to identify best practice approaches for UAV deployment for broadacre farming. This study investigated the benefits of a range of characteristics to optimise data collection technologies. It identified widespread discrepancies demonstrating broadening decay on precision agriculture and productivity. The pace of drone development is so rapidly different from mainstream agricultural practices that the once reliable reliance upon yearly crop data no longer shares statistically comparable metrics. Whilst farmers have relied upon decades of satellite data that has used the same optics, time of day and flight paths for many years, the innovations that drive increasingly smarter drone technologies are also highly problematic since they render each successive past year’s crop metrics as outdated in terms of sophistication, detail, and accuracy. In five years, the standardised height for recording crop data has changed four times. New innovations, coupled with new rules and regulations have altered the once reliable practice of recording crop data. In addition, the cost of entry in adopting new drone technology is sufficiently varied that agriculturalists are acquiring multiple versions of different drone UAVs with variable camera and sensor settings, and vastly different approaches in terms of flight records, data management, and recorded indices. Without addressing this problem, the true benefits of optimization through machine learning are prevented from improving harvest outcomes for broadacre farming. The key findings of this research reveal a complex, constantly morphing environment that is seeking to build digital trust and reliability in an evolving global market in the face of rapidly changing technology, regulations, standards, networks, and knowledge. The once reliable discipline of precision agriculture is now a fractured melting pot of “first to market” innovations and highly competitive sellers. The future of drone technology is destined for further uncertainty as it struggles to establish a level of maturity that can return broadacre farming to consistent global outcomes