1,463 research outputs found

    Las concesiones de infraestructuras de transporte en los países de Centro y Este de Europa: influencia del entorno institucional

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    La necesidad de incrementar de modo significativo sus niveles de inversión en infraestructuras de transporte, unida a las exigencias en materia de control del déficit presupuestario y de la deuda pública, conducen a los países recientemente incorporados a la Unión Europea a una apuesta por los mecanismos de participación del sector privado, principalmente a través de concesiones. Además, se trata de un planteamiento impulsado por la propia Comisión Europea para todos los países de la Unión Europea. En este artículo se analizan algunos de los principales problemas a los que se enfrentan los países recientemente incorporados a la Unión Europea en su empeño por avanzar en el desarrollo del sistema concesional, que son en buena medida problemas derivados de la complejidad de los proyectos concesionales y de las deficiencias del entorno institucional en estos países. - The need to significantly increase investment levels in transport infrastructures, together with the requirements for control of budgetary deficit and public debt, has led to the backing by countries recently incorporated in the European Union for private sector participation methods, mainly through concessions. This is, in fact, the focus promoted by the European Commission for all EU countries. This article examines some of the main problems affecting the new members of the EU when attempting to develop the concessionary system and which are largely related to the complexity of the concession project itself and the defects in the institutional environment in these countries

    Reducing regulatory barriers to private - sector participation in Latin America's water and sanitation services

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    The lack of an appropriate regulatory environment is a principal factor behind inadequate water and sanitation services in many parts of Latin America. Many governments recognize the need to improve cost recovery and accountability in services - and increasingly see private sector participation as a tool for improving efficiency and attracting commercial sources of investment finance. Consultants interviewed representatives of private companies that recently contended for contracts to provide water and sanitation services in four Latin American cities (Buenos Aires, Caracas, Mexico City, and Santiago). These private operators identify the regulatory conditions they look for deciding whether to participate in a bid. On the basis of the interviews, the authors identified nine conditions. (1) Specify key terms and conditions of regulation in the contract, leaving little discretionary power to the regulating authority. In particular, specify the key aspects of regulation (such as price, quantity, and quality) in the contract. (2) Spell out credible procedures for the fair resolution of disagreements about contractual or regulatory matters. (3) Carefully specify credible technical objectives which the contractor will be expected to achieve under the contract. (4) See that government tariff policies support the principle of cost recovery for water services - and that tariff adjustment formulas adequately reflect changes in costs, inflation, and the exchange rate. (5) If historical collection rates do not indicate consumers'willingness to pay for services such as tariffs that reflect the cost of service, allow an adequate period of time to phase in higher tariffs - and give the operator adequate protection from nonpayers (either the right to cut off service or recourse to another source of payment). (6) Review public works law, contract law, and accounting practices and, if necessary, amend them in advance to ensure that they accommodate and protect any long-term investments foreseen under build-own-transfer or concession-type arrangements. (7) Eliminate unnecessary and bureaucratic administrative requirements that make bidding expensive. (8) Make a contract and expected profits big enough to warrant the high fixed cost of bidding. (9) Provide the education and outreach needed to inform consumers and secure the support of labor interests. In addition, the firms interviewed said that host countries would be better able to attract private-sector providers if they: (a) used reputable outside technical, legal, and financial advisors; (b) allowed local and foreign banks that finance investments to review and comment on proposed contracts and participate in negotiations; and (c) reduced the cost of bidding for small contracts.Urban Water Supply and Sanitation,Infrastructure Regulation,Town Water Supply and Sanitation,Water and Industry,Water Supply and Sanitation Governance and Institutions

    Analysis of electronic and telematic voting systems in binding experiences

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    This paper is about analysis and assess of three experiences on telematic and electronic voting dealing with such aspects as security and achievement of the social requirements. These experiences have been chosen taking into account the deepness of the public documentation and the technological challenge they faces

    A pie hasta Washington y ni una ampolla

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    Fondo Margaritainés RestrepoEl Colombiano, 12 de febrero, 1989, p.8 B(Artículos periodísticos

    Dijous, núm. 370

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    Manual de contratación pública para contratos de obra de infraestructura vial (Invias-IDU-UMV)

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónEl presente trabajo busca analizar y profundizar los procedimientos de contratación pública en Colombia para contratos de Obra de Infraestructura Vial con las principales entidades del sector y convertirse en una herramienta útil para los estudiantes o ingenieros recién graduados que no han tenido experiencia en este campo, pero que se interesan en fortalecer su perfil académico conociendo los conceptos y procedimiento básicos para la adjudicación de un contrato.PregradoIngeniero Civi

    Agosto de 1541: ¡por fin nos descubrieron!

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    Fondo Margaritainés RestrepoEl Colombiano, 25 de agosto, 1991, p. 3 B(Artículos periodísticos

    Aplicatiu per gestionar la informació administrativa, tècnica i comptable per una empresa constructora

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    Curs 2008-2009Les tendencies del mercat actual i futur obliguen a les empreses a ser cada vegada més competitives. Tota empresa que desitgi competir en el mercat actual ha de considerar la informació com un dels seus principals actius. Per aquesta raó, és necessari que l’empresa disposi dels sistemes d’informació adequats per ser gestionada. En les pimes ( petites i mitjanes empreses ), i en la majoria dels casos, la seva informació es troba repartida en diversos aplicatius informàtifcs. Això comporta principalment una duplicitat de dades, costos de manteniment i possibles errades en la informació. Dins del sector de les pimes, es troben empreses contructores d’un volum petit o mig, les quals enmagatzemen molta informació tècnica i de planificació per desemvolupar els seus projectes. Aquesta necessitat els hi suposa, tenir un aplicatiu eficient per la gestió i seguiment de la producció de les seves tasques i per altra banda l’aplicatiu necessari com qualsevol pime a nivell administratiu i comptable. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és generar un aplicatiu que integri la informació administrativa, comptable i tècnica per una empresa constructora. Amb l’assoliment d’aquest objectiu l’empresa constructora guanya temps en l’entrada i accés a les dades, evita la seva duplicitat i redueix el seu manteniment. En resum, redueix els costos de l’empresa i augmenta la seva seguretat en la informació. Un el mercat, existeixen aplicatius anomenats ERP ( Enterprise resource planning o sistemes de planificació de recursos ) els quals la seva gran virtud es la integració de les dades. Aprofitant aquests aplicatius i seleccionant-ne el més adequat, s’ha generat la part de gestió i planificació necessària per l’empresa constructora integrant-la i personalitzant-la en els processos existents de l’aplicació ( comptabilitat, ventes, compres, recursos humans, magatzems, etc… ) Entre les conclusions més rellevants obtingudes en aquest treball, voldriem destacar la millora i reducció d’entrada, accés i manteniment de la informació, l’històric que proporciona l’eina i per tan la millora de la gestío i planificació de l’empresa.The tendencies of the current and future market obliges to the companies to be more and more competitive. All company that wishes to compete in the current market has to consider the information as one of its main assets. For this reason, it is necessary that the company has suitable information systems to be managed. In the [PIMES] SAMC ( Small and Medium Companies), and in the most of cases, its information is found distributed in several informatic applications. That involves mainly a duplicity of data, costs of maintenance and possible errors in the information. Within the sector of the SAMC, we can found building companies with small or middle volume, which stores a lot of technical data and of planning for developing its projects. This need supposes, to have an efficient application for the management and the following of its tasks and works production and on the other hand tthey have to have the necessary application, as everyone SAMC, to an administrative level and countable. The main goal of this work is to generate an application that makes up the administrative, countable and technical information for a construction company. With the achievement of this objective the construction company earns time in the entrance and access to data, avoids its duplicity and reduces its maintenance. In short, reduces the costs of the company and increases its security in the information. In the market, there are applications called ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning) where its big one virtue is the integration of the datum. Making good use of these applications and selecting the most suitable one, has been generated the management part and necessary planning for the construction company making up it and personalizing it in the existing processes of the application ( accounting, selling, purchases, human resources, stores, etc… ) Between the most relevant conclusions obtained in this work, we would like to emphasize the improvement and the reduction, access and maintenance of the information, and the historic one that gives the tool and for this reason the improvement of the management and of the planning of the company.Director/a: Ma. Dolors Anton i Sol