21 research outputs found

    Review of livestock welfare indicators relevant for the Australian live export industry

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    Animal welfare is an important issue for the live export industry (LEI), in terms of economic returns, community attitudes and international socio-political relations. Mortality has traditionally been the main welfare measure recorded within the LEI; however, high mortality incidents are usually acted upon after adverse events occur, reducing the scope for proactive welfare enhancement. We reviewed 71 potential animal welfare measures, identifying those measures that would be appropriate for use throughout the LEI for feeder and slaughter livestock species, and categorised these as animal-, environment- and resource-based. We divided the live export supply chain into three sectors: (1) Australian facilities, (2) vessel and (3) destination country facilities. After reviewing the relevant regulations for each sector of the industry, we identified 38 (sector 1), 35 (sector 2) and 26 (sector 3) measures already being collected under current practice. These could be used to form a ‘welfare information dashboard’: a LEI-specific online interface for collecting data that could contribute towards standardised industry reporting. We identified another 20, 25 and 28 measures that are relevant to each LEI sector (sectors 1, 2, 3, respectively), and that could be developed and integrated into a benchmarking system in the future

    Cambio regional y rural en Irlanda

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    Belichte groentegewassen : een bedrijfseconomische en milieukundige evaluatie

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    L'Impacte del medi ambient en l'economia productiva

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    The Catalan minister for the environment explains that the Kyoto conference was not so much about the environment as about the productive economy. There is a danger of climate change because of economic growth . Although not proven it is better to act reducing emissions. The European Union permits Spain to increase emissions because of its relative backwardness, but Catalonia is heavily industrialised and more concerned about quality of life. The environment is an opportunity for sustainable development. The Agenda 21 is being adopted in Catalonia. Industrial waste management successfully uses a combination of incentives and penalties. Especially significant is the valuation of waste. Other policies are voluntary agreements and direct economic measures . Pollution taxes have been extensively applied since 1981 with 60% reduction in waste water. The Catalan government is concerned about business sustainability. Business can connect with society through environmental reporting . The number of environmental goods and services firms has multiplied by 37 in the last four years. Sustainability is being incorporated into the business culture . The Catalan government, in an effort to modernise administration, has a new law simplifying and integrating environmental paperwork for business

    L'Impacte del medi ambient en l'economia productiva

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    The Catalan minister for the environment explains that the Kyoto conference was not so much about the environment as about the productive economy. There is a danger of climate change because of economic growth . Although not proven it is better to act reducing emissions. The European Union permits Spain to increase emissions because of its relative backwardness, but Catalonia is heavily industrialised and more concerned about quality of life. The environment is an opportunity for sustainable development. The Agenda 21 is being adopted in Catalonia. Industrial waste management successfully uses a combination of incentives and penalties. Especially significant is the valuation of waste. Other policies are voluntary agreements and direct economic measures . Pollution taxes have been extensively applied since 1981 with 60% reduction in waste water. The Catalan government is concerned about business sustainability. Business can connect with society through environmental reporting . The number of environmental goods and services firms has multiplied by 37 in the last four years. Sustainability is being incorporated into the business culture . The Catalan government, in an effort to modernise administration, has a new law simplifying and integrating environmental paperwork for business

    Economia i comarques a Catalunya el 1996: creixement del PIB del Principat i les seves comarques

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    One of the two main savings banks of Catalonia, Caixa Calalunya, has started a periodical publication of regional economic growth, detailed down to county level. The results for 1996 are presented here. A new model of Catalan growth has he en established based on the single market and globalisation, whereas before 1992 growth had always been based on internal demand

    Economia i comarques a Catalunya el 1996: creixement del PIB del Principat i les seves comarques

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    One of the two main savings banks of Catalonia, Caixa Calalunya, has started a periodical publication of regional economic growth, detailed down to county level. The results for 1996 are presented here. A new model of Catalan growth has he en established based on the single market and globalisation, whereas before 1992 growth had always been based on internal demand

    Model trimestrial de Prognoză a PIB-ului Republicii Moldova

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    The purpose of the present paper is to describe a model of quarterly GDP forecast, categories of uses, in accordance with the development priorities of the Republic of Moldova in the medium term. The achievement of the main purpose requires to draw up the tasks, among which: - Conceptual approach of time series, with reference to the use of ARIMA technique for estimating the time series; - Economic analysis of the categories of uses, subcomponents of GDP; - Studying time series, using method of indices, where the following indicators were used as: growth rate, structure, degree of influence and influence; - Forecast of categories of uses, for the same reference period 2019-2020 Actuality of the research - Use of the ARIMA technique; - Using econometric package Eviews for estimating and developing the macroeconometric model. Scientific and methodological approaches described in this paper will serve as scientific support for the Ministry of Economy in the process of developing their own economic scenarios and forecasting options. Research methods: identifying trends in economic development; diagnostic analysis; economic forecasts scientifically substantiated, ARIMA methods, regression analysis of time series

    Economische effecten natuurcompensatie Tweede Maasvlakte op de visserijsector

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    In deze studie zijn de privaat economische effecten van de aanleg van de Maasvlakte II en de bijkomende natuurcompensatie in een deel van de Voordelta geschat voor de visserijsector. In de analyse zijn zowel de visserij als de handel en verwerkende industrie en de toeleverende bedrijven meegenomen. De effecten zijn bepaald aan de hand van informatie over de visserijactiviteiten over de periode 2005-2007, voor het geval de visserijactiviteiten moeten worden verplaatst of beëindigd. Op basis van de afhankelijkheid van de verschillende typen visserijen van de gebieden in kwestie wordt een schatting gemaakt van het totale effect van de maatregelen.This study assesses the private-economic effects of the construction of Maasvlakte II and the related ecological compensation to the fishing sector in part of the Voordelta. The analysis reviews the effects on the fishing industry, the fish trade and the fish-processing and supply industries. The effects of the relocation or termination of fishing operations are determined on the basis of information about fishing operations during the period 2005-2007. An estimateof the total effect of the measures is made on the basis of the dependency of the various fishing subsectors on these areas