824 research outputs found

    Comparison of Polar Decoders with Existing Low-Density Parity-Check and Turbo Decoders

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    Polar codes are a recently proposed family of provably capacity-achieving error-correction codes that received a lot of attention. While their theoretical properties render them interesting, their practicality compared to other types of codes has not been thoroughly studied. Towards this end, in this paper, we perform a comparison of polar decoders against LDPC and Turbo decoders that are used in existing communications standards. More specifically, we compare both the error-correction performance and the hardware efficiency of the corresponding hardware implementations. This comparison enables us to identify applications where polar codes are superior to existing error-correction coding solutions as well as to determine the most promising research direction in terms of the hardware implementation of polar decoders.Comment: Fixes small mistakes from the paper to appear in the proceedings of IEEE WCNC 2017. Results were presented in the "Polar Coding in Wireless Communications: Theory and Implementation" Worksho

    VLSI implementation of a multi-mode turbo/LDPC decoder architecture

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    Flexible and reconfigurable architectures have gained wide popularity in the communications field. In particular, reconfigurable architectures for the physical layer are an attractive solution not only to switch among different coding modes but also to achieve interoperability. This work concentrates on the design of a reconfigurable architecture for both turbo and LDPC codes decoding. The novel contributions of this paper are: i) tackling the reconfiguration issue introducing a formal and systematic treatment that, to the best of our knowledge, was not previously addressed; ii) proposing a reconfigurable NoCbased turbo/LDPC decoder architecture and showing that wide flexibility can be achieved with a small complexity overhead. Obtained results show that dynamic switching between most of considered communication standards is possible without pausing the decoding activity. Moreover, post-layout results show that tailoring the proposed architecture to the WiMAX standard leads to an area occupation of 2.75 mm2 and a power consumption of 101.5 mW in the worst case

    Myths and Realities of Rateless Coding

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    Fixed-rate and rateless channel codes are generally treated separately in the related research literature and so, a novice in the field inevitably gets the impression that these channel codes are unrelated. By contrast, in this treatise, we endeavor to further develop a link between the traditional fixed-rate codes and the recently developed rateless codes by delving into their underlying attributes. This joint treatment is beneficial for two principal reasons. First, it facilitates the task of researchers and practitioners, who might be familiar with fixed-rate codes and would like to jump-start their understanding of the recently developed concepts in the rateless reality. Second, it provides grounds for extending the use of the well-understood code design tools — originally contrived for fixed-rate codes — to the realm of rateless codes. Indeed, these versatile tools proved to be vital in the design of diverse fixed-rate-coded communications systems, and thus our hope is that they will further elucidate the associated performance ramifications of the rateless coded schemes

    System-on-chip Computing and Interconnection Architectures for Telecommunications and Signal Processing

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    This dissertation proposes novel architectures and design techniques targeting SoC building blocks for telecommunications and signal processing applications. Hardware implementation of Low-Density Parity-Check decoders is approached at both the algorithmic and the architecture level. Low-Density Parity-Check codes are a promising coding scheme for future communication standards due to their outstanding error correction performance. This work proposes a methodology for analyzing effects of finite precision arithmetic on error correction performance and hardware complexity. The methodology is throughout employed for co-designing the decoder. First, a low-complexity check node based on the P-output decoding principle is designed and characterized on a CMOS standard-cells library. Results demonstrate implementation loss below 0.2 dB down to BER of 10^{-8} and a saving in complexity up to 59% with respect to other works in recent literature. High-throughput and low-latency issues are addressed with modified single-phase decoding schedules. A new "memory-aware" schedule is proposed requiring down to 20% of memory with respect to the traditional two-phase flooding decoding. Additionally, throughput is doubled and logic complexity reduced of 12%. These advantages are traded-off with error correction performance, thus making the solution attractive only for long codes, as those adopted in the DVB-S2 standard. The "layered decoding" principle is extended to those codes not specifically conceived for this technique. Proposed architectures exhibit complexity savings in the order of 40% for both area and power consumption figures, while implementation loss is smaller than 0.05 dB. Most modern communication standards employ Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing as part of their physical layer. The core of OFDM is the Fast Fourier Transform and its inverse in charge of symbols (de)modulation. Requirements on throughput and energy efficiency call for FFT hardware implementation, while ubiquity of FFT suggests the design of parametric, re-configurable and re-usable IP hardware macrocells. In this context, this thesis describes an FFT/IFFT core compiler particularly suited for implementation of OFDM communication systems. The tool employs an accuracy-driven configuration engine which automatically profiles the internal arithmetic and generates a core with minimum operands bit-width and thus minimum circuit complexity. The engine performs a closed-loop optimization over three different internal arithmetic models (fixed-point, block floating-point and convergent block floating-point) using the numerical accuracy budget given by the user as a reference point. The flexibility and re-usability of the proposed macrocell are illustrated through several case studies which encompass all current state-of-the-art OFDM communications standards (WLAN, WMAN, xDSL, DVB-T/H, DAB and UWB). Implementations results are presented for two deep sub-micron standard-cells libraries (65 and 90 nm) and commercially available FPGA devices. Compared with other FFT core compilers, the proposed environment produces macrocells with lower circuit complexity and same system level performance (throughput, transform size and numerical accuracy). The final part of this dissertation focuses on the Network-on-Chip design paradigm whose goal is building scalable communication infrastructures connecting hundreds of core. A low-complexity link architecture for mesochronous on-chip communication is discussed. The link enables skew constraint looseness in the clock tree synthesis, frequency speed-up, power consumption reduction and faster back-end turnarounds. The proposed architecture reaches a maximum clock frequency of 1 GHz on 65 nm low-leakage CMOS standard-cells library. In a complex test case with a full-blown NoC infrastructure, the link overhead is only 3% of chip area and 0.5% of leakage power consumption. Finally, a new methodology, named metacoding, is proposed. Metacoding generates correct-by-construction technology independent RTL codebases for NoC building blocks. The RTL coding phase is abstracted and modeled with an Object Oriented framework, integrated within a commercial tool for IP packaging (Synopsys CoreTools suite). Compared with traditional coding styles based on pre-processor directives, metacoding produces 65% smaller codebases and reduces the configurations to verify up to three orders of magnitude

    An LDPC Decoder Architecture for Wireless Sensor Network Applications

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    The pervasive use of wireless sensors in a growing spectrum of human activities reinforces the need for devices with low energy dissipation. In this work, coded communication between a couple of wireless sensor devices is considered as a method to reduce the dissipated energy per transmitted bit with respect to uncoded communication. Different Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes are considered to this purpose and post layout results are shown for a low-area low-energy decoder, which offers percentage energy savings with respect to the uncoded solution in the range of 40%–80%, depending on considered environment, distance and bit error rate

    Probabilistically Bounded Soft Sphere Detection for MIMO-OFDM Receivers: Algorithm and System Architecture

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    Iterative soft detection and channel decoding for MIMO OFDM downlink receivers is studied in this work. Proposed inner soft sphere detection employs a variable upper bound for number of candidates per transmit antenna and utilizes the breath-first candidate-search algorithm. Upper bounds are based on probability distribution of the number of candidates found inside the spherical region formed around the received symbol-vector. Detection accuracy of unbounded breadth-first candidate search is preserved while significant reduction of the search latency and area cost is achieved. This probabilistically bounded candidate-search algorithm improves error-rate performance of non-probabilistically bounded soft sphere detection algorithms, while providing smaller detection latency with same hardware resources. Prototype architecture of soft sphere detector is synthesized on Xilinx FPGA and for an ASIC design. Using area-cost of a single soft sphere detector, a level of processing parallelism required to achieve targeted high data rates for future wireless systems (for example, 1 Gbps data rate) is determined.NokiaNational Science Foundatio

    Research on energy-efficient VLSI decoder for LDPC code

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3742号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2012/9/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新6113Waseda Universit