323 research outputs found

    Improved Accuracy for Fluid Flow Problems Via Enhanced Physics

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    This thesis is an investigation of numerical methods for approximating solutions to fluid flow problems, specifically the Navier-Stokes equations (NSE) and magnetohydrodynamic equations (MHD), with an overriding theme of enforcing more physical behavior in discrete solutions. It is well documented that numerical methods with more physical accuracy exhibit better long-time behavior than comparable methods that enforce less physics in their solutions. This work develops, analyzes and tests finite element methods that better enforce mass conservation in discrete velocity solutions to the NSE and MHD, helicity conservation for NSE, cross-helicity conservation in MHD, and magnetic field incompressibility in MHD

    Improving mass conservation in FE approximations of the Navier Stokes equations using continuous velocity fields: A connection between grad-div stabilization and Scott--Vogelius elements

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    This article studies two methods for obtaining excellent mass conservation in finite element computations of the Navier-Stokes equations using continuous velocity fields. Under mild restrictions, the Scott-Vogelius element pair has recently been shown to be inf-sup stable and have optimal approximation properties, while also providing pointwise mass conservation. We present herein the first numerical tests of this element pair for the time dependent Navier-Stokes equations. We also prove that, again under these mild restrictions, the limit of the grad-div stabilized Taylor-Hood solutions to the Navier-Stokes problem converges to the Scott-Vogelius solution as the stabilization parameter tends to infinity. That is, in this setting, we provide theoretical justification that choosing the parameter large does not destroy the solution. A limiting result is also proven for the general case. Numerical tests are provided which verify the theory, and show how both Scott-Vogelius and grad-div stabilized Taylor-Hood (with large stabilization parameter) elements can provide accurate results with excellent mass conservation for Navier-Stokes approximations

    A mixed discontinuous/continuous finite element pair for shallow-water ocean modelling

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    We introduce a mixed discontinuous/continuous finite element pair for ocean modelling, with continuous quadratic pressure/layer depth and discontinuous velocity. We investigate the finite element pair applied to the linear shallow-water equations on an f-plane. The element pair has the property that all geostrophically balanced states which strongly satisfy the boundary conditions have discrete divergence equal to exactly zero and hence are exactly steady states of the discretised equations. This means that the finite element pair has excellent geostrophic balance properties. We illustrate these properties using numerical tests and provide convergence calculations which show that the discretisation has quadratic errors, indicating that the element pair is stable