1,206,549 research outputs found

    On the index system of well-rounded lattices

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    Let \Lb be a lattice in an nn-dimensional Euclidean space EE and let \Lb' be a Minkowskian sublattice of \Lb, that is, a sublattice having a basis made of representatives for the Minkowski successive minima of \Lb. We consider the set of possible quotients \Lb/\Lb' which may exists in a given dimension or among not too large values of the index [\Lb:\Lb'], indeed [\Lb:\Lb']\le 4, or dimension n≤8n\le 8.Comment: 17 page

    Ocean shrimp report 1979 season

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    Statewide Pacific ocean shrimp, Pandalus jordani, landings totaled 2,237.7 mt (4,922,857 lb), down 3,745 mt (8,240,386 lb) from the 1978 catch of 5,983.3 mt (13,163,243 lb). The 1979 landings are the lowest since 1976 when 1,545.5 mt (3,400,191 lb) were landed. Area A (Eureka-Crescent City)landings dropped to 1,842.5 mt (4,053,605 lb) from 5,046.3 mt (11,101,895 lb) landed during the previous season. No landings were made in Area B-1 (Fort Bragg). Only 2.0 mt (4,385 lb) were reported caught in Area B-2 (Bodega Bay). Record landings of 393.1 mt (864,867 lb) were made in Area C (Morro Bay-Avila), surpassing the previous record of 90.4 mt (199,000 lb) landed in 1953. In Area A a record 71 vessels, 34 double-rigged and 37 single-rigged, shrimped during the season. Average catch per hour was a low .15 mt (338 lb) and .22 mt (490 1b) for single-rig and double-rig vessels, respectively. In Area C average catch per hour was .23 mt (508 lb) and .42 mt (924 lb) for single-rig and double-rig vessels, respectively. Area A shrimp catches were dominated by 1-year-old shrimp throughout most of the season. The age composition in Area C shifted predominately from 2-year-old shrimp in May and June to predominately 1-year-old shrimp in July, August, October, and November. Area A was closed for one month from July 15 to August 15 because closure criteria of less than .16 mt (350 lb) per hour for two consecutive weeks was met and year class composition exceeded 70% of 1-year-old shrimp. The season was closed October 14 when the catch per hour criterion was exceeded again. (18pp.

    Ocean shrimp report 1978 season

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    Statewide Pacific ocean shrimp, Pandalus jordani, landings totaled 13,163,243 lb, down about 2.5 million lb from the 1977 record catch of 15,639,584 lb. However, the 1978 landings were still the second highest on record. Area A (Eureka-Crescent City) landings were the second highest in history with landings of 11,101,895 lb. Landings of 2,061,348 lb in Area B-1 (Fort Bragg) broke all existing records for the bed. The previous record was 799,722 lb landed in 1961. No landings were reported for Areas B-2 (Bodega Bay) and C (Avila-Morro Bay). In Area A the average catch per hour for the season for single-rig vessels was 581 lb and 862 lb for double-rig vessels. Area B-1 average catch per hour was 819 lb and 1,069 lb per hour for single-rig and double-rig vessels, respectively. Two-year-old (1976 year class) shrimp dominated the catches during the first three months in Area A and throughout the season in Area B-1. One-year-old (1977 year class) shrimp dominated the catches in Area A from July to the end of the season. Catches during the first part of October in Area A fell below the established criteria for keeping the season open. This necessitated closing the season two weeks early. (16pp.

    Ocean shrimp report 1977 season

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    Statewide Pacific ocean shrimp, Pandalus jordani, landings totaled 15,639,585 lb, more than triple the 1975 record catch of 4,992,233 lb. Record landings were recorded in Area A (Eureka-Crescent City), Area B-2 (Bodega Ray) with catches totaling 13,025,844 and 2,028,607 lb, respectively. Area B-1 (Fort Bragg) landings totaled 585,133 lb and no landings were reported from Area C (Avila-Morro Bay). In Area A the average catch per hour for the season for single-rig vessels was 1,241 lb and 2,228 lb for double-rig vessels. Area B-2 average catch per hour by the single-rig vessels was 2,536 lb. Two-year-old (1975 year class) shrimp dominated the catches in all areas. The outlook for the 1978 season in all areas is questionable because of the relatively weak showing of the incoming 1977 year class but it might make a significant contribution if abundant and of a marketable slze. (19pp.

    Lattice Boltzmann versus Molecular Dynamics simulation of nano-hydrodynamic flows

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    A fluid flow in a simple dense liquid, passing an obstacle in a two-dimensional thin film geometry, is simulated by Molecular Dynamics (MD) computer simulation and compared to results of Lattice Boltzmann (LB) simulations. By the appropriate mapping of length and time units from LB to MD, the velocity field as obtained from MD is quantitatively reproduced by LB. The implications of this finding for prospective LB-MD multiscale applications are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Ocean shrimp report 1976 season

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    Statewide Pacific ocean shrimp, Pandalus jordani, landings totaled 3,400,191 lb, down from the 1975 record catch of 4,992,233 lb but well above the 10-year (1966-1975) mean of 2.6 million lb. Landings from Areas A (Eureka-Crescent City) and B-1 (Fort Bragg) were 2.7 and 0.7 million lb, respectively. Only negligible amounts were landed in Areas B-2 (Bodega Bay) and C (Avila-Morro Bay). In Areas A and B-1 catch per hour trawled by single-rig vessels ranged from 294 to 1,803 lb while catch per hour by double-rig vessels ranged from 431 to 3,428 lb. Two-year-old (1974 year class) shrimp dominated the catches during the first part of the season, but 1-year-old (1975 year class) shrimp dominated the catches from August to October. The outlook for the 1977 season in Areas A, B-1 and B-2 is good because of the strong showing of the 1975 year class. (15pp.
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