California Department of Fish and Game, Marine Resources Region
Statewide Pacific ocean shrimp, Pandalus jordani, landings
totaled 3,400,191 lb, down from the 1975 record catch of
4,992,233 lb but well above the 10-year (1966-1975) mean of
2.6 million lb. Landings from Areas A (Eureka-Crescent City)
and B-1 (Fort Bragg) were 2.7 and 0.7 million lb, respectively. Only negligible amounts were landed in Areas B-2 (Bodega Bay) and C (Avila-Morro Bay). In Areas A and B-1 catch per hour trawled by single-rig vessels ranged from 294 to 1,803 lb while catch per hour by double-rig vessels ranged from 431 to 3,428 lb. Two-year-old (1974 year class) shrimp dominated the catches during the first part of the season, but 1-year-old (1975 year class) shrimp dominated the catches from August to October. The outlook for the 1977 season in Areas A, B-1 and B-2 is good because of the strong showing of the 1975 year class. (15pp.